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Goal Setting A Guide to Setting SMART Goals. I can... Explain how to write a short or long term goal using the SMART concept. Identify whether or not.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal Setting A Guide to Setting SMART Goals. I can... Explain how to write a short or long term goal using the SMART concept. Identify whether or not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal Setting A Guide to Setting SMART Goals

2 I can... Explain how to write a short or long term goal using the SMART concept. Identify whether or not a goal is a SMART goal. Write my own SMART goal.

3 What is a goal? A Goal is a specific task one desires to achieve in a given amount of time. Oscar Pistorius' goal was to run in the 2012 Olympics with other able bodied athletes. Oscar Pistorius'

4 Short-Term Goals A short term goal is a task one desires to achieve in a relative short period of time.

5 Long-Term Goals A long-term goal is a task one desires to achieve over an extended period of time.

6 SMART Goals

7 S. Specific - What do I want to achieve? M. Measurable - How much or how many? A. Achievable - What actions must be taken to reach said goal? R. Realistic - Will this challenge me or be impossible? T. Timely - What is the time limit?

8 Are these SMART Goals? I want to lose weight. I want to lose 30 lbs. in 15 days. I want to lose 2 lbs. in 15 days. I want to lose 10 lbs. in 5 months. I want to lose 2 lbs. in 5 months.

9 Writing SMART Goals What is she doing? What does she want to do?

10 Writing SMART Goals Who are they? What do they want to do?

11 Writing Your Own My goal is to complete the one mile run pre-test in (write your time here) in September.

12 Exit Slip What does SMART stand for? What does short term goal mean? What does long term goal mean? Write a SMART goal you would like to achieve.

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