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WP4.1 optical properties of other aerosol types. What do you want? Refractive indices, size distribution (log- normal mode parameters) etc OR Pre-calculated.

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Presentation on theme: "WP4.1 optical properties of other aerosol types. What do you want? Refractive indices, size distribution (log- normal mode parameters) etc OR Pre-calculated."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP4.1 optical properties of other aerosol types

2 What do you want? Refractive indices, size distribution (log- normal mode parameters) etc OR Pre-calculated (from Mie code) extinction, single scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter and phase function Note, some issues with how we deal with RH depending on choice above

3 Aerosol types Components planned Ammonium sulphate (different size modes?) Ammonium nitrate Soot Mineral dust Organics Sea salt Volcanic Types planned Desert Maritime Biomass Urban? Rural continental? Polluted continental? +???

4 Timescales Original deliverable Jan 2010 But… Will try to get this done by September 2009 (i.e. pre-leave). However, will have to scale back types etc a little due to needing to work on aircraft side too….

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