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Collaboration: Increasing Levels of Inquiry and Rigor.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration: Increasing Levels of Inquiry and Rigor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration: Increasing Levels of Inquiry and Rigor

2 AVID’s AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

3 Performance Objectives Teachers will: Understand collaboration, why collaboration is used and how to implement collaboration and collaborative structures in order to increase levels of inquiry and rigor. Use reflection/metacognition activities themselves and with students in order to identify and evaluate the benefits of using collaborative learning.

4 Agenda Introduction Give one/get one Fist to five The pyramid challenge Happiness:10-2-2 & Note-checking pairs Gallery walk Commitment circle

5 Norms A sk questions E ngage fully I ntegrate new information O pen your mind to diverse views U tilize what you learn Used with permission of Learning Forward, All rights reserved.

6 Essentials Addressed

7 Essential Question CORNELL NOTES TOPIC/OBJECTIVE:NAME: CLASS/PERIOD: DATE: ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the difference between collaboration and collaborative structures, and how can they both be used to increase levels of inquiry, critical thinking, and rigor in classrooms schoolwide?

8 Quickwrite Quickwrite: List 3 to 5 of your favorite lessons to teach or strategies to use. For example: o Students analyze a work of art by writing who, what, when, where, and why questions. o Students are assigned an event in The Odyssey and have to line up in chronological order.

9 Give One/Get One When the music starts: o Get up and find a partner When the music stops: o Introduce yourself o Give one lesson to your partner o Get one lesson from your partner When the music starts, repeat. Debrief: Discuss how this activity creates a structure for effective collaboration and what kind of classroom culture it helps foster.

10 Collaboration Poll Fist to Five: What is your level of comfort teaching and using collaboration in your class? (5 = high) English Learner College Readiness

11 How does collaboration impacts student learning? Teachers share ideas utilized in their classrooms.

12 Debrief: What are the challenges of allowing students to collaborate in your classroom? What do you need to remember when setting up collaborative activities for your students?

13 Happiness EQ: How does happiness inspire productivity? “The Happy Secret to Better Work” by Shawn Achor

14 10:2:2 Processing Partner up and compare your notes add or cross out circle key words underline main ideas On your own, write a one sentence summary below the notes you took during the chunk.

15 10:2:2 Chunking 10 minutes of “input”: lecture chunk, demonstration, reading, video viewing, etc. 2 minutes of collaborative processing: partner share; small group comparing notes; drawing notes; completing “processing” side of interactive notebook, etc. 2 minutes of summarizing: add to or revise notes based on processing; write one-sentence summary; use a prompt or sentence frame to capture main idea or relationships

16 Debrief How does the collaboration in this activity contribute to increased levels of inquiry and rigor? How does it impact the depth of the learning taking place? What do you need to do to make small-scale collaboration a classroom routine?

17 Keys to Success Start small Plan-do-reflect-revise Begin now—it will be messy at first—effective collaboration is a learned skill Explain the WHY to students and reflect on process Develop norms; learn the process; scaffold Find a partner in crime to work with

18 Commitment Circle On a sticky note, address the following questions: What will you take from today’s session? How will you embed more collaboration in your classroom? What is one thing you will commit to doing routinely?

19 Reminder – AVID Resources 1. AVID manuals online –, C&I Middle SchoolUsername – MSAVID Password – college High SchoolUsername – HSAVID Password – college 2. 3. Google doc created by R. Wilson

20 Commit to Student Success with AVID 20

21 Thank you.

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