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© Crown copyright Met Office Radiation Parametrisation Current development work with the UM James Manners, visit to Reading University on 19 th February.

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Presentation on theme: "© Crown copyright Met Office Radiation Parametrisation Current development work with the UM James Manners, visit to Reading University on 19 th February."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Crown copyright Met Office Radiation Parametrisation Current development work with the UM James Manners, visit to Reading University on 19 th February 2008

2 © Crown copyright Met Office Areas currently being investigated/trialled Split time-stepping scheme (k-terms for the window regions called more often) Orographic correction to surface SW fluxes Simple cloud inhomogeneity schemes (scaling + partially correlated overlap) Cloud generator / McICA Adaptive schemes (find perturbations due to cloud and call radiation when needed) Treatment of gaseous absorption (Zhong / Sun), ice parametrisation (Baran), UM radiance code, Robin Hogans new solvers…

3 © Crown copyright Met Office Cloud Inhomogeneity Work last year involved CRM tests to identify appropriate scaling values (horiz. Inhom.) and decorrelation lengths (vert. overlap) for LW and SW radiation. This scheme is fully coded in the UM and being trialled for HadGEM3. The cloud generator of Raisanen et al, 2004 is being tested for use within a McICA scheme. Cloud with acceptable radiative properties can be generated using 2 parameters: standard deviation of condensate (horizontal), and decorrelation length of vertical overlap. Single Column Scheme: Sub-grid Scheme:

4 © Crown copyright Met Office Comparison of generated cloud with CRM cloud. The x-axis displays sub- grid column ordered from the left by total column cloud condensate.

5 © Crown copyright Met Office Cloud generator parameters suitable for Cloud-Net data over Chilbolton. One set of parameters can be used for all the cases studied over Chilbolton. CRM studies of the tropical west pacific require a larger overlap parameter.

6 © Crown copyright Met Office Possible adaptive schemes for the future… Speed of the radiation scheme is an issue for the desired new resolutions of the UM. A fast scheme (eg. using a very simple spectral file) calculates perturbations due to changes in cloud. When the perturbations are too large the full radiation scheme is called again. Full calculations at some grid-points, others use the results from a nearby grid-point that has the closest cloud properties. Temporal scheme: Spatial scheme:

7 © Crown copyright Met Office Questions and answers

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