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Published byNicholas Webster Modified over 9 years ago
High Quality Preschool Education and its Essential role in society’s economic development Tamar Gagoshidze
High quality preschool education is a significant precondition for successful business and economic growth! „ რისკის მქონე ბავშვების ადრეული ინტერვენცია ხელს უწყობს მათ სასკოლო მზაობას, აუმჯობესებს შრომითი რესურსების ხარისხს, აძლიერებს სასკოლო განათლების პროდუქტულობას და მნიშვნელოვნად ამცირებს დანაშაულს, ყმაწვილთა არასასურველ ორსულობასა და სოციალურ შეღავათებზე დამოკიდებულებას “. ჯეიმს ჰეკმანი, ნობელის პრემიის ლაურეატი. ჩიკაგოს უნივერსიტეტის ეკონომიკის პროფესორი. „ ბავშვის ადრეულ განვითარებასა და განათლებაში განხორციელებული ინვესტიცია უკან უბრუნდება საზოგადოებას ხარისხიანი და პროდუქტული სამუშაო ძალის სახით “. ფედერალური სარეზერვო ბანკის ეკონომისტები არტურ როლნიკი და რობ გრუნვალდი „High quality preschool education programs yields from $4 to $17 return for every $ 1 investment especially from economically disadvantaged families”. Robert Lynch, Professor of Economics
Arthur MacEwan: „Early childhood/preschool education is an essential component of economic development”. Increased incomes as the parents have the opportunity of working; Increased parental productivity; Decreased missed working days; Facilitation of working satisfaction; Decreased stress and conflict between the working and parental obligations.
What is a high quality preschool education? Two dimensions: Quality of process: activities, relations, the ways and the facilities of studying. Quality of structure: size of a group, ratio of teacher-student, teacher’s education and training. Size of group Teacher/studen t ratio Teacher Qualification
Results of high quality preschool education: While comparing the children who stay at home to those children who go to kindergartens, we see the preschool education develops the children’s cognitive and social skills, their concentration and adaption to new environment. Preschool education is especially effective for the well- being of children under risk. High quality preschool education decreases the number of problematic children with high risks when they enter school.
Situation in Georgia According to UNISEF data 2006-2007 In Georgia 55% of the children under 3-6 age go to kindergartens. In towns - 67%; In villages - 43%; In Tbilisi - 80%; In Kvemo Kartli Region - 25%. There are164 kindergartens in Tbilisi, where 43700 children are enrolled.
Average salary of caregivers according to 2007 data
Approximately 80% of kindergartens require a fundamental rehabilitation and 24% immediate refurbishment. Kindergartens averagely spend 1 Gel per day for the nutrition of a single child. The feeding ratio is rather poor carrying low nutritional value. Only 6% of kindergartens have 1 caregiver for 10 children, basically in regions. 50% of kindergartens did not have illustrated books, early learning toys and visual learning materials. The kindergartens did not have a standard curriculum. The kindergarten teachers did have the opportunity to be involved in the qualification improvement courses and the comprehensive educational resources. Physical and learning environment
Preschool Education Model Preschool education institution as a center of children’s physical and psychical development and the school readiness. developmental educational preventive inclusive.
Preschool Education Model
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