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Change is Coming!!! Healthy Active Children Policy Updates.

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Presentation on theme: "Change is Coming!!! Healthy Active Children Policy Updates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change is Coming!!! Healthy Active Children Policy Updates

2 Healthy Active Children (HAC) Policy Report 2013 HRS 1 North Carolina Healthy Schools Initiative Summary Data from LEA School Health Advisory Councils

3 Health Risk Behaviors & Academic Grades NC Middle Schools 2013 YRBS

4 Health Risk Behaviors & Academic Grades NC High Schools 2013 YRBS

5 Healthy Active Children Policy Section 1. Local School Health Advisory Councils Section 2. Physical Education Section 3. Recess and Physical Activity Section 4. Coordinated School Health Programs Section 5. Policy Reporting and SHAC Successes

6 HAC Policy Report Key Points 95% of LEAs Responded (106/112*) 83% of SHACs list a representative from each required area 35% of SHACs meet at least quarterly 61% of SHACs provide reports to their local BOE *3 City LEAs Have Joint County/City SHAC

7 HAC Policy Report Key Points 44% of LEA’s report that 76% to 100% of their elementary school students received 150 minutes of weekly PE with a certified PE teacher 58% of LEA’s report that 76% to 100% of their middle school students received 225 minutes of Healthful Living with a certified Healthful Living teacher.

8 SECTION 1 School Health Advisory Councils

9 SHAC Has Required Representatives From All 8 Areas of Coordinated School Health % of Respondents

10 How Often SHAC Meets % of Respondents

11 Name of the School Health Assessment Tool Used by LEA % of Respondents

12 Primary Focus of Your SHAC’s Action Plan # of Respondents

13 Percent of LEAs reporting the percentage of schools providing Staff Wellness Programs % of Respondents

14 Specific Resources and Additional Assistance Requested by LEA’s % of Respondents

15 SECTION 2 Physical Education

16 Percent of LEAs reporting the percentage of elementary school students currently receiving 150 minutes per week of physical education taught by a physical education specialist. % of Respondents

17 Percent of LEAs reporting the percentage of middle school students currently receiving 225 minutes per week of Healthful Living (50% health education, 50% physical education) % of Respondents

18 SECTION 3 Recess and Physical Activity

19 Percent of LEAs in Which No Teacher Withholds Recess, Intramurals, Physical Education, or other Physical Activity as a Punishment.* % of Respondents *This includes staying in to make up work or to do extra work

20 Percent of LEAs in Which No Teacher Uses PA as a Punishment. % of Respondents

21 Percentage of LEAs that use the following methods to provide 30 Minutes of Daily Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity at the Elementary Level % of Respondents

22 Percent of LEAs that use the Following Methods to Provide Daily Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity at the Middle School Level % of Respondents

23 Percent of LEAs that Report Incorporating the HAC Policy in the Following Plans % of Respondents

24 SECTION 4 Coordinated School Health

25 LEAs With Joint Use Agreements % of Respondents

26 Percent of LEAs That Have Sent a Representative or Team to Annual SHAC Training % of Respondents

27 Percent of LEAs that Report the Following Reasons for Not Attending Annual SHAC Training % of Respondents

28 Section 5 Policy Reporting & SHAC Successes

29 Percent of LEAs that Send their SHAC Reports to the Following Sources

30 LEA SHAC Policy Successes BMIs are taking a downward trend. Revitalizing our SHAC efforts. Obtained the USDA grant that provides funding to bring fresh fruits and vegetables into the school for taste testing/snacks for the students.

31 LEA SHAC Policy Successes One or more AEDs in all schools and worksites No Candy Rule- Candy or other high sugar/high fat items can not be sold for fund raisers

32 LEA SHAC Policy Successes Fully equipped Fitness Center at elementary school for staff, family & friends. Fitness Trail complete. More Flu shots administered in students and staff

33 LEA SHAC Policy Successes Teen Pregnancy task force started. Water Turtles. A grant written through Albemarle Vidant Hospital. The grant teaches Kindergarten students the benefits of healthy living activities.

34 LEA SHAC Program Successes Implementation of Grab and Go Breakfast for the 2013-2014 school year in grades K-8 Fuel Up to Play 60 grant to promote activity and healthy eating for students has been a huge success in creating a culture of wellness at that school

35 LEA SHAC Program Successes Implemented Puberty The Wonder Years curriculum for fourth grade students across the county. Implemented Wise Guys for 7th grade at risk students across the county and began the program Making Proud Choices for all eighth grade students.

36 LEA SHAC Policy Successes Updated nutrition policy complete and to school board for approval. Running programs in all elementary schools

37 LEA SHAC Policy Successes Physical Education for all of our students every day! Our local Dental programs provided almost $200,000 worth of dental services to children in need throughout our county.

38 Healthy Active Children Policy Changes

39 Local School Health Advisory Council

40 Coordinated School Health Programs

41 Local Wellness Policy

42 Now What? LEA local wellness official also has oversight of HAC policy Local Wellness Policy Guideline Physical Education = considering move towards 150 elementary Middle School = moving toward 225 minutes equal division of health and physical education

43 Health and Physical Education

44 Now What? 50/50 split of Health and Physical Education (where Heath Education is available)

45 Physical Activity and Recess

46 Now What? Physical Activity/Recess - required 30 minutes daily physical activity - minimum 10 minute increments - cannot be used or removed as a form of punishment - What is Excessive?

47 Nutrition Services Education and Promotion

48 Now What? Nutrition Services - consistent with Federal Regulations

49 Policy Monitoring

50 Now What? Policy Monitoring - must have designated official - must be submitted by September 15 - accuracy attested at the building and county level

51 Let the Transformation Begin




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