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One System…One Mission The Florida College System: Managing Change While Maintaining Mission Authenticity… Dr. Judith Bilsky Executive Vice Chancellor.

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Presentation on theme: "One System…One Mission The Florida College System: Managing Change While Maintaining Mission Authenticity… Dr. Judith Bilsky Executive Vice Chancellor."— Presentation transcript:

1 One System…One Mission The Florida College System: Managing Change While Maintaining Mission Authenticity… Dr. Judith Bilsky Executive Vice Chancellor October 2011

2 “Change, change, rearrange; the only thing for sure is change…” The Berenstain Bears

3 Enrollment Is Linked To Economic Conditions

4 Growth in the FCS 2006-072007-082008-092009-102010-11 Lower Division767,632811,846843,221881,529879,480 Upper Division3,9025,6138,15512,40816,901 Unduplicated Total Number of Students in All Courses769,393814,284846,961887,073886,619 Notes: Students Enrolled in a Course – Student reported on the Student Database that was enrolled in any course. Source: Division of Florida Colleges


6 ACCESS: The Florida College System (FCS) and International Students In 2011, a total of 96,674 international students entered the Florida College System from over 200 different countries. Country of origin is collected at one point in a student’s career—when they enter college.

7 Florida College System (FCS) and International Students In 2011, 13,416 students classified as non- resident aliens* from 217 countries entered the Florida College System. *Non-Resident Alien: An individual who has been admitted temporarily to the United States as a non-immigrant, but is not a citizen, including those granted student visas solely for the purpose of study (i.e., alien students). Country of origin is collected at one point in a student’s career—when they enter college.

8 Florida College System (FCS) and International Students In 2011, 83,258 students classified as Permanent Resident Aliens* from 229 countries entered the Florida College System. *Permanent Resident Alien: An individual who has been admitted temporarily to the United States for permanent residency but is not a citizen of the United States. Country of origin is collected at one point in a student’s career—when they enter college.

9 Changes in the FCS…Haven’t Changed Our Mission!

10 A Strong Commitment: One System; One Mission The Florida College System was strategically designed and established to provide broad access to high quality, affordable postsecondary education in the state. The Colleges within the System provide a comprehensive array of educational opportunities that has evolved since its inception in 1957 in response to changing social and economic needs of local communities and the state. The recent authorization to award select baccalaureate degrees enhances, but does not substantially change, the historic mission of The Florida College System: open-access, outreach, responsiveness, quality, affordability and economic development.

11 FCS Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity (2010-11) Source: Division of Florida Colleges

12 SUS and FCS Enrollments by Age (2009-10) 48.8% of FCS Lower Division Enrollees are Over Age 24 74.6% of FCS Upper Division Enrollees are Over Age 24 SUS 34 and Over 5.2% 25-33 Years 13.2% 18-24 Years 81.4%

13 FEF43EAEF3CDE523D2DAFEF43EAEF3CDE523D2&view=detail&FO RM=VIRE4 FEF43EAEF3CDE523D2DAFEF43EAEF3CDE523D2&view=detail&FO RM=VIRE4 M usicians from different cultures uniting together for the common purpose of peace through music is a powerful statement. For the past four years Playing For Change has traveled the world with a mobile recording studio and cameras in search of such inspiration. Throughout the journey we created a family of over 100 musicians from all walks of life. We connect these musicians together with "Songs Around The World." The Playing For Change Band is the next chapter in our story. Now people everywhere can witness first hand the transformational power of music and love that comes from the Playing For Change Band. The Playing For Change band lineup includes percussionist Mohammed Alidu (Northern Ghana), vocalist Clarence Bekker (Netherlands/Suriname), vocals/harmonica Grandpa Elliott (New Orleans), vocals/percussionist Mermans Kenkosenki (DRC Congo), guitarist Jason Tamba (Kinshasa, the capital of DRC Congo) and vocalist Titi Tsira (Gugulethu, African township in the Western Cape). In addition, PFC is currently in the midst of planning an extensive international tour in 2011, details and confirmed dates will be announced in the near future.Mohammed AliduClarence BekkerGrandpa ElliottMermans Kenkosenki Jason TambaTiti Tsira YouTube Video – Playing for Change

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