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The Neighbor Joining Tree-Reconstruction Technique Lecture 13 ©Shlomo Moran & Ilan Gronau.

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1 The Neighbor Joining Tree-Reconstruction Technique Lecture 13 ©Shlomo Moran & Ilan Gronau

2 2 Recall: Distance-Based Reconstruction: Input: distances between all taxon-pairs Output: a tree (edge-weighted) best-describing the distances 4 5 7 2 1 2 10 6 1

3 3 Requirements from Distance-Based Tree-Reconstruction Algorithms 1.Consistency: If the input metric is a tree metric, the returned tree should be the (unique) tree which fits this metric. 2.Efficiency: poly-time, preferably no more than O(n 3 ), where n is the number of leaves (ie, the distance matrix is nXn). 3.Robustness: if the input matrix is “close” to tree metric, the algorithm should return the corresponding tree. Definition: Tree metric or additive distances are distances which can be realized by a weighted tree. A natural family of algorithms which satisfy 1 and 2 is called “Neighbor Joining”, presented next. Then we present one such algorithm which is known to be robust in practice.

4 4 The Neighbor Joining Tree-Reconstruction Scheme 1. Use D to select pair of neighboring leaves (cherries) i,j 2.Define a new vertex v as the parent of the cherries i,j 3.Compute a reduced (n-1) ✕( n-1) distance matrix D’, over S’=S \ {i,j}  {v}: Important: need to compute distances from v to other vertices in S’, s.t. D’ is a distance matrix of the reduced tree T’, obtained by prunning i,j from T. Start with an n ✕ n distance matrix D over a set S of n taxa (or vertices, or leaves) D’ D i v j

5 5 The Neighbor Joining Tree-Reconstruction Scheme 4.Apply the method recursively on the reduced matrix D’, to get the reduced tree T’. 5.In T’, add i,j as children of v (and possibly update edge lengths). Recursion base: when there are only two objects, return a tree with 2 leaves. v j i D’ v T’

6 6 Consistency of Neighbor Joining Theorem: Assume that the following holds for each input tree-metric D defined by some weighted tree T: 1.Correct Neighbor Selection: The vertices chosen at step 1 are cherries in T. 2.Correct Updating: The reduced matrix D’ is a distance matrix of some weighted tree T’, which is obtained by replacing in T the cherries i,j by their parent v (T’ is the reduced tree). Then the neighbor joining scheme is consistent: For each D which defines a tree metric it returns the corresponding tree T.

7 7 Consistency proof By the correct neighbor selection and the correct updating assumptions, the algorithm: 1. Selects i and j which are cherries in T. 2.Computes a distance matrix D’ for the reduced subtree T’. ijv k By induction (on the number of taxa), the reduced tree T’ is correctly reconstructed. Hence T is correctly reconstructed by adding i,j as children of v

8 Consistent Neighbor Joining for Ultrametric Trees

9 9 BCD A E ABCDE A8884 B468 C68 D8 E Neighbor joining reconstructs the tree First we show a NJ algorithm which is correct only for ultrametric trees. Ultrametric matrix 0 2 3 4 By the consistency theorem, we need to define correct neighbor selection and correct distance updates for ultrametric input matrices. Solution: Neighbor Selection: select closest leaves Distance updates: use the distances of (one of the) selected cherries

10 10 D A v H I E G AijDE A08884 i80468 j84068 D86608 E48880 Neighbor selection: Two closest leaves A Consistent Neighbor Joining Algorithm for Ultrametric Matrices: AvDE A0884 v8068 D8608 E4880 ij v Recursive construction Updating distances: For each k, d’(v,k) = d(i,k)=d(j,k) 0 2 3 4

11 11 Robustness Requirement In practice, it is important that the reconstruction algorithm will be robust: if the input matrix is not ultrametric, the algorithm should return a “close” ultrametric tree. Such a robust neighbor joining technique for ultrametric trees is UPGMA. It achieves its robustness by the way it updates the distances in the reduced matrix. UPGMA is used in many other applications, such as data mining.

12 12 UPGMA Clustering Unweighted Pair Group Method using Averages UPGMA follows the “ultrametric neighbor joining scheme”. The only difference is in the distance updating procedure: Each vertex i is identified with a cluster C i, consisting of its descendants leaves. u Initially for each leaf i, there is a cluster C i ={i}. u Neighbor joining: two closest vertices i and j are selected as neighbors, and replaced by a new vertex v. Set C v = C i  C j. u Updating distances: For each k, the distance from k to v is the average of the distances from the objects in C k to the objects in C v.

