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© University of Reading 2006 April 2014 Stratospheric Network for the Assessment of Predictability (SNAP) Andrew.

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Presentation on theme: "© University of Reading 2006 April 2014 Stratospheric Network for the Assessment of Predictability (SNAP) Andrew."— Presentation transcript:

1 © University of Reading 2006 April 2014 Stratospheric Network for the Assessment of Predictability (SNAP) Andrew Charlton-Perez & Om Tripathi and SNAP steering group.

2 Project Aims The aims of SNAP are to answer the following outstanding questions about stratospheric predictability: Are stratosphere-troposphere coupling effects important throughout the winter season or only when major stratospheric dynamical events occur? How far in advance can major stratospheric dynamical events be predicted and usefully add skill to tropospheric forecasts? Which stratospheric processes, both resolved and unresolved need to be captured by models to gain optimal stratospheric predictability? 2

3 Funding/Management Funded by the UK NERC and SPARC (an emerging activity) Run by the project manager (Om) and the PI (Andrew) Managed by the Steering Committee Mark Baldwin (Univ. of Exeter), Martin Charron (Environment Canada), Steve Eckerman (Naval Research Laboratory), Edwin Gerber (New York University), Yuhji Kuroda (Japan Meteorological Agency), David Jackson (Met Office), Andrea Lopez Lang (University at Albany), Greg Roff (Bureau of Meteorology), Seok-Woo Son (Seoul National University) 3

4 What will SNAP do? Organise and analyse a new multi-model experiment to quantify stratospheric predictability Help to stimulate the growth of a community of researchers interested in stratospheric predictability (this and a future workshop, website and newsletters). Produce a review paper on current understanding of stratospheric predictability Produce a SPARC report and peer-reviewed articles on the findings of the experiment. 4

5 Timetable 5 Workshop 1April 2013 Experimental protocol producedJune 2013 Experiment beginsJuly 2013 Data dissemination beginsSummer 2014 Workshop 2April 2015 SPARC report producedAutumn 2015

6 This workshop Aims: Begin to build SNAP network Share knowledge on stratospheric predictability (Weds and Thurs) Open experiment and network plan up for comment amongst broader community Revise future plans for SNAP 6

7 Your participation We are really excited that many of you are here for the meeting! Please tell us how you think the network should develop and what we should try to achieve (see Andrew or Om or Steering Committee members and/or contribute to the discussion on Friday). We would particularly like to firm-up plans for the experimental protocol and for some of the analysis following the workshop. We plan to keep all workshop attendees informed through a SNAP newsletter on project developments. 7

8 Industrial interest Locally in the UK we are aware of quite a bit of interest in stratospheric predictability amongst meteorologists in the commercial. Please take some time to talk with these attendees about your work and their interests: David Garner (Freepoint commodities) Daniel Guertin (EDF) Fotis Panagiotopoulos (Citadel) Warwick Norton and Dan Rowlands (Cumulus) 8

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