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Published byCamron Cain Modified over 9 years ago
Study of Exclusive Hard Processes with Hadron Beams at J-PARC Mini Workshop on “Structure and Productions of Charmed Baryons II” August 7-9, 2014, J-PARC, Tokai Wen-Chen Chang 章文箴 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica 中央研究院 物理研究所 1
Outline Uniqueness of hadron physics studied at HiPBL of J- PARC Selected Physics Processes: Drell-Yan process Hard exclusive process Feasibility study of exclusive Drell-Yan process in P50 spectrometer Summary 2
3 High-res., High-momentum Beam Line High-intensity secondary Pion beam High-resolution beam: p/p~0.1% Dispersive Focal Point (DFP) p/p~0.1% Collimator 15kW Loss Target (SM) Exp. Target (FF) Pion Beam Up to 20 GeV/c H. Noumi
4 High-res., High-momentum Beam Line High-intensity secondary Pion beam – >1.0 x 10 7 pions/sec @ 20GeV/c High-resolution beam: p/p~0.1% * Sanford-Wang:15 kW Loss on Pt, Acceptance :1.5 msr%, 133.2 m Open a new platform for hadron physics Prod. Angle = 0 deg. (Neg.) KK p bar K+K+ Prod. Angle = 3.1 deg (Pos.) H. Noumi
5 5
Uniqueness of hadron physics studied at HiPBL of J-PARC The beam energy at J-PARC at 10-20 GeV might be most ideal for studying the hard exclusive processes and discerning the quark-hadron transition in the strong interaction. Valance-like partonic degrees of freedom of hadrons could be discerned, compared to the collisions at low- energy regime. Reasonably large cross sections, compared to the collisions at higher energy. 7
Constituent-Counting Rule in Hard Exclusive Process Kawamura et al., PRD 88, 034010 (2013) 8
Selected Physics Processes Drell-Yan process Inclusive pion-induced Drell-Yan Exclusive pion-induced Drell-Yan Hard exclusive production process Exclusive pion-N Lambda(1405) production (Sekihara’s talk) Charm production process Inclusive pion-induced J/psi production Exclusive pion-N J/psi production Exotic charmed baryons (this workshop) 9
Drell-Yan process 10
Wigner Distribution 11 Wigner Distribution d3rd3r Transverse Momentum Dependent PDF Generalized Parton Distr. d 2 k t dz F.T. d2ktd2kt PDF dx Form Factors GPD Ji, PRL91,062001(2003)
u valence sea (x 0.05) gluon (x 0.05) d Unpolarized Parton Distributions (CTEQ6) 12
13 Is in the proton? Gottfried Sum Rule =
14 Experimental Measurement of Gottfried Sum New Muon Collaboration (NMC), Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) R1 S G = 0.235 ± 0.026 ( Significantly lower than 1/3 ! ) S. Kumano, Physics Reports, 303 (1998) 183
15 Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry: Drell-Yan Exps Naïve Assumption: NA51 (Drell-Yan, 1994) NMC (Gottfried Sum Rule) NA 51 Drell-Yan confirms d(x) > u(x) NA 51 Drell-Yan confirms d(x) > u(x)
16 Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry: Drell-Yan Exps Naïve Assumption: NA51 (Drell-Yan, 1994) E866/NuSea (Drell-Yan, 1998) NMC (Gottfried Sum Rule)
Origin of u(x) d(x)? Pauli blocking of valance quarks Meson cloud in the nucleons (Thomas 1983, Kumano 1991): Sullivan process in DIS. Chiral quark model (Eichten et al. 1992; Wakamatsu 1992): Goldstone bosons couple to valence quarks. 17
Momentum Dependence of the Flavor Structure of the Nucleon Sea J.-C. Peng, W.-C. Chang, H.-Y. Cheng, T.-J. Hou, K.-F. Liu, J.-W. Qiu, arXiv:1401.1705 18 JR14 NMC