13 13 One iteration of UPGMA i and j are closest neighbors Replace i and j by v, Update the distances from v to all other leaves: ijv D(v,k) = αD(i,k) + (1-α)D(j,k) HW5 question: Show that this reduction formula guarantees the UPGMA invariant: the distance between any two vertices i, j is the average of distances between the taxa in the corresponding clusters: k

14 14 Complexity of UPGMA Naïve implementation: n iterations, O(n 2 ) time for each iteration (to find a closest pair)  O(n 3 ) total. Constructing heaps for each row and updating them each iteration  O(n 2 log n) total Optimal implementation: O(n 2 ) total time. One such implementation, using “mutually nearest neighbors” is presented next.

15 15 The “Nearest Neighbor Chain” Algorithm Definition: j is a nearest neighbor (NN) of i if (i, j) are mutual nearest neighbors if: i is NN of j and j is NN of i. In other words, if: Basic Observation: i,j are cherries in ultrametric trees iff they are mutual nearest neighbors

16 16 Implementing UPGMA by Mutual Nearest Neighbors While( #vertices> 1 ) do: Choose i,j which are mutual nearest neighbors Replace i,j by a new vertex v, set C v = C i  C j Reduce the distance matrice D to D’: For k≠v, D’(v,k)= αD(i,k) + (1-α)D(j,k)

17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mutual NN i0i0 i1i1 i0i0 i1i1 i1i1 i2i2 i2i2 Constructing Complete NN chain: i r+1 is a Nearest Neighbour of i r Final pair (i l-1,i l ) are mutual nearest neighbors. D:D: θ(n 2 ) implementation the Mutual Nearest Neighbor: Use nearest neighbors chain 3 6 4 5 8 2 6 9 3 2 5 7 3 2 4 8 1 9 7 6 21 C= (i 0, i 1,..,i l ) is a Neraest Neighbor Chain if D(i r,i r+1 ) is minimal in row i r. i.e. i r+1 is a nearest neighbour of i r. C is a Complete NN chain if i l-1,i l are mutual nearest neighbours.

18 18 An θ(n 2 ) implementation using Nearest Neighbors Chains: - Extend a chain until it is complete. - Select final pair (i,j) for joining. Remove i,j from chain, join them to a new vertex v, and compute the distances from v to all other vertices. Note: in the reduced matrix, the remaining chain is still NN chain, i.e. i r+1 is still the nearest neighbor of i r - since v didn’t become a nearest neighbor of any vertex in the NN chain (since i and j were not) Mutual NN i j

19 19 Complexity Analysis: Count number of “row-minimum” calculations (each taking O(n) time) : - n-1 terminations throughout the execution - 2(n-1) Edge deletions  2(n-1) extensions -Total for NN chains operations: O(n 2 ). -Updates: O(n) each iteration, total O(n 2 ). -Altogether O(n 2 ).

20 Consistent Neighbor Joining for General Tree Metrics

21 21 Neighbor Selection in General Weighted Trees Unlike in ultrametric trees, closest vertices aren’t necessarily cherries in general weighed trees. Hence we need a different way to select cherries. A B C D Idea: instead of using distances, use “LCA depths” 5 1 1 6 1 ABCD A0368 B077 C012 D0

22 22 LCA Depth Let i,j be leaves in T, and let r  i,j be a vertex in T. LCA r (i,j) is the Least Common Ancestor of i and j when r is viewed as a root. If r is fixed we just write LCA(i,j). d T (r,LCA(i,j)) is the “depth of LCA r (i,j)”. i j r d T (r,LCA(i,j))

23 23 Matrix of LCA Depths A weighted tree T with a designated root r defines a matrix of LCA depths: ABCDE A80035 B9500 C800 D73 E7 A E D CB 34 2 3 2 5 4 3 d T (r,LCA(A,D)), = 3  r

24 24 Let T be a weighted tree, with a root r. For leaves i,j ≠r, let L (i,j)=d T (r,LCA(i,j)) Then i,j are cherries with parent v, iff: Finding Cherries via LCA Depths i j r j i j v In other words, i and j are cherries iff they have the same deepest ancestor. In this case we say that i and j are mutual deepest neighbors. Matrices of LCA depth are called LCA matrices. Next we charcterize such matrices.

