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Game Board Let’s Play Jeopardy Game Board Cell Jeopardy Go to the next slide by clicking mouse. Choose a category and number value clicking on the button.

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2 Game Board Let’s Play Jeopardy

3 Game Board Cell Jeopardy Go to the next slide by clicking mouse. Choose a category and number value clicking on the button. When you answer the question you can click on the green button to find the correct answer. To select a new question click on the red game board button. From the game board you can click on the blue button to see the score board.

4 Game Board Midterm Jeopardy Classification & Characteristics of Life Ecology 1 Ecology 2 Bio- chemistry Odds and Ends 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

5 Game Board Classification & Characteristics of Life 100 Linnaeus created this “two- name” naming system for organisms. See Answer

6 Game Board Classification & Characteristics of Life 100A What is binomial nomenclature?

7 Game Board Classification & Characteristics of Life 200 Kingdoms containing one- celled organisms Answer

8 Game Board Classification& Characteristics of Life 200A What are Protista, Fungi and bacteria (Eubacteria and Archaebacteria)?

9 Game Board Classification& Characteristics of Life 300 The two components of a eukaryote cell that are missing from a prokaryote cell. Answer

10 Game Board Classification& Characteristics of Life 300A What is a nucleus and organelles?

11 Game Board Classification & Characteristics of Life 400 The genetic code shared by all organisms on Earth. Answer

12 Game Board Classification& Characteristics of Life 400A Answer What is DNA?

13 Game Board Classification & Characteristics of Life 500 The characteristic of life meaning “same or steady” state. Answer

14 Game Board Classification& Characteristics of Life 500A What is homeostasis?

15 Game Board Ecology 100 The process that is responsible for keeping the earth’s temperature in its normal range. Answer

16 Game Board Ecology 100A What is the Greenhouse Effect?

17 Game Board Ecology 200 The organisms at the base of all ecological pyramids. Answer

18 Game Board Ecology 200A What are producers?

19 Game Board Ecology 300 Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in this process. Answer

20 Game Board Ecology 300 A What is photosynthesis?

21 Game Board Ecology 400 Answer 10% of the energy in one trophic level is passed to the next. The rest is lost as ________ ________.

22 Game Board Ecology 400A What is heat energy?

23 Game Board Ecology 500 The two different ways in which energy and matter move within an ecosystem. Answer

24 Game Board Ecology 500 A What is energy flow and matter cycles?

25 Game Board Population Ecology 100 A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit. Answer

26 Game Board Population Ecology 100A What is mutualism?

27 Game Board Population Ecology 200 A description of the graph of predator and prey populations within an ecosystem Answer

28 Game Board Population Ecology 200A It is a cycle: After the prey population increases the predator population will increase. After the predator population increases the prey population will fall. This will be followed by a drop in the number of predators, which will be followed by an increase in the prey population.

29 Game Board Population Ecology 300 An example of a density dependent factor affecting population size. Answer

30 Game Board Population Ecology 300A What is disease? What is food or shelter shortage? What is predation?

31 Game Board Population Ecology 400 The type of growth curve shown on the graph. Answer

32 Population Ecology 400 A What is exponential growth? Game Board

33 Game Board Population Ecology 500 The “role” or “job” that an organism has in its ecosystem. Answer

34 Game Board Population Ecology 500A What is a niche?

35 Game Board Biochemistry 100 Answer The most abundant compound in living things.

36 Game Board Biochemistry 100A What is water?

37 Game Board Biochemistry 200 Monosaccharides and disaccharides are examples of this organic molecule. Answer

38 Game Board Biochemistry 200A What are carbohydrates?

39 Game Board Biochemistry 300 The organic molecule that creates channels for the passage of material through the cell membrane. Answer

40 Game Board Biochemistry 300A What is a protein?

41 Game Board Biochemistry 400 A biological catalyst. Answer

42 Game Board Biochemistry 400A What is an enzyme?

43 Game Board Biochemistry 500 The job of a biological catalyst in a cell. Answer

44 Game Board Biochemistry 500A What is speed up a chemical reaction?

45 Game Board Odds and Ends 100 The smallest unit of structure and function found only in organisms Answer

46 Game Board Odds and Ends 100A What is a cell?

47 Game Board Odds and Ends 200 Structures present in plant cells but not animals cells Answer

48 Game Board Odds and Ends 200A What are chloroplasts, cell wall and large central vacuole? Bonus : Energy needed to get a chemical reaction started.

49 What is activation energy? Odds and Ends 200 Game Board

50 Game Board Odds and Ends 300 A group of ecosystems that share similar communities and environments. (Hint: Desert is an example) Answer

51 Game Board Odds and Ends 300A What is a biome?

52 Game Board Odds and Ends 400 A group of cells of the same type working together in an organism. Answer

53 Game Board Odds and Ends 400A What is a tissue?

54 Game Board Odds and Ends 500 Energy for all cellular activity is released in this organelle. Answer

55 Game Board Odds and Ends 500A What is the mitochondrion?

56 Game Board Scoreboard Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

57 Game Board References Microsoft Clipart To return to web-page click here: WebPage

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