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FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of.

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Presentation on theme: "FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of."— Presentation transcript:

1 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting Helen Evans

2 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein Periodic report 3 Financial statement Periodic report 2 Financial statement Periodic report 1 Financial statement Adjusted advance Pre-financing 0 6 12 18 24 36 48 60 Project Months Adjusted advance Final project report * Final financial report * Adjusted advance Financial statement Periodic report 4 * Final payment

3 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic reporting

4 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD E.C reporting and regulations

5 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD E.C reporting and regulations For each Work Package: –Summary of progress towards objectives and details for each task. –significant results. –reasons for deviations from Annex I and their impact on other tasks as well as on available resources –Co-ordination activities (meetings and intra WP reporting). –If applicable, reasons for failing to achieve critical objectives and/or not being on schedule and explain the impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning –Provide a statement on the use of resources, in particular highlighting and explaining deviations between actual and planned man-months per work package and per beneficiary –If applicable, propose corrective actions

6 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein

7 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

8 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

9 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

10 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

11 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

12 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

13 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

14 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting

15 FESSUD is funded by the European Union under the 7th Research Framework programme (theme SSH) Grant agreement nr 266800. These views are only those of the author(s) and the E.C is not liable for the use of any information contained therein FESSUD Periodic Reporting If you need another copy of any documents please drop me an email. Thank you for listening: Any questions?

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