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Journal 10/25/2011 What does being a hero mean to you? What makes someone a hero? Who do you think is the best example of a hero and why? –6-8 sentences!

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 10/25/2011 What does being a hero mean to you? What makes someone a hero? Who do you think is the best example of a hero and why? –6-8 sentences!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 10/25/2011 What does being a hero mean to you? What makes someone a hero? Who do you think is the best example of a hero and why? –6-8 sentences!

2 Epic. Elements of epic literature…

3 Elements of Epic-ness Epic Hero Epic Plot Epic Setting Archetypes Epic Themes

4 Epic hero Possess super human strength, craftiness, and confidence Either helped or harmed by the gods They have ideals/ values that the culture admires Manages to stay alive in dangerous situations

5 Epic Plot Must involve a LONG journey with complications: –Strange creature –Divine intervention (gods helping or hurting) –Large-scale events –Treacherous weather

6 Epic Setting They must go to strange, fantastic or exotic lands They must travel to more than one nation.

7 Archetypes Archetypes are characters, situations, and images that are present in many times and cultures: –Sea monster –Wicked temptress –Buried treasure –Suitors’ contest –Epic hero –Loyal servant

8 Epic themes Reflects universal themes: –Courage –Fate of a nation –A homecoming –Beauty –Loyalty –Life and death

9 Can you… Think of any epic stories or heroes? As we read The Odyssey (an epic poem) look for elements that make it epic!

10 Vocab 1 The Odyssey Beguiling Foreboding Meditation Travail Adversary Ponderous Profusion Ardor Abominably Appalled Harried Assuage

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