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1 BACK ROW ATTACKS Version 10 10 MAR 11 Created by Tom Craig.

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2 1 BACK ROW ATTACKS Version 10 10 MAR 11 Created by Tom Craig

3 2 An interactive MS Office Power Point presentation best viewed using MS Power Point 2007. Older versions of PP may be used but some of the animation may not work. To advance the presentation, click the mouse button once to advance to the next item in the presentation at your own pace. Created by Tom Craig, TASO VB District 4 Director and President, Heart of Texas Chapter.

4 3 VERSION 10 CHANGES No changes necessary to conform to 2011-2012 rules.


6 5 The Rule in Question

7 6 ART 5. A BACK ROW PLAYER SHALL NOT RULE 9.5.5, PG 35 a. Participate in a completed block NOTE: An illegal BR attack shall not be called until the ball has completely crossed the net or is legally blocked by an opponent ( Rule 9.4.4) b. Attack a ball which is completely above the height of the net while positioned: 1.On or in front of the attack line or its out of bounds extension; 2. In the air, having left the floor on or in front of the attack line or its OOB extension; b. Attack a ball which is completely above the height of the net while positioned: 1.On or in front of the attack line or its out of bounds extension;

8 7 INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION 1.Who commits the violations ? 2. When should the violation be called ? 3. What are the most common situations / violations ?


10 9 There are 3 types of back row players that could commit a violation under this rule, they are: RULE 9.5.5. PG 35 1. A BACK ROW SETTER 2. A BACK ROW HITTER 3. THE LIBERO Which of these 3 is most likely to commit a back row player violation ? A back row player shall not …….

11 10 The referee needs to constantly track the setters during the entire match. HOW DO YOU KNOW THE SETTER IS BACK ROW ? 1. Spot them BEFORE each rally. 2. Memorize their numbers. 3. Know each team’s offense.




15 14 ART 5. A BACK ROW PLAYER SHALL NOT RULE 9.5.5. PG 35 a. Participate in a completed block NOTE: An illegal BR attack shall not be called until the ball has completely crossed the net or is legally blocked by an opponent ( Rule 9.4.4) b. Attack a ball which is completely above the height of the net while positioned: 2. In the air, having left the floor on or in front of the attack line or its OOB extension; 1.On or in front of the attack line or its out of bounds extension;

16 15 c. No part of the ball has crossed the net and it is legally blocked. RULE 9.4.4. PG 33 WHEN THE BALL IS CONSIDERED TO HAVE CROSSED THE NET a. It has passed completely beyond the vertical plane of the net. b.It is partially over the net (in the plane) and is contacted by an opponent.

17 16 WHEN IS THE BALL CONSIDERED TO HAVE CROSSED THE NET? The ball is moving from left to right. 2. The ball is partially over the net (in the plane) and is contacted by an opponent. 3. No part of the ball has crossed the net and it is legally blocked. 1. The ball passes completely beyond the vertical plane of the net untouched. The attack is complete or this is a 3 rd hit by green. OFFENSEDEFENSE This is when the referee blows their whistle if there is an illegal attack violation.

18 17 WHY THE REFEREE WAITS TO CALL AN ILLEGAL BACK ROW ATTACK It is possible, that the other team may commit a violation BEFORE the ball is considered to have crossed the net, such as a net violation or a center line violation. A net violation is probably the most common.

19 18 SITUATION – 1. a. OFFENSEDEFENSE An overpass on a 1 st or 2 nd hit is going to cross the net The blocker misses the ball and touches the net, before the ball completely crosses the net NET FOUL In this case the net foul occurred first and is penalized, the back row attack IS NOT penalized SIGNAL # 6 NET FOUL BR setter contacts the ball completely above the plane in an attack A back row violation is ONLY called when the ball has COMPLETELY crossed the plane of the net untouched HERE WE GO

20 19 SITUATION - 1. b. OFFENSEDEFENSE Illegal Attack by a BR player NOT CALLED YET While the ball is headed towards the net, the yellow team blocker contacts the net BEFORE the ball crosses the plane or is legally blocked Any back row player attacks a ball that is above the height of the net when she takes off from on or in front of the attack line 19 NET FOUL SIGNAL # 6 10 FT LINE The net foul is penalized, the illegal attack is not HERE WE GO

21 20 SITUATION - 1, SIGNAL SIGNAL # - 6 NET FOUL Hold arm on the offending side straight out parallel to the net RS-4


23 22 RULE 9.5.3. PG 35 Back-row players, while positioned behind the attack line, MAY contact the ball from any position inside or outside the court, above or below the top of the net. (A quote straight out of the rule book) A LEGAL BACK ROW ATTACK

24 23 SITUATION - 2 OFFENSEDEFENSE LEGAL ATTACK LINE A BR player attacks a ball that is above (or below) the height of the net when she takes off from (or is on the floor) behind the attack line and the ball crosses the plane of the net untouched SIGNAL # 7 LEGAL BACK ROW ATTACK Signal is made at the moment of contact w/ the ball 23 HERE WE GO

25 24 SITUATION - 2, VIDEO 24V-1-1 LEGAL

26 25 SITUATION - 2, SIGNAL SIGNAL # 7 - LEGAL BACK ROW ATTACK Arm on attacker’s side is extended, parallel to the floor at chest level, palm down, make 1 horizontal sweeping motion 25 RS-1

