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A Trip to Hawaii Things the Three Little Pigs and the Magic Shark didn’t tell you!

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1 A Trip to Hawaii Things the Three Little Pigs and the Magic Shark didn’t tell you!

2 The Hawaiian Islands, once known as the Sandwich Islands, form an archipelago or chain of nineteen islands in the Pacific Ocean. archipelagoislands The Hawaiian Islands are the exposed peaks of a great undersea mountain range that was formed by volcanic activity. They are almost 2000 miles from the nearest continent and are the most isolated (alone) group of islands on Earth.

3 Hawaiian Beaches Oahu, Hawaii Maui Hawaii Big Island, Hawaii

4 Varied Landscape A favorite way to see the variety of landscape in Hawaii is to take a helicopter ride.

5 Hawaii Surfing Hawaii surfing has long been part of Polynesian culture. A sport reserved for royalty, the ancients would move from their winter homes in the north shore to their summer homes in the south of the islands to pick up the best waves all year round. The sport was popularized by Olympic swimmer Duke Kahanamoku in the 1920's.

6 Volcanic Eruption

7 Volcanic Islands Many of the original volcanoes that formed the islands are now dormant or sleeping and look like nothing more than a mountain, but some are still active and they regularly spew out lava.

8 Hawaiian Rainforest

9 Animals of Hawaii Wild animals are found on six of the islands—Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, and Lanai. They include deer, wild goats, and wild pigs. No snakes (except for one very small species) are found on the islands. The only land reptiles are small lizards and toads. More than 60 percent of the nearly 90 native bird species and more than half of about 24 native land and marine mammals, reptiles, and amphibians are threatened, endangered, or extinct. The Hawaiian Goose or Nene Hawaii's State Bird

10 Feral Pigs Feral pigs are causing harm to the Hawaiian rain forest and other Hawaiian land. Although pigs were brought to the Hawaiian Islands by Polynesians as early as the fourth century A.D., the current severe environmental damage by pigs apparently began much more recently and seems to be because non-Polynesian types of pigs were brought to the area. Polynesian pigs were much smaller, more docile, and less prone to taking up a wild existence

11 Sea Life The warm waters surrounding Hawaii are home to an incredible number fish, coral and mammal species. Due to the archipelago's isolation, approximately 30% of the reef fish are endemic to Hawaii.

12 Polynesian Heritage Hawaiian people are of Polynesian heritage. Today they share many of their ancient customs, dress, and ceremonies at shows around the islands.

13 Hawaiian Luau A Luau is a Hawaiian feast. Before the Polynesian people of Hawaii came in contact with the rest of the world, they called these important feasts aha ‘ aina. They marked special occasions such as launching a new canoe or finishing something important like becoming a full warrior. Originally the foods all had symbolism (some might represent strength, others patience, etc.) and everyone was supposed to contribute to making the feast. About 150 years ago the feast started to be called Luau after a green leaf which is similar to spinach and is often used in Hawaiian cooking.

14 Hawaiian Hula Chants accompany the movements and help tell the dancer's story. Traditionally it was not the dancer's hands but the words that counted the most. Today, because so few understand the language of the chants, increasing emphasis has been placed on movements and gestures. The costumes of the ancient dancers consisted of leis for the head and shoulders, pau or skirt (made out of tapa), and kupea or anklets fashioned out of dog-teeth or whale bone. Hawaiian hula is unique and totally different from other Polynesian dances. Although it began as a form of worship during religious ceremonies, it gradually evolved into a form of entertainment. Every movement in hula has a specific meaning, and every expression of the dancer's hands has great significance. The movements of a dancer's body might represent certain plants, animals, and even war. For example, in imitating a shark or waving palm tree, the true hula dancer believes he or she becomes the shark or palm. Hula is the soul of Hawaii expressed in motion. Hawaiians agree that the first hula was performed by a god or goddess which makes the dance a sacred ritual.

15 More Photos of Hawaii

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