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GOAL Homeowner Preparation for Chipping Day. While working at making your property Firewise, keep in mind there will be a chipping day twice a year in.

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Presentation on theme: "GOAL Homeowner Preparation for Chipping Day. While working at making your property Firewise, keep in mind there will be a chipping day twice a year in."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOAL Homeowner Preparation for Chipping Day

2 While working at making your property Firewise, keep in mind there will be a chipping day twice a year in our community. As you go through the Firewise mitigation process, you can prepare the cleared debris into piles to be ground up in a professional grade chipping machine. The machines will be provided twice a year, for a charge, by your WHOA Firewise Committee. What is a chipping segment? Each chipping segment will be NO MORE than 45 minutes. The homeowner will pay a predetermined amount with support from the Grant of an predetermined amount for each home. The cost is the same whether the chipping segment is 15 minutes or 45 minutes. If the homeowner needs more than 45 minutes of chipping we will place them on another list for Comprehensive Mitigation with assistance from Grant II. What is the comprehensive Mitigation Program? The Comprehensive Mitigation Program is for those homeowners that have been identified as needing substantial Firewise mitigation of their property: The WHOA Firewise Committee will work with each homeowner on an individual basis to address the mitigation challenges for their property to assist in finding solutions with assistance from Grant II up to December 15, 2011.

3 Homeowner Preparation for Chipping Day Each homeowner prepares piles of branches and debris for chipping, (debris from trimmed trees, bushes that can be placed in a commercial chipping machine) in a location within close proximity to the driveway access of the house. Place branches and other chippable debris within 10 foot of access (driveway or road) prior to announced shipping day. Stack piles of debris in manageable parallel stacks with branches being no larger than 6 inches in diameter. Homeowner might have several stacks along access points for the chipper. The chipper will be driven to the participating homeowner ’s property and will chip the materials on the property. If the homeowner DOES NOT want the wood chips to be distributed on their property and wishes they be hauled away there will be an additional charge.

4 Chipping Day Letter of Agreement must be completed by homeowner prior to the day of service. Call any Firewise Committee member to ask about Chipping Day and to get agreement forms.


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