27 26 RULE 9.5.4. PG 35 A back-row player (on or in front of the attack line), CANNOT contact the ball completely above the height of the net and complete an attack. (A quote straight out of the rule book ) AN ILLEGAL BACK ROW ATTTACK 26

28 27 SITUATION - 3 OFFENSEDEFENSE ILLEGAL 10 FT LINE A BR player attacks a ball that is completely above the height of the net when she takes off from on or in front of the 10 ft line and the ball crosses the plane of the net untouched SIGNAL # 8 ILLEGAL ATTACK The violation is called (whistled) when the ball is considered to have cross the net 27 HERE WE GO


30 29 SITUATION - 3, SIGNAL SIGNAL # 8 - ILLEGAL ATTACK Raise hand beside head and rotate forearm forward and downward on the offending teams side 29 RS-5

31 30 ART 5. A BACK ROW PLAYER SHALL NOT RULE 9.5.5. PG 35 a. Participate in a completed block NOTE: An illegal BR attack shall not be called until the ball has completely crossed the net or is legally blocked by an opponent ( Rule 9. 4.4.) b. Attack a ball which is completely above the height of the net while positioned: 1.On or in front of the attack line or its out of bounds extension; 2. In the air, having left the floor on or in front of the attack line or its OOB extension;

32 31 SITUATION - 4 OFFENSEDEFENSE An overpass on a 1 st or 2 nd hit is going to cross the net A blocker misses the ball and the ball crosses the plane of the net untouched by the blocker ILLEGAL The foul is called when the ball COMPLETELY crosses the plane of the net untouched SIGNAL # 8 ILLEGAL ATTACK A BR setter contacts the ball completely above the plane in an attack or a set attempt that crosses the plane untouched HERE WE GO

33 32 SITUATION - 4, VIDEO 32 V-1-15 2 nd PLAY, ILLEGAL

34 33 SITUATION - 5 OFFENSEDEFENSE An overpass on a 1 st or 2 nd hit is going to cross the net and is ATTACKED across the net by a BR setter; contact is above the top of the net Ball is legally blocked ILLEGAL ATTACK By green Foul is called when the ball is considered to have crossed the net (legally block) HERE WE GO

35 34 ART 6. A LIBERO SHALL NOT: RULE 9.5.6. PG 35 a. Complete an attack from anywhere if, at the moment of contact, the ball is entirely above the height of the net; b. Set the ball using overhand finger action while on or in front of the attack line extended, resulting in a completed attack above the height of the net; c. Block or attempt to block; d. Rotate to the front row;

36 35 SITUATION - 6 OFFENSEDEFENSE The violation is called when the ball is considered to have crossed the net (completely crosses the net untouched) SIGNAL # 8 ILLEGAL ATTACK A libero attacks a ball that is above the height of the net when she takes off from anywhere on the court and the ball crosses the plane of the net untouched 35 ILLEGAL HERE WE GO

37 36 SITUATION - 6 36 Things that will help you to call an illegal attack on a Libero: How tall is the Libero ? Is she hitting with her arm fully extended ? Where on the court does she take off from ? What is the trajectory of the ball ? Is this the first time the Libero has made an attack or is it the 2 nd or 3 rd time ?

38 37 SITUATION - 6, VIDEO 37 V-1-25 ILLEGAL ?

39 38 SITUATION - 6, VIDEO 38 V -1-31 ILLEGAL ?

40 39 SITUATION - 6, VIDEO 39 V-1-32 ILLEGAL ?

41 40 ART 6. A LIBERO SHALL NOT: RULE 9.5.6. PG 35 a. Complete an attack from anywhere if, at the moment of contact, the ball is entirely above the height of the net;

42 41 SITUATION - 7 OFFENSEDEFENSE ILLEGAL ATTACK by the libero The violation is called when the ball is considered to have crossed the net, in this case, legally blocked SIGNAL # 8 ILLEGAL ATTACK A libero attacks a ball that is above the height of the net when she takes off from anywhere on the court and the ball is legally blocked 41 LEGAL BLOK HERE WE GO

43 42 SITUATION - 8 OFFENSEDEFENSE LEGAL There is no violation here A libero attacks a ball that is below the height of the net from anywhere on the court 42 HERE WE GO A LEGAL LIBERO ATTACK

44 43 SITUATION - 8, VIDEO 43 V-1-30 LEGAL or ILLEGAL ?

45 44 SITUATION - 8, SIGNAL SIGNAL # 6 - LEGAL BACK ROW ATTACK Arm on attacker’s side is extended, parallel to the floor at chest level, palm down, make 1 horizontal sweeping motion 44 RS-1

46 45 ART 6. A LIBERO SHALL NOT: RULE 9.5.6. PG 35 b. Set the ball using overhand finger action while on or in front of the attack line extended, resulting in a completed attack above the height of the net.

47 46 SITUATION - 9 The libero sets the ball to a FR hitter using overhand finger action while she is on or in front of the attack line SIGNAL # 8 Green team FR hitter spikes the ball (completes an attack) without realizing this is an illegal set from the libero ILLEGAL ATTACK ATTACK LINE LIBERO FRONT ROW HITTER HERE WE GO The violation is called when the ball is crosses the net untouched or is legally blocked

48 47 SITUATION - 9, VIDEO - 1 47 ILLEGAL V-1-40

49 48 SITUATION - 9, VIDEO - 2 48 LEGAL V-1-38

50 49 SITUATION - 9, VIDEO - 3 49 LEGAL V-1-42


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