1.Fluctuation of a valence quark into a quark and a highly virtual gluon, 2.A quick splitting of the gluon into a quark and antiquark pair 3.Annihilation or recombination of the quark and the newly produced antiquark into a highly virtual gluon, which is then 4.Absorbed by the quark. 19 Momentum Dependence of the Flavor Structure of the Nucleon Sea J.-C. Peng, W.-C. Chang, H.-Y. Cheng, T.-J. Hou, K.-F. Liu, J.-W. Qiu, arXiv:1401.1705
20 Extracting d-bar/-ubar From Drell-Yan Scattering Ratio of Drell-Yan cross sections (in leading order—E866 data analysis confirmed in NLO) Global NLO PDF fits which include E866 cross section ratios agree with E866 results Fermilab E906/Drell-Yan will extend these measurements and reduce statistical uncertainty. E906 expects systematic uncertainty to remain at approx. 1% in cross section ratio. “Flavor Structure of the Nucleon Sea” W.-C. Chang and J.-C. Peng, arXiv:1406.1260 “Flavor Structure of the Nucleon Sea” W.-C. Chang and J.-C. Peng, arXiv:1406.1260
A. Accardi et al. Phys. Rev. D 84, 014008 (2011) 21 Deuteron wave function at short distances (Fermi motion) Nucleon off-shell effect Nuclear correction
22 J.C. Peng
Helium/DME at 80/20 ratio beam 140 µm Experimental Setup II: BoNuS RTPC Fit RTPC points to determine helix of proton trajectory. Momentum determined from track curvature in solenoid field. dE/dx along track in RTPC also provides momentum information. Solenoid Magnet BoNuS RTPC Moller Catcher To BoNuS RTPC to CLAS p n M. Eric Christy 23
Neutron F 2 Structure Function via Spectator Tagging PRL 108, 142001 (2012) 24
Pion-Induced DY Without OR With Spectator Tagging 25
Wigner Distribution 26 Wigner Distribution d3rd3r Transverse Momentum Dependent PDF Generalized Parton Distr. d 2 k t dz F.T. d2ktd2kt PDF dx Form Factors GPD Ji, PRL91,062001(2003)
three distribution functions are necessary to describe the quark structure of the nucleon at LO in the collinear case Transverse momentum dependent (TMD) PDF taking into account the quark intrinsic transverse momentum k T, At leading order 8 PDFs are needed. ULT U L T nucleon polarization “TMDs” number density helicity transversity Sivers Boer-Mulders T-odd Sivers function correlation between the transverse spin of the nucleon and the transverse momentum of the quark sensitive to orbital angular momentum Boer-Mulders function correlation between the transverse spin and the transverse momentum of the quark in unpol nucleons 28 quark polarization pretzelosity
Global Analysis of SIDIS from HERMES and COMPASS M. Anselmino et al., Eur.Phys.J.A39:89-100,2009 28 HERMES proton target COMPASS deuteron target
Sivers Functions from SIDIS M. Anselmino et al., Eur.Phys.J.A39:89-100, 2009 29 u u d d
Sign Change of Sivers & Boer-Mulders Functions J.C. Collins, Phys. Lett. B 536 (2002) 43 A.V. Belitsky, X. Ji, F. Yuan, Nucl. Phys. B 656 (2003) 165 D. Boer, P.J. Mulders, F. Pijlman, Nucl. Phys. B 667 (2003) 201 Z.B. Kang, J.W. Qiu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 172001 30 Drell-YanSIDIS QCD gluon gauge link (Wilson line) in the initial state (DY) vs. final state interactions (SIDIS). E xperimental confirmation of the sign change will be a crucial test of perturbative QCD and TMD physics.
