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ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with Reusable Components Sept 25-27, 2013 Riga pSCWP6 Dissemination, exploitation and training Deliverables Status Elena Gómez-Martínez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

2 Page 2 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 UPM, Elena Gómez-Martínez Objectives To exploit the obtained results by industry, research organizations and university partners. To disseminate SafeCer results among the industrial and scientific community, including education and training aspects. To foster collaboration with related (ARTEMIS and other) projects to achieve synergies and common visions. To foster consideration of project results with respect to standardisation activities.

3 Page 3 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 UPM, Elena Gómez-Martínez WP6.1: Dissemination Activity Participation 37 National Events 11 International Events 26 Organization 9 Scientific publications 23 Twitter Tweets 763 Followers 21

4 Page 4 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 UPM, Elena Gómez-Martínez WP6.1: Dissemination IDDescriptionType Due Date StatusComments D6.1.1Public Web site and internal communication repository ready PUM3 M24 M3, M23, M30 On-going D6.1.2Dissemination plan and report PUM6 M12 M24 M6, M12, M24 On-going M12 deliverable approved of Artemis JU on Y1 review M24 deliverable delivered to Artemis JU D6.1.3Education &Training status report and plans PUM24M30On-going

5 Page 5 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 UPM, Elena Gómez-Martínez WP6.2: Exploitation Identification of the following exploitable results: o Understanding of state of the art, needs and requirements related to the SafeCer topics o Generic process model for integrated certification and development of component-based systems o Certification Artefact Repository prototype Identification of main metrics for evaluation of the project results.

6 Page 6 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 UPM, Elena Gómez-Martínez WP6.2: Exploitation IDDescriptionType Due Date StatusComments D6.2.1Preliminary exploitation plan CO M6 Approved of Artemis JU on Y1 review D6.2.2Intermediate exploitation report, metrics selection COM14 Delivered to Artemis JU D6.2.3Final exploitation report, metrics application and results evaluation CO+PUM30 On-going

7 Page 7 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 UPM, Elena Gómez-Martínez WP6.3: Standardisation Identification of partners’ roles in standardization groups. Close contact to people responsible for standardization Standardization issues have been identified.

8 Page 8 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 UPM, Elena Gómez-Martínez WP6.3: Standardisation IDDescriptionType Due Date StatusComments D6.3.1 Standardisation survey report on relevant standards and impact on (industrial) safety certification PU M12M2Delivered to Artemis JU D6.3.2 Inclusion of relevant standardization organizations (international, national, industrial) in pSafeCer development process. PUM24M30On-going

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