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DYnamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms Thorwald Stein, Robin Hogan, John Nicol DYMECS.

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Presentation on theme: "DYnamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms Thorwald Stein, Robin Hogan, John Nicol DYMECS."— Presentation transcript:

1 DYnamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms Thorwald Stein, Robin Hogan, John Nicol DYMECS

2 MetOffice Nimrod data Rainfall radar images 1km res 5min interval 1/32=0.03125 mm/hr 50 100 150 200 250 Rainfall [mm/hr] for 7 August 2010 06:10:00 Centered around the Chilbolton radar location

3 0.5 mm/hr Labelling algorithm Threshold for minimum rainfall Threshold for minimum feature size (4km 2 ) 50 100 150 200

4 2.0 mm/hr Labelling algorithm Threshold for minimum rainfall Threshold for minimum feature size (4km 2 ) 50 100 150 200

5 1.0 mm/hr Labelling algorithm Threshold for minimum rainfall Threshold for minimum feature size (4km 2 ) 50 100 150 200

6 1.0 mm/hr Keep label consistent between images (red) Register break ups (yellow) Highlight new storms (green) Store track (magenta) and lifetime 50 100 150 200


8 Per storm, store: – Area – Azimuth – Range – [u,v] – Centroid – Bounding box – Et cetera... Local rainfall maxima within storm (core, cell) work in progress... 50 100 150 200

9 50 100 150 200 Following a long-lived storm

10 Processing tree (in minutes) 05:00 Nimrod rainfall data produced 10:00 Nimrod data from BADC now at Chilbolton 10:30 Nimrod data cut to size on 400x400km grid 0:00 Met Office Radar network Volume scan 11:00 Tracking done. File with storm props and labels produced. 11:30 New scan procedure submitted to Chilbolton radar

11 Scan Scheduling

12 Prioritize storms that are already being tracked

13 Scan Scheduling Prioritize storms that are already being tracked

14 Scan Scheduling

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