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Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling Review of the Gothenburg Protocol UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC.

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Presentation on theme: "Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling Review of the Gothenburg Protocol UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling Review of the Gothenburg Protocol UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE

2 What has changed?  New Eulerian dispersion model  Ecosystem dependent deposition rates  Sensitivity of ecosystems, ozone flux approach  Health effects of particles and ozone  Emission estimates  New (national) projections, time horizon 2020  Effects of existing control options (cycle bypassing)  Increased potential of cost-effective measures due to linkages with climate policy, non-technical local measures and measures for ships

3 Emissions of SO 2, NO x, NH 3 and VOC declined Current policy efforts are no-regret, but… The Gothenburg Protocol is not sufficient to meet the original ambitions regarding the long term protection of ecosystems and health Preliminary conclusion TFIAM32

4 73 65 % 35 48 78 75 35 50 ecosystem specific dep. Updated emissions & meteo variability 59296529grid average deposition Unified Model & 2004 CLs 492356252004 critical loads 542561261998 critical loads Lagrangian Model EU25EuropeEU25Europe 2010 GP2000 Unprotected Ecosystem-area (nitrogen) - % Meteorologisk Institutt

5 Factors changing ecosystem risk estimates Goth Protocol Updated CL 50 * 50 km Eulerian modelEcosyst. spec. dep. Exceedance of CL nut in 2010

6 Trends in unprotected ecosystem area (%) %19901995200020042010GP Acidification EU253927231516 EMEP4119151011 Eutrophication EU258174756664 EMEP6654504748 Meteorologisk Institutt

7 GP knowledge: days with ozone above 60 ppb  Problem for Northwestern & central Europe 1990 2010

8 Current knowledge: SOMO35 [ppb.days]  problem in Southern Europe 2000 2010 2020 Sum Of Mean Ozone values over 35 ppb in rural areas

9 Effect of hemispheric ozone increases the challenge Meteorologisk Institutt No increaseExpected increase

10 Increasing importance of ship emissions Contribution of SOx from shipping to deposition of S Meteorologisk Institutt

11 Emission factors cars higher than expected


13 With CLE emissions significantly decrease, with the exception of NH 3 and CO 2 [EU25, Primes projection]

14 Remaining problem areas in 2020 Eutrophication remains wide scale problem Forests – acid dep Semi-natural – acid depFreshwater – acid depHealth - PM Health+vegetation - ozoneVegetation – N dep

15 2004 - Distance to Target NO x Meteorologisk Institutt Preliminary data !

16 To do list  Improve & update national emissions projections Non EU-countries What control measures are envisaged and when? (TFEIP)  Write TFIAM background document to the official review report Same structure, including figures & 4 additional items : Add para. on policy development in EU to TFIAM-document Describe the quality of models used based on reviews Explore new knowledge on damage to materials Discuss costs and benefits of Gothenburg Protocol ?

17 Preparations for revision of the Protocol  Modelling particulate matter  Local air pollution modelling (TFMM)  Update MFR, including emerging technologies & non- technical measures  Inclusion of GHG abatement measures  GAINS  Options for target setting & robustness of strategies

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