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Exchange… …and the Vault Anton Lawrence IT Services 6 th March 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Exchange… …and the Vault Anton Lawrence IT Services 6 th March 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exchange… …and the Vault Anton Lawrence IT Services 6 th March 2007

2 What is the Enterprise Vault? Product created by Veritas but now owned by Symantec Currently on version 7 What does it do? Archives material based on a set of policies Emails are moved from the Exchange store to a different backend But they are still accessible through the email client/web interface.

3 What can it do? Retain and delete emails based on policies Policies can be controlled around Active Directory Groups Public Folder Archiving Retrieve messages from pst files, scattered around the university Initially we will not be utilising any of these.

4 Why vault? Exchange mailboxes are growing rapidy Mailbox sizes of greater than 300Mb are now not uncommon Some are even larger! Exchange has a limit of 2Gb per mailbox There are over 40 users with more than 2Gb of email in their Unix folders ITS want to introduce quota-less email

5 How the vault helps The vault moves messages away from your mailbox and onto a filer This can be done based on size or age… …of message Or the mailbox usage These messages no longer take up your quota And no longer take up space on our fast, expensive mail server disk They are indexed for easy searching.

6 How the system works NetApp Fas960 (Whiteknights) NetApp Fas960 (Early Gate) Exchange Server SNAPMIRRO R Ent Vault Server Ent. Vault SQL Server NetApp R200 Archiving Job

7 If the message meets archiving criteria, then a stub is created. This is an ordinary message that contains To, From, Subject, date information and instructions about what the message. Also an extract from the original email.

8 Accessing Archived Emails Emails can be accessed through the email client (Outlook is preferred). Tools can be installed. Double clicking on a message will retrieve it Clicking on the link will retrieve the message in a web browser Messages can be searched using tools within Outlook or based on the web Email can be accessed through OWA.

9 Manually Archiving Email I want to archive some of my messages! –You can do this through the use of Outlook and OWA tools –Search –Archive Explorer –Place in Vault –Restore from Vault –Delete from Vault

10 Policies 2 stage policy: 1.Archive based on size: e.g. greater than 100Kb after 2 weeks Then 2.Archive based on date: e.g. archive everything after 6 months OR Archived based on mailbox usage: e.g. archive when 75% of mailbox used

11 Mail Server Space Savings

12 Offline Access It is possible to create a cache of your vault store This allows you to take Vaulted email with you. This is done through the Offline Vault tool.

13 Demo

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