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Fires: An Increasing Threat 2006 2006 –9.9 million acres burned –Set new record 2007 2007 –Fire potential above average for much of the west –2.5 million.

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2 Fires: An Increasing Threat 2006 2006 –9.9 million acres burned –Set new record 2007 2007 –Fire potential above average for much of the west –2.5 million acres burned as of 7/9/07 –19% above 10-year average The U.S. spends approximately $2.7B annually in wildland fire suppression, preparedness, fuels management, and other activities.

3 WGA Request June 2005 WGA Resolution June 2005 WGA Resolution –“The Western Governors urge NOAA to: Complete a National Needs Assessment Report, by NOAA ’ s Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology, of federal, state and local fire managers needs for weather information in their wildfire and prescribed fire decision making processes and a framework to meet those needs by the NWS and Predictive Services.”

4 ICMSSR Action Item, November 2005 ICMSSR Action Item, November 2005 –“OFCM should move forward to form a Joint Action Group (JAG) under the Committee for Environmental Services, Operations, and Research Needs (CESORN), to review the needs and requirements for wildland fire weather information, to include identifying organizational responsibilities and addressing the following issues: data collection, fire weather research, weather forecast services, data assimilation, air quality, information dissemination, education and outreach, and user response.” By Spring, 2006, the Joint Action Group for the National Wildland Fire Weather Needs Assessment (JAG/NWFWNA) was formed By Spring, 2006, the Joint Action Group for the National Wildland Fire Weather Needs Assessment (JAG/NWFWNA) was formed OFCM Response

5 –DHS  FEMA  U.S. Fire Administration –DOC  NOAA  NIST –DOD –DOE –DOI  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  National Park Service  Bureau of Land Mgmt  U.S. Geological Survey  Bureau of Indian Affairs –DOT  FAA  FHWA –EPA –HHS –NASA –USDA  U.S. Forest Service –Subject Matter Experts  State Foresters  Universities Cochairs: Dr. Allen Riebau, USDA/FS Mr. Eli Jacks, DOC/NOAA/NWS Representatives from: JAG/NWFWNA

6 Obtained info via workshops and questionnaires Obtained info via workshops and questionnaires –Reached out to 2,100+ community members –Received input from 745, including reps from:  National Association of State Foresters  National Interagency Fire Center  National Interagency Coordination Center  National Wildfire Coordinating Group  International Association of Wildland Fire  Many others (federal agencies, states, tribes, local emergency managers, academia, private companies/industry, etc.) Results: Results: –Identified 47 validated needs in 9 functional areas Assessment Process

7 9 Functional Areas 9 Functional Areas –Data collection and use –Modeling, prediction, and data assimilation –Forecast products and services –Fire weather research and development –Information dissemination and technologies –User response and decision support –Education, training, outreach, partnering, and collaboration –Socioeconomic factors –Funding and human resources (crosscutting)

8 Example: Forecast Products & Services NWS Red Flag Warnings Extremely beneficial product for users Extremely beneficial product for users Frequently used Frequently used Enhancements needed include longer lead times and wider dissemination Enhancements needed include longer lead times and wider dissemination

9 Example: Fire Weather R&D Community needs better understanding of how climate change and variability impact wildland fire threat Community needs better understanding of how climate change and variability impact wildland fire threat Potential base to build on: Potential base to build on: –Forest Service Northern Global Change Research Program

10 Example: Information Dissemination Coordinated, “One-stop” Website for Fire Weather Data & Tools Easier access to all relevant regional data/products Easier access to all relevant regional data/products –Operational and experimental products –Product accuracy information –Product training and reference material –Information on latest research efforts –Archived data Base to build on: Base to build on: –Rocky Mountain GACC Internet page is a site with considerable info addressing some of these areas

11 Example: Decision- Support Tools Users want better decision-support tools for smoke management Development must include more collaboration with and feedback from the user community Development must include more collaboration with and feedback from the user community Base to build on: Base to build on: –NOAA Air Resources Laboratory smoke analysis & forecast products out to 48 hrs

12 Example: Training Users want comprehensive, proven, fire weather training/certification programs Build on best practices among existing training programs Build on best practices among existing training programs –The National Wildfire Coordinating Group Training Working Team has widely used and successful training programs, however,  They need to be validated against current training requirements  They need to be available for entire community  Must address core competencies

13 Example: Socioeconomic Factors Use existing tools to inform and educate the public State-of-the-art outreach tools can be adapted for public outreach, understanding, mitigating, and responding to wildland fire threats State-of-the-art outreach tools can be adapted for public outreach, understanding, mitigating, and responding to wildland fire threats Base to build on: Base to build on: –Forest Service Pacific NW Research Station research on socioeconomic resiliency

14 Summary and JAG Next Steps Summary: Identified 47 validated needs within 9 functional areas. Summary document available online Summary: Identified 47 validated needs within 9 functional areas. Summary document available online JAG Next Steps (approved by ICMSSR and WGA): JAG Next Steps (approved by ICMSSR and WGA): –Developed detailed needs report –Work with agencies and interagency groups on a gap assessment and a coordinated plan to close the gaps –Leverage existing and planned capabilities at all levels; build vertical and horizontal partnerships

