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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Community Infrastructure Levy- What is it? Tax on new floor space or additional dwellings. Includes domestic extensions.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Community Infrastructure Levy- What is it? Tax on new floor space or additional dwellings. Includes domestic extensions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

2 Community Infrastructure Levy- What is it? Tax on new floor space or additional dwellings. Includes domestic extensions of more than 100 sq m Expressed as a £ per square metre charge. Only charged on “Buildings where people normally go” (i.e. excludes plant rooms, agriculture etc). Non-viable uses can be excluded (e.g. Employment uses)…But only on grounds of viability. Not paid on affordable housing or buildings used for charitable purposes. Partially replaces S106 Agreements. Tighter restrictions on use of S106 Contributions.

3 Community Infrastructure Levy -Funding Gap and Viability Need to show an infrastructure funding gap…Not likely to be a problem to show this. CIL shouldn’t make development unviable: Viability is likely to be the sticking point. Choice between CIL and affordable housing and Code for Sustainable Homes. Choice between out-of-town retail (big CIL earners) and town centre protection.

4 Community Infrastructure Levy – Government Proposals. Government recently consulted on whether affordable housing could be funded through CIL (rather than S106 agreements). Requirement in Localism Act to spend a “meaningful proportion” of CIL in the area where development takes place.

5 Community Infrastructure Levy- Torbay Torbay’s Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule was published for consultation between December 2011-February 2012. Seeks CIL of £100 per sq m for new dwellings. There will be a second consultation stage and then Independent Examination.

6 Thank you for listening! Please contact the Strategic Planning Team if you have any queries Roebuck House, Abbey Road,Torquay,TQ2 5TF Tel: 01803 208804 Fax: 01803 208858 Web site:

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