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SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY AFTER DAY 2 CESME TURKEY 28-29 MAY 2014 Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by.

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Presentation on theme: "SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY AFTER DAY 2 CESME TURKEY 28-29 MAY 2014 Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by."— Presentation transcript:

1 SALEIE - WP5 – POLICY AFTER DAY 2 CESME TURKEY 28-29 MAY 2014 Dorian Cojocaru University of Craiova, Romania CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

2 CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW Six participants from Malta meeting: Romania (Dorian, Antoanela, Gheorghe), Malta (Ernest), Turkey (Bahar), Norway (Carsten), and UK (Tony). - One colleague from Czech Republic: Tomas Zeman. -Today arrived two of our collegues, from Greece (Giorgios), France (Olivier). - Other participants from Malta meeting: Poland (Piotr), Belgium (Joseph), Slovenia (Marian) – we will ask their help too.

3 CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW We maintain the decision to split the task concerning the report for best practice examples in four parts corresponding to the following countries areas: - Hard core of EU, - New members from Central and Eastern Europe, - Like UK teaching system (UK, Ireland and Malta), - Non EU members.

4 CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW - Before this meeting I received individual reports from Izmir Bachar Karaoglan, Gheorghe Livint, Ernest Cachia, Antoanela Naaji and Carsten Hhelgesen. - I elaborate my self a study case (Bachelor in Romania) that I sent to the participants to WP5 in Malta – to use it like an example.

5 CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW Using the suggestions received before the meeting from Tony Ward, we decide to produce reports (few pages each) focussing on the following items: 1. Programme creation, 2. Programme change, 3. Partnerships with other academic institutions, 4. Student placements, 5. Engagement with industry.

6 We decide to continue by producing (Dorian, Antonella, Gheorghe) one example of report regarding Romania and bachelor + master + doctoral studies. This report will be sent individually to our colleagues asking them to produce something similar (few pages) concerning their country: - Tomas (CZ), Nina (BG), Jana (SK) and Marian (SL) – East EU, - Carsten (N), Jean-Marc (F), Joseph (B), Giorgios (GR), Olivier (F) – Hard Core EU, - Ernest (MT) – Like UK, - Bahar (TR) – Non EU. The assembled four reports (Dorian, Carsten, Ernest, Bahar) must be ready before the York meeting – deadline 20th of August. CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

7 CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW First day we worked together, having Tony as manager, to produce a template for a programme “definition”. This will be another deliverable for WP5 and a connection with WP3. The second day we start to produce something similar for a module. We concluded that this type of document already exist in EU!!!!! We proposed one paper regarding WP5 to ITHET.

8 THANK YOU !! CESME 28-29.05.2014 WP5 - POLICY Funded by the European Union LifeLong Learning Programme SALEIE: Project No. 527877-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW

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