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Educator Growth & Evaluation Marshall Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Educator Growth & Evaluation Marshall Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educator Growth & Evaluation Marshall Public Schools

2 The goal of teacher evaluation The ultimate goal of all teacher evaluation should be… TO IMPROVE TEACHING AND LEARNING

3 Yet recognize individual needs of each teacher...


5 To mutually agree to a teacher evaluation and peer review process that is designed to develop, improve, and support teachers and effective teaching practices and improve student learning and success.


7 Key Elements of Teacher Evaluation in MN  Based on professional teaching standards  3 year review cycle (Summative Evaluation)  Summative evaluation by a qualified & trained evaluator  Individual Growth & Development Plan (Renewed every 3 years)  Peer review process & opportunity to participate in PLC  Longitudinal data on student engagement  Portfolio option  Student growth ~ Evidence of Student Learning (35%)  Teacher improvement process  Discipline for teachers not making adequate progress in TIP (Teacher Improvement Plan/Process)  Coordinated staff development with evaluation process and outcome

8 The Summative Evaluation Includes:  Teacher Practice  Evidence of Learning  Student Engagement


10 Annual Evaluation Framework to Meet the Teacher Practice Portion:  Use of Charlotte Danielson model…

11 Evidence of Student Learning  35% of Summative Evaluation Student learning goals Marshall team – Divide 35% among:  District wide goal  School improvement plan  Personal goal – goal determined by teacher

12 Student Engagement  The 3 rd component of the summative evaluation  MPS will use Danielson’s 3c: Engaging Students in Learning

13 Personal Growth & Development Plan Goals based on self assessment, data, district & site goals, previous summative evaluations, etc. May align one personal goal with your Growth and Development Plan

14 Portfolio option Possible option to e-portfolio to gather and retain evidence If submitted, considered as evidence in summative evaluation

15 Putting it all together  SSI team and subcommittee meeting  Developing a framework  Share key elements of plan and information on process over next 3 months  Goal – to present to teaching staff and board for approval in April

16 Question?  We can collect your questions, thoughts, and/or concerns today to discuss at our next meeting. Responses to questions or concerns will come at a later date. Also, you can talk with your building principal or SSI rep.

17 Marshall Schools - 17 OR, contact information Dr. Klint Willert ~ Superintendent of Schools 401 South Saratoga Street Marshall, MN 56258 (507)-537-6924

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