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New Testament Background Palestine in the Days of Jesus.

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1 New Testament Background Palestine in the Days of Jesus

2 Palestine in the Days of Jesus Judea Judea Jerusalem Bethlehem Mt. of OlivesSamariaGalilee Nazareth Capernaum

3 Palestine in the Days of Jesus Other Features: Other Features: Sea of Galilee Jordan River Dead Sea Great Sea (Mediterranean Sea) Decapolis Caesarea Philippi

4 Roman Empire 150 A.D.

5 Earliest Churches

6 Politics and Power

7 The Family Line of Herod DatesNamesScriptures 37 - 4 BCHerod the GreatMatt 2:1 4 BC - AD 39 Herod Antipas Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea Luke 3:1, Mark 6:17-29, 8:15, etc. 4 BC - AD 6 Herod Archelaus Ethnarch of Samaria, Judea, and Idumea Matt 2:22 4 BC - AD 39 Herod Philip Tertrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis Luke 3:1 AD 37 - 44 Herod Agrippa I (see above*) Acts 12:1-3, 21-23 53 - 93 Herod Agrippa II Tetrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis; c. 56 also parts of Galilee and Perea Acts 25:13-26:32

8 Question: Take a few minutes and reflect on these questions, 1.What are the core issues/values in your life? 2.What can you not live without? 3.Maybe ask it this way, what defines your life?

9 Second Temple Judaism Four Pillars of Judaism Jesus is Lord defines the core of early Judaism as the Four Pillars of Judaism (pg. 65) 1.Monotheism 2.Election 3.Covenant 4.Land

10 Second Temple Judaism Let’s now examine those cultural/religious/political entities which make up what is commonly called: Second-Temple Judaism Second-Temple Judaism (Judaism in Jesus’ Day)

11 Second Temple Judaism a. Torah Law plus Oral Tradition

12 Second Temple Judaism b. Temple Holy building with compromised leaders

13 TempleTemple

14 Court of Gentiles Court of Women Court of Israel Holy of Holies Holy Place (35 acres) TempleTemple

15 Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem


17 “Culture Centers…” leading ideas leading institutions “… consist in the point or points in a society where its leading ideas come together with its leading institutions to create an arena in which the events that most vitally affect its members’ lives take place.” Clifford Geertz, Local Knowledge

18 Second Temple Judaism c. Land God’s Chosen people as Tenants

19 Second Temple Judaism d. Messianic Hope  Davidic Messiah (Warrior-King) to Restore Land  Priestly Messiah to Restore Temple & Law

20 Religious / Political Groups 1.Pharisees (and scribes) Primarily 1 st half of Gospels. Jesus was a threat to their teaching Sadducees (and chief priests) 2. Sadducees (and chief priests) Primarily 2 nd half of Gospels. Jesus was threat to the temple practices. Essenes 3. Essenes Qumran / Dead Sea (Maybe John the Baptist) Revolutionaries / Zealots 4. Revolutionaries / Zealots Simon the Zealot (maybe Judas Iscariot)

21 Religious / Political Groups 5. Samaratians Luke 10 / John 4 / Acts 1:8 6. Herodians Mark 3:6, 12:13 7. Sanhedrin / Jewish Ruling Council At trial of Jesus in Gospels At trials of Apostles in Book of Acts

22 Literature of the Jews 1. Old Testament / Hebrew Bible HebrewSeptuagint (LXX) 2. Rabbinic Writings Talmud (Codification of the Oral Tradition) Targums (Aramaic Translation of the OT) 3. Dead Sea Scrolls 4. Apocrypha

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