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Chapter 7. Transmission Media

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1 Chapter 7. Transmission Media
Guided Media Unguided Media: Wireless Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

2 Transmission Medium & Physical Layer
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

3 Classes of Transmission Media
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

4 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Twisted-pair Cable Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

5 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
UTP and STP Cables Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

6 Categories of UTP Cables
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

7 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
UTP Connector RJ45 (RJ stands for registered jack) Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

8 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
UTP Performance Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

9 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Parallel Flat Wire Electromagnetic interference can create noise The noise over parallel wires results in an uneven load and a damaged signal Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

10 Noise Effect on Twisted-Pair
Cumulative effect of noise is equal on both sides Twisting does not always eliminate the noise, but does significantly reduce it Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

11 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Coaxial Cable Carries signals of higher frequency ranges than those in twisted-pair cable Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

12 Categories of Coaxial Cables
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

13 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
BNC Connectors Bayone-Neil-Concelman (BNC) connector Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

14 Coaxial Cable Performance
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

15 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Optical Fiber Optical fiber is made of glass or plastic It transmits signals in the form of light The Nature of Light The speed of light 300,000 Km/sec in a vacuum Depends on the density of the medium through which it is traveling Other properties of light Refraction, Critical angle, Reflection Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

16 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Bending of Light Ray Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

17 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Optical Fiber Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

18 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Propagation Modes Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

19 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Modes Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

20 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Fiber Types Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

21 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Fiber Construction Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

22 Fiber-optic Cable Connectors
SC (subscriber channel) connector used for cable TV. It uses push/pull locking system ST (straight-tip) connector used for connecting cable to networking device. It uses a reliable bayonet locking system MT-RJ is the same size as RJ45 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

23 Optical Fiber Performance
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

24 Advantages/Disadvantages of Optical Fiber
Higher bandwidth Less signal attenuation Immunity to electromagnetic interference Resistance to corrosive materials Light weight Greater immunity to tapping Disadvantages Installation and maintenance Unidirectional light propagation Cost Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

25 Electromagnetic Spectrum for wireless
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

26 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Propagation Methods Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

27 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Bands Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

28 Wireless Transmission Waves
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

29 Wireless Transmission Waves
Radio waves are used for multicast communications, such as radio and television, and paging systems Microwaves are used for unicast communication such as cellular telephones, satellite networks, and wireless LANs Infrared signals can be used for short-range communication in a closed area using line-of-sight propagation Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

30 Omnidirectional & Unidirectional Antennas
Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

31 Data Communications, Kwangwoon University
Infrared Infrared waves with frequencies from 300 GHz to 400 THz for short-range communication in a closed area using line-of-sight propagation Having high frequencies, it cannot penetrate walls IrDA (Infrared Data Association) for standards Example: IrDA port for wireless keyboard Originally defined a data rate of 75 kbps for a distance up to 8 m Recent standard for a data rate of 4 Mbps Data Communications, Kwangwoon University

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