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Lets Play Jeopardy!!!!!! SS4H1 The student will describe how early Native American cultures developed in North America. a. Locate where Native Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "Lets Play Jeopardy!!!!!! SS4H1 The student will describe how early Native American cultures developed in North America. a. Locate where Native Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lets Play Jeopardy!!!!!! SS4H1 The student will describe how early Native American cultures developed in North America. a. Locate where Native Americans settled with emphasis on the Arctic (Inuit), Northwest (Kwakiutl), Plateau (Nez Perce), Southwest (Hopi), Plains (Pawnee), and Southeast (Seminole). b. Describe how Native Americans used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter

2 Native American Jeopardy
Arctic Pacific Northwest Southwest Plains Eastern Woodlands 100 200 300 400 500

3 Eskimos are another name for what Indian?
Artic 100 Arctic 100 Eskimos are another name for what Indian? Answer

4 Eskimos are another name for what Indian?
Inuit Home

5 What do they do for food? hunters and gathers buffalo hunters farmers
Arctic 200 What do they do for food? hunters and gathers buffalo hunters farmers hunters and farmers Answer

6 What do they do for food? hunters and gathers Home

7 What type of food do they eat?
Arctic 300 What type of food do they eat? Answer

8 What type of food do they eat?
caribou, berries, seaweed, eggs Home

9 What did they use to build their shelters?
Arctic 400 What did they use to build their shelters? Answer

10 What did they use to build their shelters?
Blocks of ice called igloos. Home

11 The Inuit’s settled in what now is ________ and __________.
Arctic 500 The Inuit’s settled in what now is ________ and __________. Answer

12 The Inuit’s settled in what now is ______ and ______.
Alaska and Canada Home

13 What American Indian group live in the Pacific Northwest?

14 What American Indian group live in the Pacific Northwest?
Kwakiutl Home

15 What resources were important in the Northwest?
Pacific Northwest 200 What resources were important in the Northwest? beans and squash berries and seaweed salmon and forests buffalos Answer

16 What resources were important in the Northwest?
salmon and forests Home

17 Pacific Northwest 300 What is a potlatch? Answer

18 A potlatch is a feast that lasts for several days.
What is a potlatch? A potlatch is a feast that lasts for several days. Home

19 The Kwakiutl lived in what type of houses?
Pacific Northwest 400 The Kwakiutl lived in what type of houses? Answer

20 The Kwakiutl lived in what type of houses?
plank houses Home

21 What do the Northwest Indians depend on?
Pacific Northwest 500 What do the Northwest Indians depend on? Answer

22 What do the Northwest Indians depend on?
sea, river, and forests Home

23 What type of Native American lives in the Southwest?

24 What type of Native American lives in the Southwest?
Hopi Home

25 What type of climate is in the Southwest?

26 What type of climate is in the Southwest?
hot, dry desert Home

27 The Hopi raised _______, ________, and ________.
Southwest 300 The Hopi raised _______, ________, and ________. Answer

28 The Hopi raised _____, _______, and _______.
corn, beans, and squash Home

29 Southwest 400 True/False The Southwest Indians relied on irrigation to grow their crops because lack of rain in the region. Answer

30 The Southwest Indians relied on irrigation to grow their crops because lack of rain in the region.
true Home

31 What does the Hopi religion say about the people?
Southwest 500 What does the Hopi religion say about the people? Answer

32 What does the Hopi religion say about the people?
The Hopi people are caretakers of the land. Home

33 What type of Native Americans live in the Plains?

34 What type of Native Americans live in the Plains?
Pawnee or Comanche Home

35 What animal did they hunt?
Plains 200 What animal did they hunt? Answer

36 What animal did they hunt?
buffalo Home

37 Plains 300 True/False These group of Indians used buffalo for everything except for making teepees. Answer

38 These group of Indians used buffalo for everything except for making teepees.
false Home

39 Plains 400 What is a nomad? Answer

40 What is a nomad? A nomad is a person who moves around and does not live in a permanent village. Home

41 The Comanche were _______, ______ ________, and ______.
Plains 500 The Comanche were _______, ______ ________, and ______. Answer

42 The Comanche were _____, _______ _______, and _____ ________.
nomads, skilled horseriders, and fierce warriors Home

43 What type of Native Americans live in the Eastern Woodlands?

44 What type of Native Americans live in the Eastern Woodlands?
Seminoles Home

45 What did Eastern Woodlands do for food?

46 What did Eastern Woodlands do for food?
hunted and farmed Home

47 What type of houses did Eastern Woodlands live in?

48 What type of houses did Eastern Woodlands live in?
longhouses Home

49 Eastern Woodland Indians do not eat buffalo.
Eastern Woodlands 400 True/False Eastern Woodland Indians do not eat buffalo. Answer

50 Eastern Woodland Indians do not eat buffalo.
true Home

51 What did the Eastern Woodland Indians eat?
Eastern Woodlands 500 What did the Eastern Woodland Indians eat? Answer

52 What did the Eastern Woodland Indians eat?
corn, beans, squash, deer, rabbit, and bear Bonus

53 What type of Native American Indian lives in the Plateau?
Bonus What type of Native American Indian lives in the Plateau? Answer

54 What type of Native American Indian lives in the Plateau?
Nez Perce Home

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