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©Allan Sylvester 2005 Info102  Delivered in trimester 2 and 3  Enrolments - 250 (t2) and 60 (t3)  Co-requisite - info101  Highly variable existing.

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Presentation on theme: "©Allan Sylvester 2005 Info102  Delivered in trimester 2 and 3  Enrolments - 250 (t2) and 60 (t3)  Co-requisite - info101  Highly variable existing."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Info102  Delivered in trimester 2 and 3  Enrolments - 250 (t2) and 60 (t3)  Co-requisite - info101  Highly variable existing knowledge, from complete novice to already skilled (some have already passed comp102)  Required course for Info and BIT majors  Currently in its fifth iteration  Expectation of high pass rate with low barrier to entry.

2 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Structure  First-half: Systems analysis and design  Developing data/process models  No one ‘right’ answer, but plenty of wrong answers.  Second-half: Application development  Some ‘get-it’ some don’t  High-touch with instructor-led workshops

3 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Co-ordinated delivery Challenge lectures, tutorials and workshops that are:  Engaging across a diverse class  Co-ordinated delivery even when topic focus varies. Strategy Adopt a single teaching case that applies across all delivery mechanisms. e.g. Lunch2You

4 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Tutors – diverse group Tutorial consistency assured by using the tutorial kitset, containing:  Common lesson plans  Example cases  Overhead projection foils  Learning objectives Not meant to be a substitute for preparation, still allows for tutors ‘personal style’, can/should be adapted for group dynamics.

5 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Assessment  Assignment 1 – data modelling  Assignment 2 - process modelling  Assignment 3 – software development  Exam Issues:  High potential for plagiarism – esp. in A3  Marking is often an interpretive exercise, have to second guess assumptions.  Exam can be make-or-break

6 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Assessment strategies  Group marking  Compare marking decisions – moderate on- the-fly.  Software inspections  Student is present and explains sections of code.  Mitigates plagiarism.  Phased hand-in of assessment 3  Provides a tight feedback cycle

7 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Software assessment 3 – phased marking Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4 Week 7Can be completed and marked Week 8Can be completed and marked Week 9Can be completed and marked Week 10Model answer given Can be completed and marked Model answer given on last teaching day Week 11Model answer given Week 12Model answer given

8 ©Allan Sylvester 2005 Phased marking  Capable students can complete all course work by week 10.  Less skilled can legitimately take until week 12  Regular feedback  To individuals - minimal  Class - patterns  Instructors – adaptive  Avoids all-or-nothing hand-ins.

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