31 experimentparticlesenergyx 1 or x 2 luminositytimeline COMPASS (CERN) ± + p ↑ 160 GeV s = 17.4 GeV x t = 0.2 – 0.32 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 2014, 2018 PAX (GSI) p ↑ + p bar collider s = 14 GeV x b = 0.1 – 0.92 x 10 30 cm -2 s -1 >2017 PANDA (GSI) p bar + p ↑ 15 GeV s = 5.5 GeV x t = 0.2 – 0.42 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 >2016 NICA (JINR) p ↑ + p collider s = 20 GeV x b = 0.1 – 0.81 x 10 30 cm -2 s -1 >2018 PHENIX (RHIC) p ↑ + p collider s = 500 GeV x b = 0.05 – 0.12 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 >2018 RHIC internal target phase-1 p ↑ + p 250 GeV s = 22 GeV x b = 0.25 – 0.42 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 >2018 RHIC internal target phase-1 p ↑ + p 250 GeV s = 22 GeV x b = 0.25 – 0.46 x 10 34 cm -2 s -1 >2018 FNAL Pol tgt (E1039) p + p ↑ 120 GeV s = 15 GeV x t = 0.1 – 0.453.4 x 10 35 cm -2 s -1 2016 FNAL Pol beam (E1027) p ↑ + p 120 GeV s = 15 GeV x b = 0.35 – 0.852 x 10 35 cm -2 s -1 2018 Planned Polarized Drell-Yan Experiments Wolfgang Lorenzon
Key Elements of Polarized DY Exp.: Transversely Polarized NH 3 Target 32 Magnet
Theoretical Predictions vs. COMPASS Expected Precision 33 Sivers Boer-Mulders BM Pretze. BM transv BM Pretze.BM transv
three distribution functions are necessary to describe the quark structure of the nucleon at LO in the collinear case Transverse momentum dependent (TMD) PDF taking into account the quark intrinsic transverse momentum k T, At leading order 8 PDFs are needed. ULT U L T nucleon polarization “TMDs” number density helicity transversity Sivers Boer-Mulders T-odd Sivers function correlation between the transverse spin of the nucleon and the transverse momentum of the quark sensitive to orbital angular momentum Boer-Mulders function correlation between the transverse spin and the transverse momentum of the quark in unpol nucleons 35 quark polarization pretzelosity
Angular Distribution of Lepton Pair Collins-Soper Frame 35
Lam and Tung (PRD 18, 2447, (1978)) Lam-Tung Relation 36
E615 (PRD 39, 92 (1989)) Violation of LT Relation in -induced Drell-Yan Process 37
D. Boer 38
D. Boer 39
Boer (PRD 60, 014012 (1999)) Hadronic Effect, Boer-Mulders Functions 40
E866 (PRL 99 (2007) 082301) Azimuthal cos2Φ Distribution of DY events in pd ν(π - W µ + µ - X)~ [valence h 1 ┴ (π)] * [valence h 1 ┴ (p)] ν(pd µ+µ-X) ~ [valence h 1 ┴ (p)] * [sea h 1 ┴ (p)] Sea-quark BM functions are much smaller than valence quarks 41
Boer-Mulders functions from unpolarized pD and pp Drell-Yan Z. Lu and I. Schmidt, PRD 81, 034023 (2010) V. Barone et al., PRD 82, 114025 (2010) Sign of BM functions and their flavor dependence? 42
Flavor separation of the Boer–Mulders function Z. Lu et al. (PLB 639 (2006) 494) MIT Bag Model Spectator Model Large Nc limit Deuterium target 43
Wigner Distribution 44 Wigner Distribution d3rd3r Transverse Momentum Dependent PDF Generalized Parton Distr. d 2 k t dz F.T. d2ktd2kt PDF dx Form Factors GPD Ji, PRL91,062001(2003)
x+ x- t GPD s P P’ Ji’s sum rule Generalized Parton Distribution (GPD) 45
Spacelike vs. Timelike Processes Muller et al., PRD 86 031502(R) (2012) 46 Deeply Virtual Compton ScatteringTimelike Compton Scattering
Spacelike vs. Timelike Processes Muller et al., PRD 86 031502(R) (2012) 47 Deeply Virtual Meson ProductionExclusive Meson-induced DY
N + -N (PLB 523 (2001) 265) 48
N + -N (PLB 523 (2001) 265) 49
Pion-pole Dominance 50
Pion-pole Dominance (PLB 523 (2001) 265) 51
N + -N (PLB 523 (2001) 265) 52 Cross sections increase toward small s! J-PARC |t| (GeV 2 )
N + -N: |t| and Q (M ) dependence 53 |t| (GeV 2 )
Total Cross Sections of Exclusive Drell-Yan as a function of momentum of Beam 54 M > 1.5 GeV 10 pb
GPD(x B,Q 2 ) in space-like regime 55
