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Southwest Region Anasazi Pueblo, Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, Apache Food was hard to find in the desert, so the Pueblo taught the other tribes how to farm Grew.

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Presentation on theme: "Southwest Region Anasazi Pueblo, Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, Apache Food was hard to find in the desert, so the Pueblo taught the other tribes how to farm Grew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southwest Region Anasazi Pueblo, Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, Apache Food was hard to find in the desert, so the Pueblo taught the other tribes how to farm Grew corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, and fruit Trades: weave cloth and baskets make and sell Kachina dolls use wool for blankets, clothes, rugs

2 Religious Information Full time religious leaders with shrines or temple buildings Almighty exists, but the belief is that it si not a man in the sky but is believed to be formless and exists in the universe. The sun is a sign and symbol for that. The soul of the dead goes to another part of the universe New born ceremony: The newborn receives a blanket, and a perfect ear of corn. On the 20 th day, they are taken to the Mesa cliff and held to face the sun. When the sun hits, they are given a name.

3 Dwelling Hogans have 6 sides made of logs. The roof is made of adobe Navajo live in a Hogan. Pueblo—Hopi live in a pueblo

4 Southwest Geographical info Mountains Canyons Rivers Hot, dry climate Little to no rain Desert

5 The Southwest region covered the area which in now Utah and Colorado through Arizona and New Mexico into parts of Texas and California. This area contained steep-walled canyons, plateaus, and sandy deserts. To the south were mountains. Four rivers run through this area: the Rio Grande, Colorado, Gila, and Salt.

6 Few craft artists, Native American or otherwise, can claim worldwide fame and appreciation, but these accompanied the life of potter Maria Martinez of San Ildefonso Pueblo. Through her hard work and generous sharing of her techniques, Maria reintroduced the art of pottery making to her people, providing them with a means of artistic expression and for retaining some aspects of the pueblo way of life. Notable Person

7 Social Order Several small clans Men were not permitted to marry into the clan of their parents The government of the entire state is hierarchic, the supreme authority resting in a body consisting of the rain priests of the six cardinal points north, south, east, west, zenith, and nadir-the priestess of fecundity,

8 Site Information veamericans/swhomes.html veamericans/swhomes.html navajo.htm int/Native%20Americans.ppt#266,11,Slide 11

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