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The food industry and nutrition. Primary source use in the education system. Ryan Lowe.

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1 The food industry and nutrition. Primary source use in the education system. Ryan Lowe

2 Overview 6-8 grade Middle school health class Intro. to health

3 Students I will have about 20-30 general education students. I can also have three to four special education students, since this is considered an exploratory class. The can be 6 th,7 th, or 8 th grade students.

4 Summary Using primary sources, the middle school students will have a discussion about different food practice from past to present. They will also talk about how the food pyramid has changed.

5 Nutrition: The process by which organisms take in and utilize food material. Cholesterol: : a steroid alcohol C 27 H 45 OH that is present in animal cells and body fluids, regulates membrane fluidity, and functions as a precursor molecule in various metabolic pathways and as a constituent of LDL may cause arteriosclerosis Obesity: Very fat or overweight; corpulent. Calories: A quantity of food capable of producing such an amount of energy. Diet: Food and drink considered in terms of its qualities, composition, and its effects on health

6 Prior Content Knowledge Students should have some knowledge of the food pyramid. The should also have some knowledge, and be thinking of what they do on a daily basis to feed themselves. They should also have some knowledge of what it is to be nutritious.

7 A war service poster from between 1941 and 1943 that promotes healthy eating.

8 Modern day food pyramid What are some of the main differences between these two sets of food standards? How are they alike?

9 What about fast food where does it fit in?

10 Understanding Goal Through the study of nutrition, students will use primary sources about the food industry and see how it differs from today nutrition standards. Investigative Question How does the food industry correlate with nutrition? I am using different things that I think may interest the students. I also think that it will work with different types of learning in the classroom.

11 A Picture of the Quaker Oats factor in Cedar Rapids Iowa, taken between 1923-1959. What do you think is going on in this picture? Getting ready to put the oats in their containers.

12 This picture was taken between 1920-1950. What do you think the person in this picture is doing? Checking eggs under a light.

13 How old do you think this picture is? 1910 What do you think all of those things are that the mean are standing on? Sugar Beets

14 This picture is from 1910, what do you think is on all of these shelves? Butter How do you think they produce this product today?

15 How old do you think this picture is? 1890-1910 Does it look like a pretty normal packing plant? Yes, but it is actually a State Penitentiary that canned this fruit.

16 Who know where this sign is from? What do you think some of the differences with the food industry are between past and present?

17 Would you say this is what we are used to seeing if we are purchasing food? Do you think it was the same way for the people in the primary source photos ? Why or Why not?

18 Best Instructional Practices Using different classroom technologies, like power point and pictures form the Library of Congress is a way to get student more involved. This is also a way to get many different types of intelligences and learning strategies involve.

19 Inquiry Process Connect Students will connect by learning about nutritious behaviors and how they have differed from past and present. Investigate Students will investigate what the differences and similarities in the old food pyramid and in the new food pyramid are.

20 Inquiry Process Cont. Wonder Students will look at different pictures from the Library of Congress and some from present day about the food industry and wonder what is going on in them. Construct Students will construct some ideas of what is going on in each pictures. They will form groups in class to talk about what they think is going on in each picture in both past and present photos.

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