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Comcare Rehabilitation Case Manager Forum WORKING WITH THE TREATING DOCTOR.

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Presentation on theme: "Comcare Rehabilitation Case Manager Forum WORKING WITH THE TREATING DOCTOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comcare Rehabilitation Case Manager Forum WORKING WITH THE TREATING DOCTOR

2 Dr Yan Perumal Qualifications: MBCHB M.Med (Masters Family/Occupational Medicine) FRACGP (Fellow of Royal Australian College of GP) Certificate Dermatology (Monash) Registration: Specialist Family Physician (Special Interest in Occupational Medicine)

3 Dr Yan Perumal Appointments: Clinical tutor, Bond University – Faculty of Medicine Independent Medical Examiner, Workcover QLD Nominated Medical Advisor, Department of Mines and Industries, QLD

4 Health Benefits of Work Australian Faculty of Occupational Medicine and University of Cardiff statements : Compelling evidence for physical and mental health benefits. Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Mental health, Suicide, Self esteem. Previous – FFW/NFFW Current – FFW/NFFW/FFSD “ Use it or lose it”. Importance of appropriate RTW: Recovering while working 20 days off work/70% RTW 45 days off work/50% RTW 70 days off work/35% RTW

5 Work Benefits of RTW Participation and commitment to rehabilitation means: RTW quickly and safely Less disruption to family, work and social life Improved employment and financial security Less time spent recovery from injury Prevention/reduction of long term disability

6 Challenges for the General Practitioner Inadequate understanding regarding workplace environment and assessment of available suitable duties. No formal training at medical school. Solutions- employer to provide specific alternate duties and demands of these tasks. - worksite visits. - education by Occupational medicine practitioners. Reconciling employee needs and expectations with that of employer Empathy usually with worker.

7 Doctor/Employer/Employee Relationships Barriers: Differing interests/concerns Power struggle Worker compensation seeking: Differing patient attitude/behaviour between work related and non- work related injuries Legal involvement Employer non-compliance with restrictions Employee fear of dismissal

8 Engaging and Communicating with the General Practitioner Benefit for employer. Merits of an early partnership. Establishing trust and opening line of communication. Give reasonable notice Send e- mail/fax ahead of meeting or phone call outlining concerns, available suitable duties Book first/last appointment morning session or same in afternoon. Contacting GP – check with practice manager/receptionist regarding best time. Initial contact with GP alone, followed by consultation with worker. Follow up e-mails and faxes. Book adequate time. If impasse reached, consider IME assessment.

9 Case Conferencing Indications Slow progress in treatment. Definition/clarification of suitable duties. Multiple facets to management involving multiple providers. Compensable vs non- compensable issues. Evidence based. Resolving conflict. Independent medical advisor role.

10 Thank You!

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