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Do we compromise our academic freedom when starting a collaboration with an industrial partner?

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Presentation on theme: "Do we compromise our academic freedom when starting a collaboration with an industrial partner?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do we compromise our academic freedom when starting a collaboration with an industrial partner?

2 How? Industry PhD Externally funded projects Collaborations Contract research Informal collaboration Pros Good for society More research done More connected to ”real world” Better wage

3 Potential issues Double loyalties Double expectations -> work too much Self-censorship Publication Limitations in development of new fields

4 Academic research / industrial research outside collaboration Very applied research with limited application. PhD. students: who really benefits from my research activity? o society o scientific world o one country’s economy o one particular company Study industrial case Conduct development work in university: o could be done by industrial actors o has already be done by industrial actors

5 The Association of Swedish Higher Education: Respect freedom of choice of research tasks, methods and publication Follow good research practice Openness – open for discussion and critisism Respect for the reputation of the academic institution Same scientific quality as other research Official guidelines

6 Swedish Research Council: From terms and conditions to grant industrial PhD project funding: Knowledge transfer should be mutual and involve a new or advanced project collaboration between two different research environemnts. The project should also provide ”industrial benefit”. Official guidelines

7 Solutions Transparency about collaboration Avoids mistrust and suspicion Written agreement specifing Data ownership(Company Researcher) Quarantine period for interesting results What is to be done (specific general) Open discussion about the work Research or ”product development”

8 Very specific agreement No possibility to explore interesting areas not mentioned (limits academic freedom) What can be published and not Non specific agreement Increases academic freedom Double loyalties What is research and what is ”product developement” Increases risc for double expectations

9 A non specific agreement is more attractive despite risks for conflicts due to increased academic freedom Much responsiblity on the responible researchers to be aware of Double loyalties Self censorship Publication of results

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