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Fact Book Fall 2010 Outcomes *Unless otherwise specified, charts exclude students taking only non-credit courses.

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1 Fact Book Fall 2010 Outcomes *Unless otherwise specified, charts exclude students taking only non-credit courses

2 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Number of Students* Fall and Spring Semesters: 2006 - 2010 Semester07-0808-0909-1009-1022010 Fall7,7458,7069,3339,79610,240 Spring8,2869,31310,33910,313 * Based on end-of-term data and excludes students taking only non-credit courses.

3 Fall/Spring Enrollment CUYAMACA COLLEGE Number of Students* Fall and Spring Semesters: 2006 - 2010

4 GPA20062007200820092010 < 2.021.721.924.423.422.2 2.0 - 2.516.517.016.115.516.3 2.6 - 3.0 and above57.156.954.955.355.1 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Semester GPA* Fall Semesters: 2006-2010 *Semester grade point average includes letter grades only.

5 Semester GPA CUYAMACA COLLEGE Semester GPA Fall Semesters: 2006-2010

6 Units20062007200820092010 0.1 - 5.946.048.345.744.342.9 6.0 - 8.917.616.616.917.619.4 9.0 - 11.911.210.611.512.113.1 12.0 and above25.224.525.926.024.5 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Semester Units Attempted* Fall Semesters: 2006-2010 *Includes only those students who attempted more than zero units.

7 Semester Units Attempted CUYAMACA COLLEGE Semester Units Attempted Fall Semesters: 2006-2010

8 Units20062007200820092010 026.527.423.721.820.5 0.1 - 5.937.037.938.237.938.0 6.0 - 8.914.413.914.616.117.2 9.0 - 11.1 12.0 and above13.111.813.514.213.2 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Semester Units Completed* Fall Semesters: 2006-2010 *Includes only those students who attempted more than zero units.

9 Semester Units Completed CUYAMACA COLLEGE Semester Units Completed Fall Semesters: 2006-2010

10 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Course Completion Rates* Fall Semesters: 2006-2010 Overall20062007200820092010 79.679.283.883.783.6 Age Group <2080.480.585.786.586.8 20 - 2477.076.782.180.981.4 25 - 2977.276.481.579.181.6 30 - 4979.478.883.184.382.0 50+84.884.786.486.983.9 Gender Female80. Male78.678.983.582.783.5 Ethnicity Asian80.079.983.884.783.0 African American72.573.279.076.879.2 Hispanic77.077.682.182.682.8 White81.781.085.384.884.5 Other/ Not Reported78.979.383.984.4 *Enrollments in which the student completes the course with a valid grade other than a 'W.' Does not include zero unit courses.

11 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Overall Course Completion Fall Semesters: 2006-2010

12 Cours e Retent ion by Age CUYAMACA COLLEGE Course Completion Rates by Age Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010

13 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Course Completion Rates by Gender Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010 Course Retention by Gender

14 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Course Completion Rates by Ethnicity Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010 Co urs e Ret enti on by Eth nici ty

15 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Course Success Rates* Fall Semesters: 2006-2010 Overall20062007200820092010 Success62.762.064.666.167.3 No Success16.817.319.217.616.3 Withdraw20.520.716.216.316.4 Age Group <2060.260.362.864.766.4 20 - 2461.359.864.662.665.2 25 - 2964.163.865.164.866.0 30 - 4968.167.168.672.070.6 50+62.861.364.975.274.3 Gender Female64.163.467.368.469.1 Male60.459.461.162.765.1 Ethnicity Asian64.964.065.768.870.4 African American49.850.651.6 52.9 Hispanic56.157.259.860.162.8 White66.365.168.169.471.0 Other/ Not Reported64.061.465.869.168.6 *Success includes grades of A, B, C, or Credit. No Success includes grades of D, F, or No credit. Does not include zero unit courses

16 100 80 60 40 20 0 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Overall Course Success Rates Fall Semesters: 2006-2010

17 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Success Rates by Age Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010 Course Success by Age

18 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Success Rates by Gender Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010 Course Success by Gender

19 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Success Rates by Ethnicity Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010 Course Successby EthnicityCourse Successby Ethnicity

20 Top Five Course Enrollments *Does not include zero-unit courses. Fall 2006Fall 2007Fall 2008Fall 2009Fall 2010 PE/ES English Math English PE/ESMathEnglish Math PE/ES HistoryBiology PDC (Personal Development- Counseling) Biology PDC (Personal Development- Counseling) PDC (Personal Development- Counseling) PDC (Personal Development- Counseling) Biology CUYAMACA COLLEGE Top Five Course Enrollments* Fall Semesters: 2006-2010

21 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Occupational Course Breakdown Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010 20062007200820092010 Advanced Occupational13.68.013.311.411.0 Clearly Occupational12.819.011.712.412.7 Possibly Occupational4. Non-Occupational69.

22 Occu pation al Cours e Break down CUYAMACA COLLEGE Occupational Course Breakdown Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010

23 * Information is current as of 5/24/11. CUYAMACA COLLEGE Degrees and Certificates* 2006 – 2010 Degrees and Certificates

24 CUYAMACA COLLEGE Transfers to Four-Year Universities Fall Semesters: 2006 - 2010 Notes. Students were included who attended Cuyamaca College and subsequently transferred to a four-year university within six years. Only students who completed three or more units at Cuyamaca are included. Transfer data are provided by the National Student Clearinghouse. Students may have attended other colleges (in addition to Cuyamaca) prior to transferring to a four-year college.

25 Transfers to CSU and UC CUYAMACA COLLEGE Transfers to CSU and UC: 2005 - 2010* * Most recent data as of 3/10/2011, provided by the California Postsecondary Education Commission.

26 Transfer GPA CUYAMACA COLLEGE First Year GPA at California State Universities: 2004 - 2009* * Most recent data as of 3/10/2011, provided by the CSU Analytic Studies Department.

27 Transfer Continuation Rates CUYAMACA COLLEGE Continuation Rates at California State Universities: 2004 - 2009* * Most recent data as of 3/10/2011, provided by the CSU Analytic Studies Department.

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