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2 RIGA, 2012 2 2006 Act of 6 December on rules of conducting development policy, defining the legal framework for the long-term programming of development policy New Budgetary Law, implementing the performance-based state budget as an auxiliary tool of budgetaary planning 2009 Plan of putting in order development strategies accepted by the Council of Ministers Draft of the long-term development plan Poland 2030 published by the strategic advisers to the Prime Minister 2010First integrated strategy – National Strategy of Regional Development 2010-2020: Regions, Urban Areas, Rural Areas accepted by the Council of Ministers 2011Central Statistical Office publishes first edition of the Sustainable Development Indicators for Poland History 2

3 RIGA, 2012 3 System of the medium and long-term strategies Source: An Integrated Approach to Development in Poland, Ministry of Regional Development, 2011 3

4 RIGA, 2012 4 Poland 2030 – structure of performance indicators 4 1. Demographic, macroeconomic and institutional foundations for development Growth and competitiveness Demographic situation Labour market Performing state 2. Productivity, mobility, and adaptiveness of economy Infrastructure potential Knowledge-based economy and intellectual capital development 3. Social dimension of development and the conditions for its diffusion Regional solidarity and cohesion Social cohesion Social capital

5 RIGA, 2012 5 Poland 2030 – selected performance indicators (1) Performance indicator Current value Target value for 2030 GROWTH AND COMPETITIVENESS Long-term GDP growth rate4.35.0 Long-term investment rate18.025.0 Share of machinery and equipment in the investment outlays17.0 Share ratio of the high-tech products in exports40.0 Share of the IT-based economy sectors in the GDP25.0 General government deficit (% of GDP)0.0 Inflation rate (% per year)1.0 – 4.0 Fertility rate (children per one women aged 15-45)1.6 Gap between retirement age for women and men0.0 Retirement age65.0/60.067.0 Number of professionally active people aged 15 and above against the number of professionally passive ones1.1 – 1.2 Total life span being lived in good health (%)86.0/84.090.0 Overmortality of men aged 30–59 Average unemployment rate per one business cycle (%)5.0 Employment rate of adults in actual productive age (15-64)60.075.0 Employment rate of disabled persons in actual productive age (15-64)40.0 Involvement of adult population in lifelong learning (%)20.0 5

6 RIGA, 2012 6 Poland 2030 – selected performance indicators (2) Performance indicator Current value Target value for 2030 PERFORMING STATE Average duration time of court proceedings Positive evaluation rate for the judiciary9.050.0 INFRASTRUCTURE POTENTIAL Share of high-speed passenger rail traffic (above 121 km/h)3.020.0 Share of high-speed passenger rail traffic (above 121 km/h)0.08.0 Average speed of the inter-agglomeration trains (km/h)85.0130.0 Highway density ratio (km/1,000 km 2 )2.46.4 Expressway density ratio (km/1,000 km 2 )3.823.0 Share of the citizens having access to the broadband services100.0 IT infrastructure penetration allowing for data transmission that meets the globally binding standards7.0 SOCIAL COHESION Decrease of the relative poverty level (%)8.0 Decrease of the relative poverty level in the families with 3 or more children (%)15.0 Increase of the employment of the disabled persons20.0 – 30.0 Increase of the social transfers directed to 10% of the poorest households10.0 – 30.0 SOCIAL CAPITAL Increase in the interpersonal trust level (%, CBOS methodology)35.0 – 40.0 Civic activity index26.0 – 30.0 Number of NGOs (per 10,000 of inhabitants)20 Percentage of citizens excluded from cultural activities60.030.0 Culture sector input (% of GDP)5.0 – 6.0 6

7 RIGA, 2012 7 Poland 2030 – selected performance indicators (3) Performance indicator Current value Target value for 2030 POWER NAD CLIMATE SAFETY Share of renewable energy sources in the structure of power generation (%)20.0 Reduction of CO 2 emission (%)50.0 Increase in electric power exchange (% of domestic consumption)15.025.0 Decreasing in the domestic transmission system failure frequency50.0 Natural gas storage capacity (billion m 3 )3.812.0 Nuclear power plants operating02 KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY AND INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Ranking of Polish pupils in PISA program10 Students from technology, engineering, mathematics and IT faculties (% of the total number of students)13.520.0 Spendings for R&D per year, (% of GDP)4.0 Percentage of scientists employed in the public sector92.060.0 Number of patents granted to Polish citizens by the European Patent Office (per 1 million of inhabitants)4.060.0 Increase in the share of Poland in the global volume of so called triad’s patents (%)0.020.40 Number of Polish authors in the group of 4,000 the most frequently cited researchers210 REGIONAL SOLIDARITY AND COHESION GDP per capita in the poorest Polish regions (% of EU average)40.060.0 Urbanization rate61.070.0 People who live in regions where the travel to the voivod city using roads shall take less than 1 h (%)60.0100.0 People who live in regions where the travel to the voivod city using roads shall take less than 1 h (%)70.0100.0 Preschool care in rural areas (% of children aged from 3 to 5)20.0100.0 Number of people employed in the agricultural sector (% of total employment)15.05.0 Rural households' incomes generated by employment in non-agricultural sector (%)50.0 7

