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All about Great Paintings. Joy of painting SLY.

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Presentation on theme: "All about Great Paintings. Joy of painting SLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 All about Great Paintings

2 Joy of painting SLY

3 1 st Part Famous paintings & Grammar Points


5 First Step by Van Gogh

6 Q1. What do you know about Van Gogh?

7 Q2. Why did the painter use a lot of the color yellow?

8 Q3. What does the direction of the shovel express?

9 Q4. Why do you think did Gogh paint this picture although he was never married?

10 Listen carefully and find the answer

11 Check the answers

12 In Open Arms by Rembrandt

13 Q1. How is the mood of the painting?

14 Q2. What does the boy look like?

15 Q3. Why are his feet bare?

16 Q4. What’s the relation between a man and a boy?

17 Q5. What does the man’s two hands look like?

18 Listen carefully and find the answer

19 Check the answers

20 Grammar Points * It seems that~ (~ 인 것 같다 ) = 주어 seems to ~ ex) It seems that he wanted to have his own family. ex) The direction of the shovel seems to stress the man’s open arms.

21 Practice 1. 그 소년은 거지인 것 같다. ( the boy, beggar ) 2. 오른손은 엄마의 손 같아. ( right hand, mother’s hand ) It seems that~, 주어 seems to ~ 각각 두 문장으로 바꾸시오.

22 Grammar Points * Although 주어 + 동사, 주어 + 동사 ( 비록 ~ 일지라 하더라도 ) ex) Although he was not very popular among women, it seems that~ ex) Although the son let his father down, his father was ~

23 Practice 1. 나는 비록 돈이 거의 없어도 행복하다. ( little money, happy) 2. 비록 한국은 작지만, 런던올림픽에서 많은 메달을 땄다. ( London Olympics, won many medals )

24 2 nd Part 무한도전 & Parody


26 The Son of Man by Rene Magritte

27 American Gothic by Grant Wood

28 Dogs Playing Poker by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge

29 Scream by 박명수

30 Liberty leading the people by Delacroix

31 Judith by Klimt

32 The Arnolfini Marridge by Jan Van Eyck


34 Parody 1) Make a team of 3 2) Choose a famous painting 3) Make your own parody with it - Take a photo - Make a comparison with the original - Write down some comments * You should include ‘ It seems that, ~ seems to, Although ‘ expressions.

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