GPD(x B,Q 2 ) in both space-like and time-like regime 56 J-PARC’s results in the time-like and large-Q 2 region will be complementary to what to be obtained in space-like region from the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) deeply virtual meson scattering (DVMS) process to be measured in JLab. Large-Q 2 region
Hard exclusive production process 57
Constituent-Counting Rule in Hard Exclusive Process Kawamura et al., PRD 88, 034010 (2013) 58
Quark Degrees of (1405) Kawamura et al., PRD 88, 034010 (2013) 59 1-100 pb T. Sekihara’s talk J-PARC
Experimental Difficulties 60
Charmed production process 61
J/ production in 22 GeV πCu collisions Nucl. Phys. B179 (1981) 189 62 ( N) (pN): gg fusion dominates
J/ -N Interaction Strength Wu and Lee, PRC 88, 015205 (2013) 63 J-PARC
J/ -N Interaction Strength Wu and Lee, PRC 88, 015205 (2013) 64 Look for production of hidden charm bound state. arXiv:1212.2440 <0.1 pb
66 H. Noumi’s talk
Feasibility study of Drell- Yan processes in the conceptual detector system 67
Pion-Induced Exclusive Drell-Yan Process DA characterizes the minimal valence Fock state of hadrons. DA of pion are also explored by pion-photon transition form factor in Belle and Barbar Exps. TDA characterizes the next-to- minimal valence Fock state of hadrons. TDA of pion-nucleon is related to the pion cloud of nucleons. Bernard Pire, IWHS2011 68
Wen-Chen Chang, Takahiro Sawada Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan Hiroyuki Kawamura, Shunzo Kumano KEK Theory Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Jen-Chieh Peng Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA Shin’ya Sawada Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) 69
Experimental Requirements Beam: High momentum: 15-20 GeV beam High flux: >10 8 /sec Similar interesting physics to be explored by other secondary beams like K and pbar. Target: Long liquid hydrogen Short nuclei target. Detector: Open aperture without hadron absorber before momentum determination: minimize multiple-scattering of muons Spectrometer with good momentum resolution and particle ID Muon ID in the forward direction at the very downstream 70
J-PARC P50 Spectrometer 71
J-PARC P50 Spectrometer 72 LH 2 -target Ring Image Cherenkov Counter Internal DC FM magnet ss Fiber tracker Beam GC Internal TOF DC TOF wall 2m Decay p( ) 20 GeV/c Beam Acceptance: ~ 60% for D*, ~80% for decay + Resolution: p/p~0.2% at ~5 GeV/c ( Rigidity : ~2.1 Tm)
20 GeV π- Exclusive DY x 200 events Thanks to K. Shirotori for P50 MC framework. 73
J-PARC P50 Spectrometer + MuID 74 LH 2 -target Ring Image Cherenkov Counter Internal DC FM magnet ss Fiber tracker Beam GC Internal TOF DC TOF wall 2m Decay p( ) 20 GeV/c Beam Acceptance: ~ 60% for D*, ~80% for decay + Resolution: p/p~0.2% at ~5 GeV/c ( Rigidity : ~2.1 Tm) | |<60 Scintillator Muon trigger device
Yield Estimation from J-PARC P50 75
Total Cross Sections of Exclusive Drell-Yan as a function of P 76 M > 1.5 GeV 10 pb
Yield Estimation based on J- PARC P50 Parameters I beam =10 7 π/s, n TGT =4 g/cm 2 (57cm LH2), ΔΩ/Ω~100%, ε(DAQ, Tracking, PID)=0.9*0.7*0.9 1 events/day/pb Beam time of 200 days Inclusive pion-induced Drell-Yan: OK Exclusive pion-induced Drell-Yan: Marginally OK Exclusive pion-N Lambda(1405) production: OK (multi- particle acceptance?) Inclusive pion-induced J/psi production: OK Exclusive pion-N J/psi production: NO 77
20-GeV - + proton + -X M X seen In P-50 Spectrometer + MuID 78 Red: Exclusive DY ( 10 pb ) Blue: Inclusive DY ( 500 pb ) Green: random BG from meson decay After 200-day data-taking Assumption: Δp/p = 0.2 % Missing Mass M X (GeV 2 ) Nevent The signal of exclusive Drell- Yan processes can be clearly identified in the missing mass spectrum of dimuon pairs.
