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Gamma Ray Imaging Lab Tour

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1 Gamma Ray Imaging Lab Tour
Monday, March Please be prompt The lab can be hard to find so allow enough time to get there

2 Landau Distribution What is the distribution (probability density function) of energy loss in a given detector? So far we have just calculated the mean energy loss The mean energy loss may be fine for dosimetry (bulk deposition) but it is inadequate in describing the energy loss of single particles There are large statistical fluctuations in the distribution of dE/dx due to a small number of collisions involving very energetic electrons A real particle detector cannot really measure the mean energy loss – it measures DE deposited in Dx

3 Laudau Distribution

4 Landau Distribution Let’s define thick and thin detectors
If a detector is thick For thick detectors, the energy loss distribution is a Gaussian distribution with mean given by Bethe-Bloch and sigma given by Bohr (non-relativistic) Basically the central limit theorem the sum of N random variables as N→∞ is a Gaussian For thin detectors, the energy loss distribution is given by the Landau or Vavilov distribution

5 Landau Distribution Is a 1 cm scintillator thick or thin?

6 Landau Distribution The Landau distribution looks like

7 Landau Distribution The Landau probability density function is given by In practice one uses a numerical approximation found in most math libraries

8 Landau Distribution Notes
Usually D is used to represent the energy loss and Dp the most probable energy loss The probability functions describing the D distribution are frequently called straggling functions but in EPP they are called Landau functions The long tail is called the Landau tail It comes from a few scatters having large energy transfers (up to Wmax) There are also expressions for the most probable energy loss Dp

9 Landau Distribution Given the skewed distribution, one can see why either the most probable energy loss or restricted energy loss are preferred to describe the energy loss distribution for heavy charged particles

10 Restricted Energy Loss
Because the mean energy loss is unreliable, one improvement is to restrict the energy loss below some value Tcut (sometimes called D) Since Tcut instead of Tmax appears in the ln term, the mean energy loss will approach the Fermi plateau at high energies

11 Landau Distribution Restricted dE/dx and most probable energy loss

12 Landau Distribution Theory and experiment

13 Linear Energy Transfer
As mentioned, in radiation physics, often linear energy transfer (LET) is used for dE/dx LET is defined as LET is used in radiobiology and radiation protection dosimetry

14 Range Since we know the energy loss we can calculate the range (pathlength) a heavy charged particle travels before stopping This is called the CSDA (Continuously Slowing Down Approximation) range It is a very good approximation to the real range The range is defined as a straight-line thickness The projected range is the average value to which a charged particle will penetrate measured along the initial direction Detour factor is the ratio of the projected range to range and is always < 1

15 Range A useful formula is the Bragg-Kleeman rule Alpha from 214Po
Can be used to determine the range in one material if one knows the range in another material Alpha from 214Po R in air ~ 6 cm R in tissue ~ cm

16 Range Another useful relationship can be used to find the range for different particles (ions) with the same velocity in different materials z1, z2 are the charges of particles 1 and 2 M1, M2 are the masses of particles 1 and 2 Comparing protons and 12C in water R(12C) = 12/36 = ~1/3 (see slide 26)

17 Range In our discussion of dE/dx loss we included only the contribution from electrons Electronic stopping power We ignored the contribution from collisions with nuclei Nuclear stopping power At very low energies, nuclear recoil energy loss becomes more important and in fact dominates for heavier ions Both the electronic and nuclear stopping power at low energies (<500 keV protons) is a quite complicated subject and software (SRIM) or fitting formulas based on experimental data are used Very important for ion implantation

18 dE/dx (Stopping Power)
For protons

19 dE/dx (Stopping Power)
For alphas

20 dE/dx (Stopping Power)
Argon on Copper

21 Range protons

22 Range protons

23 Range

24 Detour Detour is the projected range / range <= 1 Protons

25 Range As we saw, energy loss is a statistical process
This means that the range is not the same for every particle An approximation is to use a Gaussian distribution about the mean range (point of 50% transmission) It’s difficult to calculate so a parameterization or simulation (GEANT or MCNP) must be used

26 Bragg Curve The 1/b2 dependence of dE/dx means that most of the energy loss will be deposited towards the end of the trajectory rather than uniformly along it A plot of the energy loss versus distance is called a Bragg curve

27 Bragg Curve Protons and Carbon

28 Bragg Curve Alpha particles in air

29 Application of Range The localized energy deposition of heavy charged particles can be useful therapeutically = proton radiation therapy

30 Proton Therapy

31 Proton Therapy Another particle physics connection – original idea from Robert Wilson, particle physicist

32 Proton Therapy Energy range of interest from 50 (eye) – 250 (prostate) MeV

33 Proton Therapy Nuclear reactions are important in this energy range as well About 20% of 160 MeV protons stopping in water have a non-elastic nuclear reaction where the primary proton is seriously degraded and secondary protons, neutrons and nuclear fragments appear

34 Proton Therapy asdf

35 Proton Therapy Modulator, aperture, and compensator Modulator

36 Proton Therapy

37 Proton Therapy

38 Proton Therapy Lung cancer treatment
Intensity modulated radiation therapy vs proton therapy

39 Proton Therapy

40 Proton Therapy Especially useful for chordomas (tumors in the skull base), ocular tumors, and prostate cancer But “Proton and other particle therapies need to be explored as potentially more effective and less toxic RT techniques. A passionate belief in the superiority of particle therapy and commercially driven acquisition and running of proton centers provide little confidence that appropriate information will become available…An uncontrolled expansion of clinical units offering as yet unproven and expensive proton therapy is unlikely to advance the field of radiation oncology or be of benefit to cancer patients.” from Brada et al. in J.Clin.Oncol. (2007)

41 Proton Therapy Existing and new proton centers in the US

42 Multiple Scattering A charged particle traversing matter will undergo multiple (small angle) Coulomb scattering from nuclei Small angle scattering – Gaussian Larger angle scattering – Rutherford scattering

43 Multiple Scattering The trajectory looks like
At low momentum, position and momentum resolution is usually dominated by multiple Coulomb scattering

44 Landau Distribution For very thin detectors, the Landau distribution may not be appropriate

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