25 25 LCA Matrices Definition: A symmetric nonnegative matrix L is an LCA matrix iff 1. For all i, L(i,i)=max j L(i,j). 2. It satisfies the “3 points condition”: Any subset of 3 indices can be labeled i, j, k s.t. L(i,j)= L(i,k)≤L(j,k) (i.e., the minimal value appears twice) jik j 80035 9500 800 i 73 k 7

26 26 LCA Matrices Weighted Rooted Trees Theorem: The following conditions are equivalent for a symmetric matrix L over a set S: 1. L is an LCA matrix. 2. There is a weighted tree T with a root r and leaves-set S, s.t. for each i,j in S: L(i,j) = d T (r,LCA(i,j))

27 27 r 1 L: L(A,A) = 7 =d T (r, A) L(A,B) = 4 =d T (r,LCA(A,B)) זניםABCD A7431 B931 C61 D7 Weighted Tree T rooted at r  LCA Matrix:

28 28 LCA Matrices  weighted tree T rooted at r Proof of this direction is identical to the proof that an ultrametric matrix corresponds to distances in an ultrametric tree (that we saw last week, also in HW5). Alternative proof is by an algorithm that constructs a tree from LCA matrix.

29 29 Input: an LCA matrix L over a set S. Output: A tree T with leaves in S ∪ {r}, such that Stopping condition: If S={i} and L =[w] return the tree: Neighbor Selection: Choose mutual deepest neighbors i,j, Reduction: In the matrix L, delete rows i,j and add new row v, with values: L(v,v)  L(i,j); For k≠v, L(v,k)  L(i,k) //Note: L(i,k)=L(j,k)// Recursively call DLCA on the reduced matrix Neighbor connection: In the returned tree, connect i and j to v, with edge weights: w(v,i)  L(i,i)-L(i,j) w(v,j)  L(j,j)-L(i,j) DLCA: Neighbor Joining algorithm for LCA matrices: i r w

30 30 One Iteration of DLCA: ABCDE A 8 0035 B0 9 500 C05 8 00 D300 7 3 E5003 7 VBCDE V50035 B09500 C05800 D30073 E50037 Neighbor Connection (at the end) v E A 3 2 Replace rows A,E by V.

31 31 The algorithm has n-1 iterations Each iteration : 1.Mutual Deepest Neighbors are selected 2.Two rows are deleted, and one row is added to the matrix. Step 2 requires O(n) operations per iteration, total O(n 2 ). Step 1 (finding mutual deepest neighbors) can also be done in total O(n 2 ) time – as done by NN chains in the UPGMA algorithm. θ(n 2 ) implementation of DLCA by Deepest Neighbor Chains

32 32 Running DLCA from (Additive) Distance Matrix D: When the input is an (additive) distance matrix D, we apply on D the following LCA reduction to obtain an (LCA) matrix L: Choose any leaf as a root r Set for all i,j : L(i,j) = ½(D(r,i) + D(r,j) - D(i,j)) Run DLCA on L. Important observation: If D is an additive distance matrix corresponding to a tree T, then L is an LCA matrix in which L(i,j)=d T (r,LCA(i,j)) i j r

33 33 ABCDr A-87127 B-9149 C-116 D-7 r- r 1 Example A tree with the corresponding additive distance matrix

34 34 Use D to compute an LCA matrix L D:L: זניםABCD A7431 B931 C61 D7 ABCDr A-87127 B-9149 C-116 D-7 r-

35 35 r 1 L: L(A,A) = 7 =d T (r, A) L(A,B) = 4 =d T (r,LCA(A,B)) זניםABCD A7431 B931 C61 D7 The relation of L to the original tree:

36 36 Discussion of DLCA Consistency: If the input matrix L is an LCA matrix, then the output is guaranteed to be the unique weighted tree which realizes the LCA distances in L. Complexity: It can be implemented in optimal O(n 2 ) time. Robustness to noise: Theoretical: it has optimal robustness when 0≤ α ≤1. Practical: it is inferior to other NJ algorithms – possibly due to the fact that its neighbor-selection criterion is biased by the selected root r. Next we present a neighbor selection criterion which use the original distance matrix. This criterion is known to be most robust to noise in practice.

37 37 Saitou & Nei’s Neighbor Joining Algorithm (1987)  ~13,000 citations ( Science Citation Index )  Implemented in numerous phylogenetic packages  Fastest implementation - θ(n 3 )  Usually referred to as “the NJ algorithm”  Identified by its neigbor selection criterion Saitou & Nei’s  neighbor-selection criterion

38 38 Consistency of Seitou&Nei method Theorem (Saitou&Nei) Assume all edge weights of T are positive. If Q(i,j)=max {i’,j’} Q(i’,j’), then i and j are cherries in the tree. Proof: in the following slides.

