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Sustainability/Logistics – Transportation and Distribution Management (4b) Technology Enabled Capability Demonstration Alan Santucci

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1 Sustainability/Logistics – Transportation and Distribution Management (4b) Technology Enabled Capability Demonstration Alan Santucci 973-724-4737 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT B: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only (21 June 2012). Other requests for this document shall be referred to Director, US Army Armament Research, Development & Engineering Center, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.

2 Challenge: Formulate a S&T program to leverage all available conveyance modes to ensure supply delivery, to increase the reliability and timeliness of supplies delivery, and to be able to predict when and where all classes of supplies will be needed. In addition, the program will devise methods to reduce waste and use it to provide power. Problem Statement: The Army needs improved capability to tactically transport and reliably deliver consumables to Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) and smaller satellite bases in remote, dispersed, austere locations with reduced supplier and equipment risk, including improved efficient and safe methods for disposing waste. Objectives: Near term (FY17): Develop tools that efficiently manage, track, redirect, account for and distribute supplies to support forced entry, early entry, and non- contiguous operations Supply Chain Logistics Enhanced Energy Agility Power and Energy Mgmt. Unmanned Ground Autonomy Challenge Boundary Conditions: Who: For Forward Operating Bases with applications to expeditionary bases (Small Units in COPs and PBs) What: Rapidly deliver significant quantities (volume, weight, etc) of supplies. Air drop and convoy operations - develop ability to conduct rapid movement of emergency, planned, or critical logistics support that enables precise delivery of supplies and repair parts to forward battlefield locations, medical evacuation operations and relief operations How: Representative 2011 Afghanistan-like environment baseline Sustainability/Logistics – Transport, Distribute & Dispose Challenge Statement 4b Original 2

3 Challenge: Formulate a S&T program to leverage all available conveyance modes to ensure supply delivery, to increase the reliability and timeliness of supplies delivery, and to be able to predict when and where all classes of supplies will be needed. provide improved intelligent anticipatory tools and capabilities to manage, track, redirect, account for, and distribute supplies in an autonomous manner in order to provide improved sustainment effectiveness and efficiency and reduce unnecessary risk to soldiers and equipment. Problem Statement: The Army needs improved capabilities to tactically transport and reliably deliver consumables to Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) and smaller satellite bases in remote, dispersed, austere locations with reduced supplier and equipment risk, including improved efficient and safe methods for equipment retrograde operations. F orward units engaged in decisive action/operations lack the ability to accurately identify sustainment requirements and execute distribution decisions which often causes unnecessary exposure to soldiers delivering supplies. Objectives: Near term (FY17): Develop tools that efficiently manage, track, redirect, account for and distribute supplies to support forced entry, early entry, and non- contiguous operations. Develop and demonstrate a Distribution Management tool that optimizes scheduling of tactical transport modes to more efficiently distribute sustainment. Integrate sustainment data from GCSS-A, legacy STAMIS & embedded sensors to increase the reliability and effectiveness of the tactical supply chain, to be able to anticipate when and where all classes of supplies will be needed. Provide the ability to monitor consumption to optimize energy efficiency of delivery and reduce unnecessary exposure to the distribution force Challenge Boundary Conditions: Who: For Forward Operating Bases with applications to expeditionary bases (Small Units in COPs and PBs) Tactical Commanders conducting decisive operations (Brigade and below). What: Rapidly deliver significant quantities (volume, weight, etc) of supplies. Air drop and convoy operations - develop ability to conduct rapid movement of emergency, planned, or critical logistics support that enables precise delivery of supplies and repair parts to forward battlefield locations, medical operations and relief operations Develop a Distribution Management Tool (DMT) and autonomous transport technology to improve our ability to support forward units engaged in decisive action/operations: 1) to more accurately identify troop requirements (what, where, when, and how much is needed), 2) provide increased flexibility to execute distribution decisions. How: Worldwide expeditionary operations based on regional threat environment. The DMT will use data from the mesh network to provide anticipatory sustainment; extend technology to support unit-to-unit distribution; leverage existing S&T and JCTD efforts (Next Gen Wireless Communication (NGWC), Autonomous Mobility Appliqué System (AMAS), Precision Airdrop, Autonomous MHE, Adaptive Packaging/Platforms as they apply to optimizing distribution and transportation management. Sustainability/Logistics – Transport, Distribute & Dispose Transportation & Distribution Management Challenge Statement 4b Revised 3 Enhanced Energy Agility Supply Chain Logistics Power and Energy Mgmt. Unmanned Ground Autonomy

