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Image Processing Xuejin Chen Ref:

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Presentation on theme: "Image Processing Xuejin Chen Ref:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Processing Xuejin Chen Ref:

2 Image processing operations Original image Increased contrast Change in hue Posterized (quantized colors) Blurred Rotated

3 Point operators Only depends on the pixel value – Plus, potentially, some globally collected information or parameters Brightness scaling Image composition – Matting – Blending Histogram equalization

4 Linear Filter Smoothing – Box, Bilinear, Gaussian

5 Linear Filter Smoothing – Box, Bilinear, Gaussian Edge – Sobel

6 Linear Filter Smoothing – Box, Bilinear, Gaussian Edge – Sobel Corner

7 Separable Filter Convolution of K-size kernel requires K 2 operations Can be sped up to 2K operations by – First performing a 1D horizontal convolution – Followed by a 1D vertical convolution

8 Separable Filter

9 Fourier transformation

10 Band-pass filters More sophisticated kernels – 1 Smoothing with a Gaussian filter – 2 Taking first or second derivatives Sobel Laplacian Coner

11 Band-pass filters Undirected second derivatives: Laplacian operator Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter – Five point Laplacian

12 Steerable Filters Directional/Oriented filter – Sobel – Directional derivative A whole family of filters can be evaluated with very little cost by first convolving the image with (Gx, Gy)

13 Steerable Filters Second-order filter For directional Gaussian derivatives, it is possible to steer any order of derivative with a relatively small number of basis functions.

14 Steerable Filters Second-order filter Original image orientation map Original image with oriented structures enhanced.

15 Steerable Filters Fourth-order steerable filter test image -bars (lines) -step edges -different orientations average oriented energy dominant orientation oriented energy as a function of angle (Freeman and Adelson 1991)

16 Summed Area Table (Integral Image) Repeatedly convolved with different box filters – different sizes at – different locations Precompute the summed area table (Crow1984)

17 Summed Area Table (Integral Image) Compute the sum of any rectangle area easily Recursive filtering

18 Band-pass filters Sobel, Corner More sophisticated kernel: – Smooth image with a Gaussian filter – Take the first or second derivatives Laplacian Oriented Undirected

19 Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)

20 LoG Discrete convolution kernel – Can be any size – Sum_elements = Zero

21 Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)

22 Difference of Gaussian (DoG) Gaussian DoG

23 Difference of Gaussian (DoG)


25 LoG and DoG



28 DoG LoG

29 Laplacian for Edge Zero-crossing detection LoG DoG

30 Pyramids Change resolution – Upsampling (Interpolation) – Downsmapling (Decimation)

31 Interpolation Interpolation kernel h() with sampling rate r Bilinear

32 Interpolation Interpolation kernel h() with sampling rate r Bicubic interpolation

33 Bicubic Interpolation a specifies the derivative at x=1 Usually a=-1, best matches the frequency characteristics of a sinc function – A small amount of sharpening – Ringing (does not linearly interpolate straight lines Quadratic reproducing spline a=-0.5

34 Bicubic Interpolation BilinearCubic a=-1 Cubic a=-0.5 windowed sinc

35 Windowed sinc function Best quality interpolator (Usually) – Both preserves details in the lower resolution image and avoids aliasing

36 Windowed sinc function Best quality interpolator (Usually) – Both preserves details in the lower resolution image and avoids aliasing Ringing effect – Instead, repeatedly interpolate images by a small fractional amount

37 Decimation (Downsampling) Same kernel h(k,l) for both interpolation and decimation Avoid aliasing – Convolve the image with a low-pass filter

38 Decimation (Downsampling) Linear Binomial – Separating the high and low frequencies, – but leaves a fair amount of high-frequency detail, which can lead to aliasing after downsampling

39 Decimation (Downsampling) Linear Binomial Cubic – a=-1, – a=-0.5 Windowed sinc QMF-9 Jpeg2000 Sample rate = 2

40 Decimation (Downsampling) Cubic a=-1 – Sharpest but ringing QMF-9 and Jpeg2000 – Wavelet analysis filters – Useful for compression – More aliasing

41 Multi-resolution Representations Image pyramid – Accelerate coarse-to-fine search algorithms – Look for objects or patterns at different scales – Perform multi-resolution blending operations

42 Multi-resolution Representations Laplacian pyramid [Burt and Adelson’s (1983a)] – Best known and most widely used in computer vision

43 Laplacian Pyramid First: blur and subsample the original image with sample rate r=2 Five-tap kernel Octave pyramid

44 Laplacian pyramid First: blur and subsample the original image by sample rate = 2 Gaussian pyramid: Repeated convolutions of the binomial kernel converge to a Gaussian

45 Laplacian Pyramid

46 Actual computation of high-pass filter Results in perfect reconstruction when Q=I Laplacian image Gaussian image

47 Application: Image Blending regular splice pyramid blend

48 Low frequency part Medium frequency part High frequency part



51 Image Blending

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