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Careers Department Careers at TRC Thomas Rotherham College Cerise Walters + Justin Gollan Managers for Careers (Job share)

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2 Careers Department Careers at TRC Thomas Rotherham College Cerise Walters + Justin Gollan Managers for Careers (Job share)

3 Careers Department MEETING AGENDA Introduction/setting the scene - Justin Sharing Good Practice Activity- Cerise CEIAG Strategy at TRC – Justin Careers Week – Cerise Careers Champions – Cerise Ready to Work programme – Cerise Panel Event – Justin HE Convention/UCAS – Justin Evaluation/Surveys - Justin

4 Careers Department ACTIVITY – SHARING GOOD PRACTICE Write on a post-it the different Careers events and activities that take place in your school/ College as part of your CEIAG Strategy

5 Careers Department CEIAG STRATEGY AT TRC Replace the old CEG Policy Reflect the change in terminology Based on the National Standards Addresses the whole college IAG Powerful tool to help people to focus on CEIAG Audit current practice Helps identify gaps-across college, not just in Careers Senior Manager needs to be on board Still a long way to go!

6 Careers Department Careers Week An opportunity to find out about different careers and options after college 35 different presentations put on Over 600 students attended event Primarily aimed at lower 6 th (year 12) Students allowed out of lessons Can attend all relevant talks Departments encouraged to arrange guest speakers in their lessons Careers Champions influence on teaching staff Marketing/promotion Excellent feedback from students EVENTS

7 Careers Department CAREERS CHAMPIONS (1) –Promote progression routes and different pathways within departments –Develop a specific ‘careers/jobs’ area within departments- a place where university, apprenticeship and job information can be placed by the champion or member of the careers staff –Attend information updates on progression routes etc. Meetings to be organised by careers staff –Promote various progression events to students e.g. Careers Week, HE Convention, Options After TRC Event and get involved in attending events.

8 Careers Department CAREERS CHAMPIONS (2) Invite speakers into the college to talk to the students (with support from careers staff) Explore with department how to ‘market’ the subjects to potential students. Look at prospectus, website and Moodle information Attend any appropriate careers related training Share knowledge and information of progression pathways with other members of departments

9 Careers Department READY TO WORK PROGRAMME Replaced the non UCAS programme Aimed at upper 6 th Students (Year 13) Primarily to support students who are not applying through UCAS 1:1 interviews and group support on:- - Generating Career ideas - LMI - CV’s - Interview techniques Marketing/Promotion INSET Image created by woodleywonderworks

10 Careers Department EVENTS Panel Event A ‘Question Time’ event consisting of employers, universities and Connexions Staff to discuss the options open to students once they have left TRC Aimed specifically at parents and carers- not the student An opportunity to ask questions that directly relate to their concerns Informal approach Good feedback from parents

11 Careers Department UCAS 65-70% of students apply to University from TRC % has steadily declined since 2008 Careers involved in ‘overseeing’ students/tutors Open Day visits HE Convention Personal Statement advice Reference writing Careers Fair INSET HE Finance What about the future?

12 Careers Department EVALUATION/SURVEYS Careers has been consistently highlighted in ‘student voice’ ECM Themed Weeks- Careers Week 2010 was the best supported, considered the most important by students Careers Week 2010- 81% thought a Careers Week helped students think about their options Careers Week 2010- 98% thought it was important to have a clear understanding of what can be done after college Careers Week 2011- 97% thought a Careers Week helped students think about their options Careers Week 2011- Feedback included ‘more careers advice, more careers weeks!, compulsory careers appointments

13 Careers Department QUESTIONS?

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