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 According to Wikipedia, "An electronic grade book is a student information system which is used to record pupils' grades, attendance and other data.

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2  According to Wikipedia, "An electronic grade book is a student information system which is used to record pupils' grades, attendance and other data which is then made available online to parents, students and administrators."student information system gradesattendance

3  Easy to use  Convenient  Organized  Communication between parents, teachers, and students

4  Technology fails  Some gradebooks can't be accessed from different computers  Some require subscriptions

5  Micrograde is an online gradebook for teachers of any grade.  place for teachers to score assignments, calculate grades, evaluate student performance, track attendance along with so much more.

6  Secure  Both computer and online version  Customizable  Improved communication between parents, teachers, and students  Online help available 24/7

7  Micrograde Pro › Outdated › Confusing layout › $89.95 for individuals  Micrograde Online › Not available for individual use (provided through school) › $1,995 per school per year for 50 instructors › Hard to find log-on or $495 for departmental license for 10 instructors › Confusing layout  These versions are not compatible with each other.

8  Deer Valley Unified School District # 97 (6 years)  Web-based grading system  Teachers use PowerTeacher  Can access: › Grades › Attendance › Grade History › Attendance history › E-mail Notification › Teacher Comments › Bus Info › School bulletins

9  Track grades  Track attendance  Syllabus posting available  Seating chart  Opens communication with parents and students

10  Track grades  Track attendance  View class syllabus

11  Deer Valley Unified School District No. 97 (n.d.). PowerSchool. Retrieved November 4, 2009, From  MicroGrade Pro. Retrieved Oct. 7, 2009 from  Vicki Boone (Phone call to the Deer Valley Unified School District Office concerning PowerSchool), November 12, 2009.  McFarland, S.S. (2003, November 1). Grade-book Software, Five OS X-Ready Programs for Teachers Get Assorted Marks. Grade-book software review. Retrieved October 24, 2009, from Micrograde Pro web site  McFarland, S.S (2003, November 1). Macworld Reviews, Grade-book Software (2003, November). Retrieved September 24, 2009 from  MicroGrade Demos. Retrieved September 14, 2009 from the Micrograde Pro website  MicroGrade Online Management for Teachers. Retrieved September 24, 2009 from Micrograde Pro site

12  MicroGrade Quick Start. Retrieved September 24, 2009 from Micrograde Pro site  Tech support center. Retrieved September 24, 2009 from the Micrograde Pro web site history history  Electronic Gradebook. (n.d.). Electronic Gradebook. Retrieved Fall, 2009, from  About Micrograde. (n.d.). Micrograde. Retrieved Fall, 2009, from  MicroGrade Online Teacher User’s Guide [Data file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from  Sawyer Macfarland, S. (2003, November 1). Grade-book software. In Macworld. Retrieved Fall, 2009, from

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