4 Challenge: Formulate an S&T program to provide improved intelligent anticipatory tools and capabilities to manage, track, redirect, account for, and distribute supplies in an autonomous manner in order to provide improved sustainment effectiveness and efficiency and reduce unnecessary risk to soldiers and equipment. Problem Statement: Forward units engaged in decisive action/operations lack the ability to accurately identify sustainment requirements and execute distribution decisions which often causes unnecessary exposure to soldiers delivering supplies. Objectives : Near term (FY17): Develop and demonstrate a Distribution Management tool that optimizes scheduling of tactical transport modes to more efficiently distribute sustainment. Integrate sustainment data from GCSS-A, legacy STAMIS & embedded sensors to increase the reliability and effectiveness of the tactical supply chain, to be able to anticipate when and where all classes of supplies will be needed. Provide the ability to monitor consumption to optimize energy efficiency of delivery and reduce unnecessary exposure to the distribution force Challenge Boundary Conditions: Who: Tactical Commanders conducting decisive operations (Brigade and below). What: Develop a Distribution Management Tool (DMT) and autonomous transport technology to improve our ability to support forward units engaged in decisive action/operations: 1) to more accurately identify troop requirements (what, where, when, and how much is needed), and 2) to provide increased flexibility to execute distribution decisions. How: The DMT will use data from the mesh network to provide anticipatory sustainment; extend technology to support unit-to-unit distribution; leverage existing S&T and JCTD efforts (Next Gen Wireless Communication (NGWC), Autonomous Mobility Appliqué System (AMAS), Precision Airdrop, Autonomous MHE, Adaptive Packaging/Platforms) as they apply to optimizing distribution and transportation management. Enhanced Energy Agility Supply Chain Logistics Power and Energy Mgmt. Unmanned Ground Autonomy Transportation & Distribution Management

5 Purpose: Demonstrate an integrated sustainment distribution capability that focuses on an “informed pull” to deliver all classes of supply to the right place at the right time in the right quantity while minimizing unnecessary exposure to those engaged in decisive operations. Products: Distribution Management Tool (DMT) Unmanned Distribution Support Vehicles Adaptive Cargo Platforms Sustainment Intelligence Reports Payoff: Improved distribution management Increased efficiency Reduced exposure events Reduced sustainment loss Sustainability/Logistics – Transportation & Distribution Management 4b Rapid Innovation Funds 2 Contracts – $3.26M ActivitiesFY13FY14FY15FY16FY17Total Distribution Management tool (ERDC) 14.4 Autonomous MHE & Adaptive Packaging/ Platforms (ARDEC) 14.6 Autonomous Transport Technologies (TARDEC) 6.6 Precision Air Drop (NSRDEC) 7.6 System Integration\Demo Funding ($M) 4.41211.411.34.143.2 5 Total $43M 4 6 5 6 4 6 4 6

6 CSSB ll BSB x FOB II FSC l PB COP X FSC l … … … Ground Air Log Data Demonstrated Future Approach: Develop and demonstrate a Distribution Management tool that optimizes scheduling of tactical transport modes to more efficiently distribute sustainment to Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) and smaller satellite bases Allow commander’s an “informed pull” – to reduce unnecessary exposure Sustainability/Logistics – Transportation & Distribution Management 4b Distribution Management Tool Decrease risk to drivers Reduce frustrated cargo Decrease Energy use 1 Autonomous Material Handling and Adaptive Platforms Increases efficiency Reduce troop to task load / unload time Reduce time to offload cargo aircraft Reduce cargo reconfiguration time 2 Autonomous Transport Technologies Decrease ground transportation accidents Increase throughput through sustainment visibility Decrease physical and mental load on operator Increase Convoy Speed and Security 3 Precision Airdrop Reduce sustainment loss 4

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