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Attendance Chronic Absence. Why attendance is important? School attendance is essential to academic success. Starting in kindergarten, kids who miss too.

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Presentation on theme: "Attendance Chronic Absence. Why attendance is important? School attendance is essential to academic success. Starting in kindergarten, kids who miss too."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attendance Chronic Absence

2 Why attendance is important? School attendance is essential to academic success. Starting in kindergarten, kids who miss too much school start falling behind. Everyday missed affects reading on grade level by 3rd grade, a critical milestone for success in school. Many absences in a classroom can disrupt learning, not just for the absent student but for the entire classroom. 1 Day Missed = 3 Days of Catch Up

3 Chronic Absence Students are identified as chronically absent when they miss 10% or more of the school year. CHRONIC ABSENCE 18 or more days WARNING SIGNS 10 to 17 days SATISFACTORY 9 or fewer absences

4 Attendance Strategy Parent Outreach Community Outreach and Involvement Enhance School Partnerships Evidence Based Strategies

5 Spread the Words- Read by 3 rd ! Attendance Goals: 1. Reduce chronic absence in elementary buildings by 50% 2. Reduce Chronic absences in Pre-K programs by 25% 3. Maintain average daily attendance at 95% or above

6 Spread the Words- Read by 3 rd ! Attendance Task Force The Strategies Targeted early intervention Culture of Attendance “Every day counts” Attendance Recognitions Collecting Data

7 Spread the Words- Read by 3 rd !

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