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2015 – 17 Triennial Arts Grants Program Jane Crawley Manager Arts & Culture #8389998.

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1 2015 – 17 Triennial Arts Grants Program Jane Crawley Manager Arts & Culture #8389998

2 Why does Council have a Triennial arts grants program? Profile the reputation of Melbourne as an arts city Support organisations to present arts programming in the city Activate the city with arts activities Encourage artists and audiences to engage and connect with each other Develop sustainable arts programming Increase access and participation on the part of a wide and diverse audience Strengthen our national and international artistic and cultural connections Engage residents, workers and visitors in a diverse range of art delivered in the city

3 What is its purpose? Support innovation and experimentation in content, practice and engagement. Enhance the Melbourne brand with a focus on excellence. Support participation in and access to the arts and creative expression, including specific target groups such as children and families. Increase city activation through delivering programming that increases city activity and attracts people into the City of Melbourne throughout the week, and during the day and evening.

4 What makes the Triennial Arts Grants Program different to State and Federal government arts funding? Council is not an arts funding body Informed by the Local Government Act Reflects Council Plan goals Funding is sourced from rates and generated income Outcomes must occur within the City of Melbourne boundaries Council does not fund for regional, national and international outcomes Government organisations are not eligible to apply Only not-for-profit organisations are eligible

5 General Overview Categories New……………………… between $20,000 to $60,000 Arts Programs…………..between $20,000 to $100,000 Key Partners…………….between $100,000 to $400,000 All applicants required to address Council’s Creative City and Eco-City goals and priorities Applicants can address other Council Plan goals and priorities if appropriate Successful applicants required to enter into a formal funding agreement – sample contract can be viewed on the website Annual Key Performance Outcomes (KPO’s) will be negotiated to reflect application for year one and will be negotiated for subsequent years

6 Grant Category 1 - New The minimum level of funding sought must exceed $20,000 per annum. Supports new, experimental and pilot: program content and/or art practices and/or modes of delivery and/or engagement models. New, developing and established organisations/companies are able to apply through this category. Funding of between $20,000 - $60,000 per annum

7 Grant Category 2 - Arts Programs Supports the delivery of arts programming reflective of Council’s goals and priorities. Established and developing organisations/companies are able to apply through this category. Funding of between $20,000 - $100,000 per annum

8 Grant Category 3 - Key Partners Supports the delivery of specific arts programming outcomes on the part of key Melbourne arts organisations. Key Partners funding is tagged to the delivery of programming developed specifically to reflect and further Council’s goals and priorities for a Creative City. Funding is provided to programming that will enhance the Melbourne brand with a focus on excellence; support participation in and access to the arts including specific target groups; and increase city activation. Programming outcomes will be negotiated with recipients in years two and three. Funding of between $100,000 - $400,000 per annum Please Note: funding in the Key Partners category cannot be used for an organisation’s general program and its core operational costs.

9 Evaluation criteria involves: 50% weighting for addressing Council goals 30% weighting for Business Plan 20% weighting for measurability


11 Assistance Contact SmartyGrants Refer to the SmartyGrants help guide for technical assistance submitting your application.SmartyGrants help guide The SmartyGrants support desk is open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday on 03 9320 6888 or by email Council’s contact officer The contact officer is Michelle Ely, Team Leader Arts Investment. Michelle can be contacted on 9658 8889.

12 Key Dates Applications Close 5pm, 14 April 2014 Assessment - May 2014 Notice to Applicants - July/August 2014 Contracts & KPOs developed - December/ January 2015

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