8 RIGA, 2012 8 Performance indicators for integrated strategies 8 Innovation and effectiveness of the economy strategy – 66 indicators Sustainable development of rural areas, agriculture and fisheries strategy – 27 indicators Human capital development strategy – 32 indicators Good governance (an effective state) strategy –27 indicators Transport development strategy –to be defined National security system strategy –none Energy and environmental security strategy –23 indicators Social capital development strategy –23 indicators National Strategy of Regional Development –74 indicators TOTAL – 272 indicators

9 RIGA, 2012 9  Gross National Product (2010 = 100)  Gross National Product per capita  Households’ Income  Deficit of the General Government Sector  Demographic burden  Human Development Index  Global Competitiveness Index Medium-term development strategy – key indicators 9

10 RIGA, 2012 10 Sustainable development indicators for Poland (SDIfP)  Published in 2011 by the Central Statistical Office (CSO)  Contains descriptions and data for 76 indicators classified in 4 domains: – Social Indicators – Economic Indicators – Environmental Indicators – Institutional and Political Indicators  Development indicators are taken from the Polish development strategies (see slide No. 4)  The next editions will be published  Full text (in English) is available in: 10

11 RIGA, 2012 11 Economic developmentInnovativeness Growth of gross domestic product per capita Innovative products Gross fixed capital formation in relation to GDP Human resources in science and technology Dispersion of regional GDP per capita (NUTS 3) Labor productivity Public debt in relation to GDP Expenditure on R&D activity in relation to GDP Energy intensity of the economy Water intensity of the economy Transport Transport intensity of GDP Intermodal freight transport by standard gauge Energy consumption of transport in relation to GDP railway transport Employment Sustainable production patterns Employment rate of persons aged 20-64 Resource productivity Average exit age from the labor force Area under organic farming Employment rate of persons aged 55-64 Organizations with Eco-Management and Audit Scheme SDIfP – Economic Indicators 11

12 RIGA, 2012 12 Sustainable development indicators for Poland – example 12

13 RIGA, 2012 13  Development indicators (and other performance measures of strategic plans) are used by Supreme Audit Office as a data for risk analysis in the process of audit planning  Development indicators are used in the macroeconomic part of the document „Analysis of the State Budget Execution”, prepared each year for the Parliament  Selected perfomance measures can be used as the audit determinants in the performance audits carried out by the Supreme Audit Office Poland 2030 vs. Central Statistical Office indicators 13

14 RIGA, 2012 14  Development indicators (and other performance measures of strategic plans) are used by Supreme Audit Office as a data for risk analysis in the process of audit planning  Development indicators are used in the macroeconomic part of the document „Analysis of the State Budget Execution”, prepared each year for the Parliament  Selected perfomance measures can be used as the audit determinants in the performance audits carried out by the Supreme Audit Office Can Supreme Audit Office use development indicators? 14

15 RIGA, 2012 15 1. Poland has well-designed system of strategic documents defining the development policy Summary 15

16 RIGA, 2012 16 1. Poland has well-designed system of strategic documents defining the development policy 2. The performance indicators for the long-term and medium-term development strategies can be treated as the KNI Summary 16

17 RIGA, 2012 17 1. Poland has well-designed system of strategic documents defining the development policy 2. The performance indicators for the long-term and medium-term development strategies can be treated as the KNI 3. The performance indicators for the long- and medium-term development strategies are the good tool for monitoring the results of implementing the strategies Summary 17

18 RIGA, 2012 18 1. Poland has well-designed system of strategic documents defining the development policy 2. The performance indicators for the long-term and medium-term development strategies can be treated as the KNI 3. The performance indicators for the long- and medium-term development strategies are the good tool for monitoring the results of implementing the strategies 4. There are some inconsistencies between the performance indicators for the general development strategies, and the performance indicators for so called integrated strategies Summary 18

19 RIGA, 2012 19 1. Poland has well-designed system of strategic documents defining the development policy 2. The performance indicators for the long-term and medium-term development strategies can be treated as the KNI 3. The performance indicators for the long- and medium-term development strategies are the good tool for monitoring the results of implementing the strategies 4. There are some inconsistencies between the performance indicators for the general development strategies, and the performance indicators for so called integrated strategies 5. The KNI selected as the performance indicators for strategic documents can be useful for Supreme Audit Office as: – analytical tool, – determinant for performance audits Summary 19

20 RIGA, 2012 20 Thank you for your attention 20


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