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Agreement with Town of Tioga, LLC. Total Cost Estimate: $6,420,000 Total Estimate for Agreement Portion: $3,700,000 Developer responsible for 9.7% of.

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Presentation on theme: "Agreement with Town of Tioga, LLC. Total Cost Estimate: $6,420,000 Total Estimate for Agreement Portion: $3,700,000 Developer responsible for 9.7% of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agreement with Town of Tioga, LLC

2 Total Cost Estimate: $6,420,000 Total Estimate for Agreement Portion: $3,700,000 Developer responsible for 9.7% of Cost Remainder reimbursed through SW Impact Fee Fund FDOT CIGP Grant: $2,400,000 Total Project: Extension of SW 8 th Ave between SW 122 nd St and SW 143 rd St. Two travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalk, multiuse path, street trees This Agreement: Design and Construction of the portion between SW 122 nd and SW 133 rd Way



5 The Board of County Commissioners approve the agreement with Town of Tioga, LLC to design and construct the SW 8th Avenue extension between SW 122 nd St and SW 133 rd Way and authorize the Chair's signature.

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