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Customs and Traditions  Holidays (holy days) and celebrations.

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2 Customs and Traditions  Holidays (holy days) and celebrations

3 Customs and Traditions  Answer these questions in your notes:  What is your favorite holiday? Why?  How does your family celebrate birthdays?  What do you often do on the Fourth of July?  We will discuss your answers in class tomorrow.

4 Customs and Traditions  Holidays and celebrations  Etiquette: What is polite? What is expected? What is offensive? How do we treat one another?

5 Customs and Traditions  Holidays and celebrations  Etiquette: What is polite? What is expected? What is offensive? How do we treat one another?  Hygiene/Odors/Grooming

6 Customs and Traditions  Holidays and celebrations  Etiquette: What is polite? What is expected? What is offensive? How do we treat one another?  Hygiene/Odors  View of time

7 Customs and Traditions  Holidays and celebrations  Etiquette: What is polite? What is expected? What is offensive? How do we treat one another?  Hygiene/Odors  View of time  Independence vs. Interdependence

8 Time to Reflect and Summarize:  Look over your notes. Take a minute to think about what we’ve talked about, then add ideas and details to your notes to make sure they are adequate.  Add your personal response or thoughts.  Add questions that you have about this aspect of culture.

9 Language  Communication  Education  Record-keeping  History  Unexpected Aspects:  Proximity  Flexibility/Assimilation of new words Greetings Farewells/Good-byes Electronic technology changing language and communication…Google translate…

10 Language  Number systems  Arabic numerals  Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV, V, VI…  Australian aborigines : 1, 2, Many  Measurement systems  Feet, inches  Metric  Calendar Systems  Solar or Lunar  Religious or Common Era

11 Language  Symbol Systems  Number your paper from 1-10.  As each of these symbols appears, write down on your paper what each means. You can pause the video so you have time to write if you need to.

12 Time to Reflect and Summarize:  Look over your notes. Take a minute to think about what we’ve talked about, then add ideas and details to your notes to make sure they are adequate.  Add your personal response or thoughts.  Add questions that you have about this aspect of culture.

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