Summary (I) High-energy hadron beam at J-PARC is ideal for studying hard exclusive processes. The study of -induced DY/charm production and hard exclusive processes will offer important understanding on Nucleon structure: sea quarks PDF; TMD, GPD pion structure: DA and Timelike FF Structure of exotic hadrons J/ production mechanism, exotic charmed baryons 79
Summary (II) Spectrometer with large acceptance and good mass resolution is required for the measurement and such measurement in P-50 conceptual detectors seems promising. Availability of deuterium target together with the detection of recoiled protons will enable the measurement of flavor separation of BM functions and valance-quark distributions at large-x. 80
Backup Slides 81
R. Muto, KEK 82
R. Muto, KEK 83
R. Muto, KEK 84
J-PARC High-momentum Beam Line High-intensity secondary Pion beam – >1.0 x 10 7 pions/sec @ 20GeV/c High-resolution beam: p/p~0.1% 85 * Sanford-Wang:15 kW Loss on Pt, Acceptance :1.5 msr%, 133.2 m Prod. Angle = 0 deg. (Neg.) KK p bar K+K+ Prod. Angle = 3.1 deg (Pos.)
Parton Interpretation of GPDs (Phys. Rept, 388, 41 (2003), hep-ph/0307382; arXiv:1302.2888) 87 GPD DGLAP-II: -1<x<- PDFs of antiquarks ERBL: |x|< DAs of mesons DGLAP-I: <x<1 PDFs of quarks
Cross-section measurement and beam charge asymmetry (ReT) integrate GPDs over x Beam or target spin asymmetry contain only ImT, therefore GPDs at x = and (M. Vanderhaeghen) p p’ H,E,H,E ~ ~ x t xx 88
The GPDs enter in the DVCS amplitude as integrals over x GPDs appear in the real part through a Principal-value integral over x GPDs appear in the imaginary part along the line x=+/- GPDs in the DVCS amplitude VGG model x- x+
p - /2 p’(=p+ 2) H,E(x, ,t) ~~ x- t= 2 x+ GPDs (Ji, Radyushkin, Muller, Collins, Strikman, Frankfurt) light-cone dominance, n μ (1, 0, 0, -1) / (2 P + )
p - /2 p’(=p+ 2) H,E(x, ,t) ~~ x- t= 2 x+ GPDs Vector Ms : H,E Large Q 2, small t PS Ms : H,E ~~ (Ji, Radyushkin, Muller, Collins, Strikman, Frankfurt) : T lead. twist Mesons : L light-cone dominance, n μ (1, 0, 0, -1) / (2 P + ) { [N(p’) + N(p) + N(p’)i + N(p)] { [H q (x, ,t)N(p’) + N(p) + E q (x, ,t)N(p’)i + N(p)] 5 [N(p’) + 5 N(p) + N(p’) N(p)]} 5 [H q (x, ,t)N(p’) + 5 N(p) + E q (x, ,t)N(p’) N(p)]} 2M _ ~~ 2M _ _ _
H,E(x, ,t) ~~ x- t= 2 x+ { [N(p’) + N(p) + N(p’)i + N(p)] { [H q (x, ,t)N(p’) + N(p) + E q (x, ,t)N(p’)i + N(p)] 5 [N(p’) + 5 N(p) + N(p’) N(p)]} 5 [H q (x, ,t)N(p’) + 5 N(p) + E q (x, ,t)N(p’) N(p)]} 2M _ ~~ 2M _ _ _ Vector Ms : H,E Large Q 2, small t PS Ms : H,E ~~ (Ji, Radyushkin, Muller, Collins, Strikman, Frankfurt) : T lead. twist Mesons : L p - /2 p’(=p+ 2) GPDs light-cone dominance, n μ (1, 0, 0, -1) / (2 P + )
H, H, E, E (x,ξ,t) ~~ “Ordinary” parton distributions H(x,0,0) = q(x), H(x,0,0) = Δq(x) ~ x Elastic form factors H(x,ξ,t)dx = F(t) ( ξ) x Ji’s sum rule 2J q = x(H+E)(x,ξ,0)dx (nucleon spin) x+ξx-ξ t γ, π, ρ, ω… -2ξ : do NOT appear in DIS NEW INFORMATION x ξ-ξ-ξ +1 0 anti-quark distribution quark distribution q q distribution amplitude
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