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Orange County’s 2010 Legislative Agenda Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners October 13, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Orange County’s 2010 Legislative Agenda Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners October 13, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orange County’s 2010 Legislative Agenda Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners October 13, 2009

2  Orange County Legislative Team Mission :  Identify proposals that affect Orange County’s provision of services to the citizens;  Inform decision makers of positive/negative consequences of proposals;  Advocate for fair, reasonable and balanced resolution of current and future challenges. 2010 Legislative Session

3  Orange County Legislative Team:  County Mayor’s Office  County Administrator’s Office  County Attorney’s Office  30 Department Legislative Liaisons 2010 Legislative Session

4  Orange County Lobbying Team:  Mark Jeffries  Johnson & Blanton Government Consultants  Capitol Hill Group 2010 Legislative Session

5  Presentation Outline:  Legislature Overview  Legislative Timeline  State Budget Situation  Funding Priorities  Legislative Priorities  Legislative Monitoring  Action Request 2010 Legislative Session

6  Presentation Outline:  Legislature Overview  Legislative Timeline  State Budget Situation  Funding Priorities  Legislative Priorities  Legislative Monitoring 2010 Legislative Session

7  Legislative Overview:  Florida Senate President Jeff Atwater District 25 Palm Beach County 2010 Legislative Session

8  Legislative Overview:  Florida Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Fasano District 11 Pasco County 2010 Legislative Session

9  Legislature Overview:  Florida Senate  Majority Leader – Alex Diaz de la Portilla  Minority Leader – Al Lawson  Rules Chair – Alex J. Villalobos  Ways & Means Chair – J.D. Alexander  26 Republicans, 14 Democrats 2010 Legislative Session

10  Legislative Overview:  Florida House Speaker Larry Cretul District 22 Marion County 2010 Legislative Session

11  Legislative Overview:  Florida House Speaker Pro Tempore Ron Reagan District 67 Manatee County 2010 Legislative Session

12  Legislative Overview:  Florida House Speaker Designate Dean Cannon District 35 Orange County 2010 Legislative Session

13  Legislative Overview:  Florida House Minority Leader Pro Tempore Geraldine F. Thompson District 39 Orange County 2010 Legislative Session

14  Legislature Overview:  Florida House of Representatives  Majority Leader – Adam Hasner  Minority Leader – Franklin Sands  Rules & Calendar Chair – Bill Galvano  Full Appropriations Councils Chair – David Rivera  76 Republicans, 44 Democrats 2010 Legislative Session

15  Legislative Overview:  Orange County Legislative Delegation Chair Steve Precourt District 41 2010 Legislative Session

16  Presentation Outline:  Legislature Overview  Legislative Timeline  State Budget Situation  Funding Priorities  Legislative Priorities  Legislative Monitoring 2010 Legislative Session

17  Legislative Timeline (cont.):  Oct./Nov./Dec. – Legislative Committee Meetings  Oct. 19 – Orange County Legislative Delegation  Dec. 15 or 17 – Central Fla. Regional Delegation  Jan./Feb. – Legislative Committee Meetings  March 2, 2010 – Session Convenes  ???????? – Orange County Day  April 30, 2010 – Final Day of Regular Session 2010 Legislative Session

18  Presentation Outline:  Legislature Overview  Legislative Timeline  State Budget Situation  Funding Priorities  Legislative Priorities  Legislative Monitoring 2010 Legislative Session

19  State Budget Situation  2007/08 Budget - $72 billion  2008/09 Budget - $66 billion  2008/09 Adjusted - $64 billion  2009/10 Budget - $66.5 billion  2010/11 Budget - ????? 2010 Legislative Session

20 Florida’s Financial Future Dr. James A. Zingale Capitol Hill Group, LLP Governmental Relations Management 2010 Legislative Session

21  Presentation Outline:  Legislature Overview  Legislative Timeline  State Budget Situation  Funding Priorities  Legislative Priorities  Legislative Monitoring 2010 Legislative Session

22  Funding Priorities:  Central Receiving Center  Seek $ 3 million appropriation for CSU residential beds  Other Opportunities  Seek other appropriate opportunities 2010 Legislative Session

23  Presentation Outline:  Legislature Overview  Legislative Timeline  State Budget Situation  Funding Priorities  Legislative Priorities  Legislative Monitoring 2010 Legislative Session

