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Health Kuopio – Centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise Research, services and business 30.8.2004 Heikki Helve Health Kuopio Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Kuopio – Centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise Research, services and business 30.8.2004 Heikki Helve Health Kuopio Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Kuopio – Centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise Research, services and business 30.8.2004 Heikki Helve Health Kuopio Program

2 The Kuopio vision 2012 OPEN-MINDED, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR HEALTH AND WELLNESS EXPERTISE Kuopio is a networked and growing urban region with a broad business base as well as excellent education and research facilities. Kuopio is a pleasant city and provides first-rate services for its inhabitants.

3 Expertise centre for China International Kuopio Leading European centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise The gateway to possibilities in Russia and the Baltic countries Vision 2012: Open-minded, international centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise Kuopio in the world – the world in Kuopio; the Kuopio internationalization strategy 2012

4 The Valley of Health and Wellness Expertise University Hospital Polytechnic CanthiaMedistudia Mediteknia Studentia Tietoteknia Snellmania Bioteknia 1, 2 GTK Neulanen Centek Microteknia 1,2,3 Market Kuopion Science Park Region

5 Mission Health and wellness expertise creates better services and more effective business opportunities Vision Kuopio - leading European centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise in 2012 Health Kuopio Program

6 Participants Kuopio towards a centre of excellence for health and wellness expertise in Europe 2012 2004 Kuopio University Technology Centre Teknia Ltd. City of Kuopio Enterprises Kuopio University Hospital Savonia Polytechnic The North Savo Regional Consortium for Education The Kuopio region The third sector

7 The aims of the main focus Development of the health and wellness expertise Kuopio’s recognized status as a pre-eminent centre in Europe in 2012 Commercialization of the health and wellness expertise Major increases in business turnover and exports Application of health and wellness expertise Ensuring of service supply which is first-rate, versatile and based on the latest facts

8 KUOPION REGION TESTBED HEALTH AND WELLNESS EXPERTISE Need for application of research HEALTH AND WELLNESS EXPERTISE Need for application of research HEALTH AND WELLNESS BUSINESS Need for testing and new markets HEALTH AND WELLNESS BUSINESS Need for testing and new markets HEALTH AND WELLNESS SERVICES Need for development of services HEALTH AND WELLNESS SERVICES Need for development of services Health Kuopio Programme is searching for partners and financing possibilities in its major interest groups and projects. The projects are focussing on new beginnings of health and wellness. Projects are not only development in accordance with basic budgets. The Kuopio region develops actively new production models and forms of cooperation. HEALTH KUOPIO Matching the focuses

9 arguments for mutual benefits –The wellbeing of the municipal and regional economy is dependent upon the vitality of the local commercial enterprises –Enterprises will seek out regions with desirable expertise and which also have readiness to produce it more in the future –Support for new fields of growth, this is anticipated to bring new enterprises, jobs, and through them, also an increase in tax revenues (incl. research-based industries) –Pilot environments important for both development of services and commercial product development –Creation of networks in selected fields of growth are an important tool of the business environment policy Welfare and business environment policy

10 If the development procedures of research, services and enterprises are more closely matched, will it create –opportunities for enterprises to increase their productivity? –more resources to public sector to reform service structures and produce first-rate health and wellness services? –research activities a functional way to adapt and analyze services? Could the solution in development of future services be closer cooperation between public, private and the third sector as well as new operation models, supporting networking and service production based on the latest health and wellness technology? Research–services-enterprises

11 challenges for success –opening of the parties for network-based development –identification of changing roles and creation of cooperation culture –mutual networking of enterprises, municipalities and researchers –municipal sector’s service as development environments –identification of processes and resource claims of the change phase vs. cost effectiveness Utilization of research expertise in services

12 functions at the national level –intensified cooperation between administrative sectors e.g. increasing STM – TEKES –cooperation a financial support system to speed up processes -> readiness improves –growing networking and internationalization of national centres of excellence and their new openings –service providers (municipalities) must be better integrated into programme development and coordination Needs for change of operations

13 Kuopio’s role is to support the health and wellness core –investments in expertise and the Science Park are a part of the business environment policy (development of the innovation system) –development of the technology centre (Teknia) –long-term strategic activities and follow-up of their effectiveness –good cooperation culture and mutual agreement on setting of aims (city and municipalities, KU, Polytechnic, Teknia, district administration) –continuous informing of the trustees, and other interested parties Operation model in Kuopio

14 The role of the Health Kuopio Programme –to combine and promote acts in order to strengthen the expertise core and to support enterprises’ operational conditions at the highest levels –to support processes which Kuopio equally values in applied research and product development -> development city –benefits of development projects in research – enterprise - services R & D operators: application and assessment of results enterprises: a real pilot environment and preferential assistence municipalities: activation of service processes –examples are important -> Health Kuopio Programme Kuopio as initiator and facilitator of cooperation Utilization of research expertise in services

15 utilization of information technology –Service producers shall be encouraged to apply for solutions and ways to specify needs for software solutions –Centek expertise network offers system producers the opportunity to access regional operations models in order to integrate software –Hospital districts are important operators and conciliators Some aspects for cooperation

16 CENTEK CITY AREA OF KUOPIO ENTERPRISES, TEKNIA PILOTING Development of health and wellness research and education Development of business environment Application of health and wellness expertise, and new operation models Correlation in development

17 Healthy aging Healthy weight reduction Healthy childhood Health and medicine tourism Model hospital Healthy usability (C-HAT) WellTeknia – operational environment Data systems (e.g. data systems for use in the social services) Some examples of projects

18 The Kuopio region as a developer We want to be –innovator, pilot area, pioneer Kuopio as a development city and -region –groundbreaking (eliminating the boundaries between administrative, regional andactivity sectors) –a solid combination of services, research, product development and enterprise activities –innovator and supporter of cooperation structures –a national and international pioneer and a networked centre of welfare expertise (China, EU, North America, Russia)

19 The Kuopio region as a developer We are searching –strategic partnership –networks –new ways to act and apply technology –matching of investments –evaluation of effectiveness of activities and long term commitment to excellence

20 Thank you for your attention! Join us in creating wealth and welfare in Europe Heikki Helve Development Manager Programme Manager of the Health Kuopio Programme E-mail: Tel. +358 447 182 108 30.8.2004

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