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Teaching Intellectual Property Main Parameters of Intellectual Property Education in the Czech Republic and in the Metropolitan University Prague Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Intellectual Property Main Parameters of Intellectual Property Education in the Czech Republic and in the Metropolitan University Prague Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Intellectual Property Main Parameters of Intellectual Property Education in the Czech Republic and in the Metropolitan University Prague Prof. Ladislav Jakl Sofia, November 10 – 11, 2011

2 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Understanding the needs for teaching in appropriate bodies, especially Governments, Industrial Property Offices, Ministries of Education, Culture and Industry, Universities and their faculties and departments Teaching of IP rights in all types of universities Specification of IP teaching in various study programs Sufficient number of motivated and qualified teachers Sufficient informational resources and teaching materials, Media support Preconditions of realization

3 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Prepare general IP teaching outlines Enable wide access to intellectual property - IP literature and handover of a list of new IP literature Prepare new textbook materials for IP teaching Extend doctoral studies in IP Organize seminars for IP teachers Create organization, material and personal preconditions for IP teaching Carry out cooperation among the organizers, Industrial Property Offices, ministries, inovators and inventors organizations,.. Preconditions of realization

4 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Institute of industrial property education of the Patent Office Founded in 1963 Four semestr´s industrial property studies on this Institute, accomplished with final examination and defense of qualification paper Several thousands of students passed in the previous 48 years these distance studies More than 100 Bulgarian students in 1966-1970 Preparation of general IP teaching outlines Preparation of a list of textbook materials for IP teaching Cooperation with the Metropolitan University Prague Organization seminars for public, patent and trademark represantitives Activities in the Czech Republic

5 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Teaching on the Czech Universities Four semestrs postgaduate IP course at Technical University Brno in 1960s IP courses on the University of Economics Prague, Law Faculties of Charles University Prague, Masaryk University Brno, Technical university Prague, Technical University Ostrava, West Bohemian University Pilsen On other universities IP teaching is included in the framework of other subjects in the form of individual lectures Activities in the Czech Republic

6 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Teaching on the Czech Universities Creation of the plan for incresing awarenes of IPR in universities in the Czech Republic in 2009 – Road map Road Map specification and completion,December 2010 Handing over the Road Map to universities,December 2010 Creation of wider access to industrial property literature – IP, January 2010 Preparation of general IP teaching outlines, April 2010 Preparation of a list of textbook materials for IP teaching,May 2010 Preparation of a list of doctoral studies in IP, May 2010 Seminars for IP teachers at universities, 2009, 2010, 2012 Activities in the Czech Republic

7 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Establishment of the Depository Library WIPO at the Metropolitan University Prague, accessible to other universities, January 2010 Establishment of Regional Patent Centre-PATLIB at the Metropolitan University Prague, accessible to other Universities, March 2010 Establishement of a General IP teaching curricula, April 2010 Publishing of textbooks list and materials for IP teaching, May 2010 Realized Targets of the Road Map

8 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Bachelors three-years Bc. study program „Industrial Property“, since academic year 2002/2002 Masters two-years Mgr. study program „International and regional relations in industrial property“, since academic year 2006/2007 Doctorals three to seven years PhD study program „International and regional relations in industrial property“, since academic year 2010/2011 IP education on the Metropolitan University Prague

9 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Bachelors three-years Bc. study program „Industrial Property“, - I.Year:Introduction to industrial property rights, History of the state, Theory of the law, Constitutional and civil law, Economic fundamentals, Theory and history of International relations, Development of European thinking and integration, Transformation of Central and Eastern European countries, Computer technology,Foreign language. - II.Year: Administrative law, Business law, Competitive law, Unfair competition, Copyright protection, Patent law, Patent proceedings,Trademark rights and registration proceedings, Design protection, Marketing communication and trademark rights, International treaties in IP, Foreign language. -III. Year: Protection of inventions and utility models,Industrial law strategy-Licensing, Penal law,IP litigation,Patent and utility models protection, European patent proceedings, TM and designs proceedings abroad, Patent and TM research, Enforcement of IPR, Bachelor State examination, Bachelor thesis defence-Bc title. IP education on the Metropolitan University Prague

10 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Masters two-years Mgr. study program „International and regional relations in Industrial Property“, -I.Year: Introduction to international relations,Theory of international relations, Institutional framework of European integration, European Judical system,National and international protection of IPR, European and Euroasian patent system,Angloamerican IPR systém, Antimonopoly law, Relation between unfair competition and IP law, IPR in the Slovak Republic,Professional English. - II.Year: Intellectual property litigation, International IP information system,Business contracts, Evaluation of IPR, Advertising law, European patent judical precendents, Community TM and designs precendents, State examination and Master disertation defence, Mgr. IP education on the Metropolitan University Prague

11 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Doctorals three to seven-years PhD study program „International and regional relations in Industrial Property“ -I.Year: Theory of intellectual property protection, Methodology of scientific and reseach works, Theory of international relations. -II.Year: Optional 3 subject from: International economic relations, Unfair competition in international economic relations, International and regional relations in industrial property, Comparison of European and American IPR (English), Current European Union integration, Decisive process in EU, Unfair competition in European law. -III.and next years: Participation in scientific and research activities of the University, Publishing in IP, Participation in pedagogical process, Final state examination, Preparation and defense of doctoral disertation - PhD title. IP education on the Metropolitan University Prague

12 Sofia, November 10 - 11,2011 Bachelors, masters and Doctorals study programs in the Metropolitan University Prague are performed through the Chair of Industrial Property Institute of Industrial property protection of Metropolitan University Depository Library WIPO at the Metropolitan University Regional Patent Centre-PATLIB at the Metropolitan University Edition of textbooks and other reading IPR materials Cooperation with Industrial Property Office, WIPO, EPO and OHIM IP education on the Metropolitan University Prague

13 Thank you for your attention

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