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1 Case Study: Purchase Ticket. 2 Overview “Purchase Ticket by Check” Use case. Sequence Diagrams. Conceptual Model. Contracts.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Case Study: Purchase Ticket. 2 Overview “Purchase Ticket by Check” Use case. Sequence Diagrams. Conceptual Model. Contracts."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Case Study: Purchase Ticket

2 2 Overview “Purchase Ticket by Check” Use case. Sequence Diagrams. Conceptual Model. Contracts.

3 3 Purchase Ticket by Check Use case Actor: Customer (initiator), clerk Purpose: Reserve seats on an airplane and capture their check payment. Overview A customer arrives at the counter requesting to purchase tickets. The clerk finds a suitable flight and reserves seats on it for him\her. The customer pays for the tickets with check. When done, the customer leaves with purchased tickets Type: Primary and Essential

4 4 Expanded Use Case Format: Use Case: Purchase Ticket by Check Use case Typical course of actions:

5 5 Expanded Use Case Format: Use Case: Purchase Ticket by Check Use case Typical course of actions: Alternatives: - Line 3, if there are no available flights on the specified date, the system displays flights on the day before and the day after. Line 7, if the customer asks for more tickets than seats available on the chosen flight; ask him\her to change either flight or number of tickets.

6 6 SSD: clerk SubmitFlightInfo(Dep-city,Des-city,date) Available Flights. ChooseFlight(Flight_Num) Flight Info EnterRsvInfo(Passnum,Flightclass) EnterSpeciRequst(Reqinfo) available Airline notified

7 7 SSD (cont.): clerk Total amount Paid(amount,customerId) CompleteResv(true)

8 8 Conceptual Model: Candidate concepts: Customer Ticket Clerk Dep_city Des_city Date Flight Flight info Num of passengers Passenger Flight class Sale transaction. seat What are the objects (concepts) the real things in my domain ? Special Request: handicap access, meal Airline Total Check Travel agency Customer ID

9 9 Conceptual Model: Candidate concepts: Customer (Concept) Ticket (Concept) Clerk (Concept) Dep_city (Flight Att) Des_city (Flight Att) Date (Flight Att) Flight (Concept) Flight info Num of passengers Attribute of ? or derived ? Passenger ( same as customer) because passenger names not specified in this use case Flight class (Ticket Att) Sale transaction. (Attribute or concept ?! ) Seat ?? What are the objects (concepts) the real things in my domain ? Special Request: handicap access, meal (Attribute or concept ?! ) Airline (flight Attribute or concept ?! ) Total (attribute of sale transaction or derived ) Check (attribute of sale transaction or concept or payment concept) Travel agency Customer ID (customer Att)

10 10 Conceptual Model: Customer Cus_id Name Phone Cus_id Name Phone Check Flight Ticket Clerk_id Name Clerk_id Name Clerk check_id Amount check_id Amount Num Dep-city Des-ciyt Date Num Dep-city Des-ciyt Date num Pass_name Class Handicap Meal Price num Pass_name Class Handicap Meal Price name Airline Sale Transaction Date Time Date Time Special requests R_ID handicap Meal R_ID handicap Meal Seat S_num status S_num status

11 11 Conceptual Model: Customer Cus_id Name Phone Cus_id Name Phone Clerk_id Name Clerk_id Name Check Flight Ticket Clerk check_id Amount check_id Amount Num Dep-city Des-ciyt Date Num Dep-city Des-ciyt Date num Pass_name Class Handicap meal price num Pass_name Class Handicap meal price name Airline requests 1 Belongs to 1 * has * 1 Paid by 1 1 Involved in * 1 Sale Transaction Date Time Is_complete Date Time Is_complete 1 * Associates with * Seat S_num class status S_num class status * 1 includes

12 12 Contract CO1 Contract CO1: Submit Flight Info Operation: SubmitFlightInfo(Dep-city,Des-city,date) Cross Reference: Use Case: Purchase Ticket By check Precondition: clerk, airlines, flights, seats information registered in the system. Post conditions: None

13 13 Contract CO2 Contract CO2: Choose Flight Operation: ChooseFlight(Flight_Num) Cross Reference: Use Case: Purchase Ticket By check Precondition: clerk, airlines, flights,seats information registered in the system. Post conditions: Sale transaction ST was created (instance creation) Customer instance C was created (instance creation) C was associated with ST (association formed) ST attributes were initialized (attribute modification) ST was associated with flight F, based on flight num (association formed) ST was associated with Clerk CK (association formed)

14 14 Contract CO3 Contract CO3:Enter Reservation Info Operation: EnterRsvInfo(Passnum, FC Flightclass,Flight number) Cross Reference: Use Case: Purchase Ticket By check Precondition: Sale transaction (ST)is running Post condition: Seat S.status =false was updated for each S with Flightclass FC based on Flight num (attribute modification)

15 15 Contract CO4 Contract CO4: Enter Special Requst Operation: EnterSpeciRequst(Reqinfo) Cross Reference: Use Case: Purchase Ticket By check Precondition: Sale transaction (ST) is running Post condition: ST.handicap, ST.meal was updated according to the customer’s special requests(attribute modification)

16 16 Contract CO5 Contract CO5: Complete Reservation Operation: CompleteResv(true) Cross Reference: Use Case: Purchase Ticket By check Precondition: Sale transaction (ST) is running, all information recorded. Post condition: Ticket instance T(s) was created for each passenger in ST (instances creation) Each T was associated with ST (associations formed) Each T attributes were initialized (attributes modification) ST.iscomplete was updated (attributes modification)

17 17 Contract CO6 Contract CO6: Pay Ticket Operation: Paid(amount,customerID,check id) Cross Reference: Use Case: Purchase Ticket By check Precondition: None Post condition: Check instance CHK was created (instance creation) CHK was associated with ST (associations formed) CHK.amount was initialized to amount (attributes modification) was initialized to checkid (attributes modification) Customer id C.ID was updated (attributes modification)

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