24  Legislative Priorities:  Transportation  Central Florida Commuter Rail  Support approval of FDOT/CSX terms for joint use  Support appropriation for 61-mile track purchase  Support other regions’ commuter/light rail goals  High Speed Rail  Support efforts to bring high speed passenger rail projects to Florida 2010 Legislative Session

25  Legislative Priorities:  Transportation (cont.)  Wekiva Parkway  Support completion of the Orange County/Orlando beltway  Taxation Issues  Tourist Development Tax  Support affirmation that TDT applies to hotel room price paid by final consumer  General Tax Issues  Encourage balanced, fair, whole picture approach 2010 Legislative Session

26  Legislative Priorities:  Public Safety  Red Light Cameras  Support change in statute to specify authority to use automated traffic enforcement technology to combat red light running  Support reasonable funding from fines for equipment costs  Keep trauma funding whole/Reasonable portion of RLC fines  Support legal protection of prior programs 2010 Legislative Session

27  Legislative Priorities:  Public Safety (cont.)  Corrections/Juvenile Justice  Oppose costly changes in sentencing guidelines  Support equitable billing by DJJ  Economic Development/Environmental Protection  Support state and regional economic development efforts  Support legislation needed to implement Metro Orlando Cleantech initiative proposals 2010 Legislative Session

28  Legislative Priorities:  Affordable Housing  Support repeal of the cap on the Sadowski Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund  Support full appropriation of Sadowski Trust Fund monies for affordable housing purposes  Space Program  Support regional, state & federal efforts to maintain Florida’s role as a leader in space-based research, development and technology advancements 2010 Legislative Session

29  Legislative Priorities:  Election Reform  Touch screen replacement postponement  $1.8 million impact  Earlier contributions reporting in local races  Ethics Complaints/Open Records  Seek statute change to exempt county ethics complaints until probable cause determination 2010 Legislative Session

30  Legislative Priorities:  Water Policy  Protect Orange County residents’ interests relating to regional water supply  Support funding/incentives for water supply development  Support fair cost assignment for required clean-up plans 2010 Legislative Session

31  Legislative Priorities:  Community Partners:  When not harmful to interests of Orange County residents, support legislative priorities of community partners such as:  MetroPlan Orlando  Lynx  Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission  Florida Association of Counties  Orange County Health Department  UCF, Valencia Community College  Others 2010 Legislative Session

32  Presentation Outline:  Legislature Overview  Legislative Timeline  State Budget Situation  Funding Priorities  Legislative Priorities  Legislative Monitoring 2010 Legislative Session

33  Likely Issues:  Election Reform  Independent expenditure committees  Oil and Gas Exploration  Property Tax Reform  1.35 Aggregate Tax Limit  Homestead/Declining values  Growth Management/SB 360 part 3  Mobility Fee study/legislation 2010 Legislative Session

34  Legislative Monitoring:  Property tax reform  Home rule authority  Cost shifts from State  Impact fees  Other growth management modifications  Concurrency/Comprehensive Planning 2010 Legislative Session

35  Legislative Monitoring: (cont.)  9-1-1 funding issues  Wetlands permitting streamlining  Changes to building codes/building inspection rules  Juvenile justice issues  Ethics and Elections  Required Public Notices/Advertisements 2010 Legislative Session

36  Commissioner Items 2010 Legislative Session

37  Commissioner Items  Commissioner Brummer  Elimination of DROP Program  Elimination of Regional Planning Councils or Transfer Funding Responsibilities to State  Reduction of County Officers’ Salaries During Times of Economic Downturn  Require BCC Approval of Budgets for Property Appraiser & Tax Collector 2010 Legislative Session

38  Commissioner Items  Commissioner Brummer (cont.)  Submit Constitutional Amendments to Voters to Abolish Elected Offices of:  Property Appraiser  Tax Collector  Clerk of the Courts  Supervisor of Elections  Submit Constitutional Amendment to Voters to Create an Elected County Audit Officer 2010 Legislative Session

39  Commissioner Items  Commissioner Fernandez  Elimination of DROP Program  Revision of Composition of OOCEA & GOAA Boards 2010 Legislative Session

40  Commissioner Items  Commissioner Stewart  Strengthen Street Racing Statute  Outlaw Texting While Driving  Support Recycling Renewable Legislation 2010 Legislative Session

41  Commissioner Items  Commissioner Moore Russell  Oppose Changes to “Year And A Day” Sentencing 2010 Legislative Session

42  Requested Action:  Approval of a slate of legislative priorities for 2010 2010 Legislative Session

43 Orange County’s 2010 Legislative Agenda Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners October 13, 2009

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