39 Intuition: NJ “tries” to selects taxon-pairs with average deepest LCA The addition of D(i,j) is needed to make the formula consistent. Next we prove the above equality. Saitou & Nei’s Selection criterion: Select i,j which maximize 1 st step in the proof: Express Saitou&Nei selection criterion in terms of LCA distances

40 40 Proof of equality in previous slide -2d(r,LCA r (i,j)) riri rjrj

41 41 2 nd step in proof: Consistency of Saitou&Nei Neighbor Selection For a vertex i, and an edge e: N i (e) = |{r  S : e is on path(i,r)}| Then: Note: If e’ is a “leaf edge”, then w(e’) is added exactly once to Q(i,j). i j r Rest of T e path(i,j)

42 42 Let (see the figure below): path(i,j) = (i,...,k,j). T 1 = the subtree rooted at k. WLOG that T 1 has at most n/2 leaves. T 2 = T \ T 1. i j k T1T1 T2T2 Assume for contradiction that Q’(i,j) is maximized for i,j which are not cherries. i’ j’ Let i’,j’ be any two cherries in T 1. We will show that Q’(i’,j’) > Q’(i,j). Consistency of Saitou&Nei (cont)

43 43 i j k T1T1 T2T2 Proof that Q’(i’,j’)>Q’(i,j): i’ j’ Each leaf edge e adds w(e) both to Q’(i,j) and to Q’(i’,j’), so we can ignore the contribution of leaf edges to both Q’(i,j) and Q’(i’,j’) Consistency of Saitou&Nei (cont)

44 44 i j k T1T1 T2T2 i’ j’ Location of internal edge e # w(e) added to Q’(i,j) # w(e) added to Q’(i’,j’) e  path(i,j) 1N i’ (e)≥2 e  path(i’,j) N i (e) < n/2N i’ (e) ≥ n/2 e  T\path(i,i’) N i (e) =N i’ (e) Since there is at least one internal edge e in path(i,j), Q’(i’,j’) > Q’(i,j). QED Contribution of internal edges to Q(i,j) and to Q(i’,j’) Consistency of Saitou&Nei (end)

45 45 Initialization: θ(n 2 ) to compute Q(i,j) for all i,j  L. Each Iteration: u O(n 2 ) to find the maximal Q(i,j), and to update the values of Q(x,y) Total: O(n 3 ) Complexity of Seitou&Nei NJ Algorithm

46 A characterization of additive metrics: The 4 points condition Ultrametric distances and LCA distances were shown to satisfy “3 points conditions”. Tree metrics (aka “additive distances”) have a characterization known as the “4 points condition”, which we present next.

47 47 Distances on 3 objects are always realizable by a (unique) tree with one internal node. a b c i j k m For instance ijk i 0 a+ba+c j 0 b+c k 0

48 48 How about four objects? Not all distance metrics on 4 objects are additive: eg, there is no tree which realizes the below distances. ijkl i 0222 j 022 k 03 l 0

49 49 The Four Points Condition A necessary condition for distances on four objects to be additive: its objects can be labeled i,j,k,l so that: d(i,k) + d(j,l) = d(i,l) +d(k,j) ≥ d(i,j) + d(k,l) Proof: By the figure... {{i,j},{k,l}} is a “split” of {i,j,k,l}. i k l j

50 50 The Four Points Condition Definition: A distance metric satisfies the four points condition iff any subset of four objects can be labeled i,j,k,l so that: d(i,k) + d(j,l) = d(i,l) +d(k,j) ≥ d(i,j) + d(k,l) i k l j

51 51 Equivalence of the Four Points Condition and the Three Points Condition r k l j i.e., a matrix D satisfies the 4PC on all quartets that include r iff the LCA reduction applied on D and r outputs a matrix L which satisfies the 3PC for LCA distances.

52 52 The Four Points Condition Theorem: The following 3 conditions are equivalent for a distance matrix D on a set S of L objects 1. D is additive 2. D satisfies the four points condition for all quartets in S. 3. There is a vertex r in S, s.t. D satisfies the 4 points condition for all quartets that include r. i k l j

53 53 The Four Points Condition Proof: we’ll show that 1  2  3  1. 1  2 Additivity  4P Condition satisfied by all quartets: By the figure... i k l j 2  3: trivial

54 54 Proof that 3  1 The proof is as follows: All quartets in D which include r satisfy the 4PC  The matrix L obtained by applying the LCA reduction on D and r is an LCA matrix  The tree T output by running DLCA on L realizes the LCA depths in L  T realizes the distances in D. 4PC on all quartets which include r  additivity

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