15 CESORN Action Recommend the CESORN establish a Wildland Fire WG Recommend the CESORN establish a Wildland Fire WG This WG should: This WG should: –Monitor agency progress toward meeting identified needs –Coordinate activities across agencies to ensure established needs are being efficiently addressed –Monitor the needs of the community to address new and changing needs as they arise –Reach out to wildland fire and land management agencies at the state, tribal, and local levels to:  Ensure their needs are documented and addressed  Help them meet their needs through Federal actions This WG will stand up prior to the completion of current JAG work and will carry forward JAG recommendations This WG will stand up prior to the completion of current JAG work and will carry forward JAG recommendations

16 Questions?



19 OFCM Background Jan 1964: OFCM formed in response to Public Law 87-843 –Accountable to Congress and OMB –Coordinate agency budgets and activities  Report budgets and activities in annual Federal Plan 1980: GAO study revitalizes OFCM –Independent function with full-time staff 1985: DOC IG reviewed OFCM and made two specific recommendations, directing OFCM to: –Perform crosscut studies to review agency weather programs and requirements –Document OFCM studies; make information available to interested parties in the decision-making and budgeting processes

20 OFCM Mission: OFCM Mission: To ensure the effective use of federal meteorological resources by leading the systematic coordination of operational weather requirements, services, and supporting research, among the federal agencies To ensure the effective use of federal meteorological resources by leading the systematic coordination of operational weather requirements, services, and supporting research, among the federal agencies High-level focus on: High-level focus on: – Needs and requirements – Issues and problems – Studies, reports, plans, and handbooks – Crosscut reviews, assessments, and analyses OFCM Background

21 Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR) Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (ICMSSR) National Space Weather Program Council Committee for Space Weather National Aviation Weather Program Council Committee for Aviation Services and Research Environmental Services, Operations, and Research Needs Environmental Information Systems and Communications Integrated Observing Systems Climate Analysis, Monitoring and Services Cooperative Research Working Group for Urban Meteorology Program Councils Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Standing Committees National Operational Processing Centers Program Council Committee for Operational Processing Centers OFCM Background

22 VADM CONRAD LAUTENBACHER, JR., USN (RET.) Chairman DR. SHARON L. HAYS Office of Science and Technology Policy DR. RAYMOND MOTHA Department of Agriculture BRIG GEN DAVID L. JOHNSON, USAF (RET.) Department of Commerce MR. ALAN SHAFFER Department of Defense DR. JERRY ELWOOD Department of Energy MR. SPANKY KIRSCH Department of Homeland Security (OS&T) DR. MICHAEL SOUKUP Department of the Interior (NPS) MR. RALPH BRAIBANTI Department of State MR. RANDOLPH LYON Office of Management and Budget MS. VICTORIA COX Department of Transportation (DOT/FAA) MR. DAVID MAURSTAD Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) DR. ALAN STERN National Aeronautics and Space Adm. DR. JARVIS MOYERS (Acting) National Science Foundation MR. PAUL MISENCIK National Transportation Safety Board MR. JAMES WIGGINS U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DR. LAWRENCE REITER Environmental Protection Agency MR. SAMUEL P. WILLIAMSON Federal Coordinator FCMSSR Members OFCM Background

23 MR. SAMUEL P. WILLIAMSON, Chairman Federal Coordinator MR. THOMAS PUTERBAUGH Department of Agriculture MR. JOHN E. JONES, JR. Department of Commerce RADM FRED BYUS, USN Department of Defense (U.S. Navy) BRIG GEN LAWRENCE A. STUTZRIEM, USAF Department of Defense (U.S. Air force) MR. RICKEY PETTY Department of Energy MR. SPANKY KIRSCH Department of Homeland Security (OS&T) MR. JOHN VIMONT Department of the Interior (NPS) MR. ANTHONY FURST (Acting) Department of Transportation (FHWA) MR. JAMES H. WILLIAMS Department of Transportation (FAA) DR. JONATHAN M. BERKSON Department of Homeland Security (USCG) MR. JEFFREY MACLURE Department of State DR. S. T. RAO Environmental Protection Agency MR. JOHN GAMBEL Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) DR. RAMESH KAKAR National Aeronautics and Space Adm. DR. JARVIS MOYERS National Science Foundation MR. DONALD E. EICK National Transportation Safety Board MS. LETA A. BROWN U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission MS. MELISSA BRANDT Office of Management and Budget ICMSSR Members OFCM Background

24 Departments of: Agriculture Commerce Defense Energy Homeland Security Science & Technology FEMA Coast Guard Interior State Transportation Environmental Protection Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation National Transportation Safety Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission Independent agencies: Executive Office of the President: Office of Management and Budget Office of Science and Technology Policy OFCM Partners OFCM Background

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