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Systems Analysis Requirements Determination Requirements Structuring

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Presentation on theme: "Systems Analysis Requirements Determination Requirements Structuring"— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems Analysis Requirements Determination Requirements Structuring
Alternative Generation and Selection Generate a comprehensive set of alternative design strategies Select the one design strategy that is most likely to result in the desired information system

2 Design Strategy A particular approach to developing an Information System. It includes statements on: Functionality Hardware and software platform Method of acquisition Build or buy?

3 Software Alternatives
In-house developed software In-house customization of a package In-house software developed by contract personnel End-user computing Outsource a customized package Vendor customizes its package Vendor enhances its package Package used with no modification

4 Reasons to build Satisfy unique requirements
Minimize changes in business procedures and policies Meet constraints of existing systems and technology Develop internal resources and capabilities

5 Reasons to buy Lower costs and time
Proven reliability and performance benchmarks Requires less technical development staff Future upgrade provided by the vendor

6 Customizing software Vendor offers individual configurations for basic packages by adding on components Pay the vendor to make enhancements to meet your individual needs Buy the package and make your own modifications

7 Outsourcing Contracts
Can provide a cost effective solution for dealing with rapid technological change Time and arrangements Fixed price Value added

8 ? Custom build Packaged system Outsource Business need Unique Common
Not core to the business In-house expertise Functional & technical Functional only Neither Project skills Desire to build skills Skills are not strategic Strategic decision Time frame Flexible Short Short or Flexible

9 Application Service Providers
Application hosting Software as service Internet is the delivery channel

10 Evaluating & Purchasing Packages
Evaluate the IS requirements Identify potential vendors Evaluate alternatives Make the purchase Install the package

11 Evaluate the IS requirements
Identify the key features of the system Estimate volume and future growth Specify any hardware constraints Prepare a RFP or RFQ

12 Software Horizontal application Vertical application
Value added reseller

13 Software Vendors Hardware manufacturers Packaged software producers
Custom software producers (consulting firms) Enterprise solution software In-house development

14 Software Sources Producers Capabilities Hardware manufacturers
System software and utilities Packaged software producers Supports generic tasks Custom software producers Custom support for systems that cannot be built internally Enterprise-wide solutions Complete systems that cross functional boundaries In-house developers System built from scratch

15 Criteria for Choosing Off-the-Shelf Software
Cost In-house versus purchased Functionality Mandatory, essential and desired features Vendor Support Installation Training Technical Support Viability of Vendor

16 Criteria for Choosing Off-the-Shelf Software
Flexibility Ease of customization Documentation User documentation Technical documentation Response Time Ease of Installation

17 Validating Purchased Software Information
Information from vendor Software evaluation period Customer references from vendor Independent software testing service Trade publications

18 Making the Purchase Software license Lease agreement
Maintenance agreement Installation

19 Implementation Issues
Technical and social aspects of implementation need to be addressed Training Disruption of work

20 Alternative Matrix Shop With Me Web Shop Shop–N-Go Developed in C
Developed in C and Java Developed using Java Orders sent to company using files Can export order information to other systems Can save orders in several file formats Easy to customize Not easily customized Widely used by other companies Relatively new application Brand new application $150 initial fee $700 up-front $200 annually

21 Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy
Process Divide requirements into different sets of capabilities Enumerate different potential implementation environments that could be used to deliver the different sets of capabilities Propose different ways to source or acquire the various sets of capabilities for the different implementation environments

22 Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy
Deliverables At least three substantially different system design strategies for building the replacement information system A design strategy judged most likely to lead to the most desirable information system An updated Baseline Project Plan (BPP) for turning the most likely design strategy into a working information system

23 Generating Alternative Design Strategies
Best to generate three alternatives Low-end Provides all required functionality users demand with a system that is minimally different from the current system High-end Solves problem in question and provides many extra features users desire Midrange Compromise of features of high-end alternative with frugality of low-end alternative

24 Drawing Bounds on Alternative Designs
Minimum Requirements Mandatory features versus desired features Forms of features Data kept in system files System outputs Analyses to generate outputs User expectations on accessibility,response time and turnaround time

25 Drawing Bounds on Alternative Designs
Constraints on System Development Time Financial and human Legal and contractual Dynamics of the problem

26 Hardware and Software Issues
Existing Platform Lower costs Information system staff is familiar with operation and maintenance Increased odds of successfully integrating system with existing applications No added costs of converting old systems to new platform and limited data conversion costs New Hardware and System Software Some software components will only run on new platform Developing system for new platform gives organization opportunity to upgrade technology holdings New requirements may allow organization to radically change its computing operations

27 Alternative Systems Requirements A B C Real-time data entry Yes
Automatic re-order decisions For some items For all items Real-time data on inventory levels Not available Available for some items Fully available

28 Alternative Systems Constraints A B C Development cost $25,000 $50,000
$65,000 Hardware cost Time to operation 3 months 6 months 9 months Ease of training 1 week 2 weeks

29 Multi-criteria decision making
Weighted approach can be used to compare the three alternatives Decision criteria are the Constraints and Requirements Weights are arrived at by discussion with analysis team, users and managers Each requirement and constraint is rated for each alternative 1 indicates that the alternative does not match the request well or that it violates the constraint 5 indicates that the alternative meets or exceeds requirements or clearly abides by the constraint

30 Updating the Baseline Project Plan (BPP)
The Baseline Project Plan (BPP) was developed during systems planning and selection phase Baseline Project Plan (BPP) can be used as an outline of a status report at analysis phase Schedule will be updated to reflect actual activities and durations An oral presentation of project status is typically made at this phase

31 Transition to System Design
Logical Design input output processes Physical Design system flow charts DFDs & ERDs CASE Tools

32 Physical DFD Add implementation references
in parentheses below each component Draw a human machine boundary a line that separates the automated from the manual parts of the system Add system related process and data flows and stores Technical limitations Audits, controls or exception handling Update the data elements in the data flows Add system related data elements Update the metadata in the CASE repository

33 Physical ERD Change entities to tables or files
Change attributes to fields Add primary keys Add foreign keys Add system related components

34 Webstore System Requirements
Minimum Full integration with current systems 99.9% uptime and availability Essential Flexibility and scalability Desired Technical support and/or emergency response Documentation

35 Webstore System Constraints
Christmas season rollout Small development/support staff Transaction-style interaction with current systems Limited budget for consultants

36 Alternative Systems Outsource ASP (Low-end)
All hardware located offsite Application developed and managed offsite Excellent emergency response Inflexible Difficult to integrate with current systems

37 Alternative Systems ERP system (High-end) Stability and documentation
Required skilled internal staff Expensive hardware and software Big learning curve

38 Alternative Systems Application server/object framework (Moderate)
Excellent integration with current system Scalability and flexibility Requires internal development and/or consultant Proprietary

39 Best Alternative Design Strategy
Proposed system is a scalable, three-tier approach Scalable The ability to seamlessly upgrade the system through either hardware upgrades, software upgrades or both Three-tier Web Server Provides connection to the Internet and presentation of HTML page Applications Server Middle layer of software and hardware that lies between Webserver and corporate network Corporate network Existing organizational computing infrastructure

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