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Mid-InfRAred Camera wo LEns (MIRACLE) for SPICA Takehiko Wada and team MIRACLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid-InfRAred Camera wo LEns (MIRACLE) for SPICA Takehiko Wada and team MIRACLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid-InfRAred Camera wo LEns (MIRACLE) for SPICA Takehiko Wada and team MIRACLE

2 Outline Scientific target and Required Specification Current status of Conceptual Study System Resource Requirement Development plan Observing plan

3 Scientific Objectives/Targets & Required Specifications

4 Scientific Targets Birth and evolution of galaxies in the dust obscured universe Cosmic star formation history large scale structure and galaxy evolution Formation and evolution of dust in the universe Interstellar medium in the Milky way and near-by galaxies

5 Consistency with MRD MIRACLE is the key device for two of three Major Objective of the MRD Resolution of Birth and Evolution of Galaxies Transmigration of Dust in the Universe MIRACLE covers a part of one of three Major Objective of the MRD Studies of Exoplanets and Solar Systems

6 Specification of Instrument Wide wavelength coverage: 5-50um Short (5-26um) and Long (20-38um, 38- 50um) channel Wide field of view: 4x4arcsec (6x6 goal) Multi-band imaging: 6 filters (18 goal) Low resolution spectroscopy: R=5-200

7 Specification of Instrument Wide and contiguous wavelength coverage (5-38um) is required to reveal the redshift and star-formation activity in the dust obscured galaxies in the range of redshift z=0-4

8 Specification of Instrument Wide field of view is required for superior mapping speed in wavelength shorter than 20um compare to the JWST/MIRI

9 Specification of Instrument Wide field of view is required to cover the proto-cluster and the surrounding region at the redshift z>1

10 Specification of Instrument Multi-band imaging is required for SED fitting to reveal the redshift and physical condition of distant galaxies through the wide field survey. Takagi et al., 2007, PASJ, 59, S557. AKARI view of faint MIR galaxies a starburst galaxy at z hot =0.6

11 Specification of Instrument Low resolution spectroscopy is well fit to reveal the physical condition of dust and molecule in the ISM. Ohyama et al., 2007, PASJ, 59, S441

12 Concept Study Current Status

13 Optics & Optical Elements Wide field optical system with diffraction limit performance without lens has been designed.

14 Detectors 2Kx2K Si:As BIB detector for 5-26um 1Kx1K Si:Sb BIB detector for 20-38um 128x128 Si:X BIB detector for 38-50um Heritage of AKARI/IRC and Spitzer/IRS. Developments for JWST/MIRI, SOFIA, and FIDTAP.

15 Volume & Structure えをはりつける

16 Thermal Design Optics are placed on 4K stage Detector are placed on 4K and 1.7K stage Detector power of mW Parasitic thermal input of mW

17 Expected Performance Telescope diffraction limited image quality cover 6x6 arcmin. FOV Natural background limited sensitivity え

18 Resource Requirements

19 Field-of-View Requirement 6x6 arcmin FOV Small telescope distortion (inside 9 arcmin from the center) Two set of FOV (for Short and Long channel)

20 Thermal & Cryogenic Requirement 4K stage for optics (small power) 4K stage for Short channel detector (xx mW) 1.7K stage for Long channel detector (xx mW) 20K stage for buffer amp (xx mW)

21 Pointing / Attitude control Requirement Xx arcsec stability for x00 sec (for shortest wavelength) Xx arcsec absolute pointing (for cross-slit direction) Xx arcsec relative pointing (for slit maping) Quick pointing slew for xx arcmin (dithering observation)

22 Structural Requirement No special requirement

23 Data Generation Rate & Data Handling Requirement 1 M pixel/s sampling for each detector 16 bits/pixel Maximum 4 detector Onboard data storing and compression Peak rate 64Mbits/s Average rate TBD

24 Warm Electronics Heritage from AKARI/IRC-E concept Heritage from ASTRO-H hardware (SpW based system)

25 Operation & Observing Mode Imaging (including slit-less spectroscopy) Dithering Slew to adjacent field Spectroscopy Imaging and peak-up Dithering Step scan Slow scan

26 Development and Test Plan

27 Key Technical Issues & TRL Optics System high TRL Filter (<28um) high TRL Filter (>28um) low TRL Mirrors high TRL Detector AKARI and Spitzer heritage high TRL Wheels Slit and Filter AKARI and Planet-C heritage (high) Grating wheel (mid TRL)

28 Development Plan 書き方を相談する。

29 Test & Verification Plan 書き方を相談する。

30 Development Cost Detector 2Kx2K Si:As R&D for proto-type 850k$ Proto-model 200k$/pcsx (2+1) Flight-model 500k$/pcs x (2+1) 1Kx1K Si:Sb R&D for Proto-type 450k$ Proto-model 350k$/pcs x (2+1) Flight-model 500k$/pcs x (2+1)

31 Development Cost Optics System design R&D for Proto-type 500 万円 Proto-model 500 万円 Flight-model 500 万円 Mirrors and support R&D for Proto-type TBD 万円 Proto-model TBD Flight-model TBD

32 Development Cost Optics Filters (<30um) Proto-model TBD Flight-model TBD Filters (>30um) R&D for Proto-type TBD Proto-model TBD Flight-model TBD

33 Development Cost Mechanics Wheel (filter and slit) R&D for Proto-type 500 万円 Proto-model 500 万円 Flight-model 500 万円 Grating wheel R&D for Proto-type TBD 万円 Proto-model TBD Flight-model TBD

34 Development Cost Structure System Integration testing Control electronics Ground sport electronics Ground sport software

35 Observing Program

36 Observation Plan to perform Science Targets 何を書いたらよいか聞く

37 Outline of Ground Data Processing Similar to AKARI/IRC

38 Organization & Structure for Development Core ISAS Science Extra-galactic Galactic Hardware System Detector Optics

39 Summary

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